Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Ah, the second Bi Weekly update into year 2021. We have a ton of news for you guys so sit back, and enjoy the read.

The seventh years of Y36 are graduating! This is the last time they will be RPing in the school (unless they come back for a career). They will be in the graduate group for a little bit before going to the magical group automatically. You can see the graduation topic here.

The students are free to RP in all parts of the other forums as holidays are here. So, enjoy them until Y38 starts, that is, until February 8th. That means that it also gives you an idea of when to wrap up your RPs in other areas, as well as get your shopping done, especially if you are a first year.

It is that time of year again (which typically comes two-three times a year but I digress)! You can sort a first year, or try for an older student. Remember, if you are going for a transfer, it is treated like any other application (pureblood, ability, etc). If by chance you do not get one, you can always work with the character to have them enter the school as a first year, or plan to go to another international school. You can read all about it here.
This is also a reminder that as first years, you cannot join any threads that predate Y38.

Hogwarts Monthly
Members of Hogwarts Monthly have produced another beautiful piece. You can come read, and have your character react if you so wish, right here.

Quidditch: Beauxbatons vs. Slytherin
The final Quidditch match of Y36 has come to an end. It was a short game, between Beauxbatons and Slytherin, but it seemed as though Slytherin managed to pull it out of the bag! My memory might be a little short, but I am sure this just ended Beauxbatons perfect winning streak. You can read the game here.

Makutu Mall: Three Decades Old
It seems as though the IC years just fly by, since the Makutu Mall just turned 30! I remember it like it was yesterday when it was new and fresh. Now, it is old and still just as good. But, with the anniversary, we have a couple of events that are happening at the Medly and the Dinette. Come check it out here!

End of the Year Feast
The year ends with a Gryffindor victory. Much to the surprise of everyone. :p However, that does mark the end of the year, which there is a feast to join. If you join, you might be invited out to a wedding, supposedly, much to the Zhefarovich family's dismay. You can find the thread here.

Applications: Closed
With sorting comes a hectic time for the site staff, so the applications are temporarily closed down until sorting has ended. The other applications are still open, such as group changes and galleon requests. You can do what I do if you have an app that you need to put in. You can write it out on a document, work out the kinks and submit it when it is ready.

Professor Applications: Open
Speaking of apps, we do have some roles that need to be filled. Potions and Muggle Studies, both for upper years, are in need of professors! They are major roles, but very much rewarding. You can apply for the positions here.

Cool to Follow Rules
Sorting is a good time for new members, and returning members, to come aboard! So, if you are new, or just need a reminder, you can read the rules and also, the netiquette. There are other rules in the forum to check out as well.

White Elephant
For those of you that have won White Elephant and have not used your prizes yet, you best get on it! You only have 3 months left to cash it in!

Send in your plot highlights!

More Sorting
Me not sorting another character (1 is enough)
Quidditch Try Outs
Prefects/HB/HG promotions

Welp, that sums it up. You guys know what to do.

~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update, Kaitlyn! Resist the sorting temptations! :p I believe in you!
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn!
Thank you for the update! ✨
Thank you for the update! It's awesome!^_^
Thanks for posting, Kaitlyn!
Love how busy the site is right now, thanks for the update!
Y'all are awesome, there are SO many Accio pages and they all look fantastic, thank you for all the hard work!! :hug:
Accio! looks so great! Thanks for all of the hard work!
I should read these things more often! Thank you for the update :D
Thanks for the update!! Accio looks awesome as always :hug:
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn! And accio looks great again, thanks for all the hard work!

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