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  1. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Improvisational Rose

    yellow rose for @Raafe Khatri ! Dahlia had been amused that three of her roses were for her housemates, she'd been able to hand off Anisha and Leah's roses in the dorm rooms and had seemingly just missed Raafe, though she was sure she might find him down at the great hall, or on the way to a...
  2. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Affection Beyond Language Barriers

    yellow rose for @Magne Kleos ! Dahlia thought that perhaps she was being a little lazy finding the first years she didn't know at breakfast, rather than making the most of traversing the school in character, but it was the more sensible way to handle these deliveries. Besides, she had a bit...
  3. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving The Most Stylish Affection

    yellow rose for @Sunday Weeks! Dahlia was pretty lucky with a few of her roses being people she knew, although she did have some names she didn't recognize. At least this name was clearly related to a few names she knew - Wednesday and Thursday were in her classes, and Friday was another...
  4. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Performer To Performer

    yellow rose for @Kyousuke Kurosawa ! Dahlia didn't necessarily know Kyousuke well, but she did recognize him from arts club and knew he was someone else who was in to drama and performing. That made this easier for her, then, as even though she wasn't worried about how she'd chosen to do her...
  5. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving A Side Of Something Sweeter

    red rose for @Senna Overby ! Dahlia actually had quite a few people she knew on her list, which certainly made things easier. Perhaps a bit more embarrassing for her putting on the whole cupid performance, since there was a little less need to, but the performance part was still a lot of fun...
  6. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Not So Historically Accurate

    yellow rose for @Emmanuel Okoye ! Dahlia was fully into the whole rose delivery thing, she liked it as an opportunity to dress up and play up a cupid type role. Her costume was a little better than last time, with a white dress and slightly better designed angel wings, and her makeup was...
  7. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving A Little Show Of Appreciation

    yellow rose for @Professor Angel Castillo ! Dahlia felt a tiny bit embarrassed about doing her whole rose delivery performance for a professor, but that was just something she'd have to push through if she wanted to get more into acting. She cleared her throat, smoothed down her white dress and...
  8. Dahlia Doherty

    Open Triple Threat

    Dahlia had spent a lot of her holidays watching musicals. She had tried to jump back into netball, but it just wasn't the same, and as much as she loved sport she had to realize she didn't love Quidditch, and she couldn't dedicate herself to muggle sports anymore. It had hurt, but she just had...
  9. Dahlia Doherty

    Open Imposter Syndrome

    Dahlia hesitated at the edge of the Quidditch Pitch. She had been arguing with herself about whether or not to actually try out for the team again all morning, and now as she almost approached the pitch the argument was getting stronger. Dahlia had been on the team as an alternate seeker last...
  10. Dahlia Doherty

    Open Seeker Solidarity

    open after Rowan posts with Rāwhiti Dahlia was thrilled that she'd been able to get a spot on the Quidditch team. Even being an alt, at least she got to train with the others, and work in the team, which was the main thing she wanted. Quietly, she was pretty put out for Max and for Fraser...
  11. Dahlia Doherty

    Open Peak Performance

    open after Charlie posts on Mischa! Dahlia had made herself comfortable in the arts room, still a little tired after trying out for Quidditch. The lack of weekly team sport was draining. She had no idea if she'd get in or not, and no idea how she could convince the captains she was worth it if...
  12. Dahlia Doherty

    Someone's Got Some Explaining To Do

    Dahlia had had a lot of time to think over the holidays. Which was a dangerous pastime, of course, but between having Zinnia still barely speaking to her and her parents being at work she'd been considering things, good and bad. Number one, still try out for Quidditch but spend time doing other...
  13. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Love, Unlike School, Is A Many Splendored Thing

    red for @Brevity Boone Fresh air was always nice. As romantic as it seemed being in a castle, Dahlia always appreciated being able to stretch her legs, and from the little she could gather about her next delivery, it seemed that she didn't enjoy being in the castle at all. The elastic on the...
  14. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Would You Expect Any Less?

    yellow for @June Davenport Dahlia knew Slytherins hung out in the dungeons, and she tried to avoid them as much as she could. But she had a task to do, and she couldn't let her aversion to certain Slytherins stop her from doing it. After all, there were plenty of cool Slytherin girls. "Hey...
  15. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving Do Yellow And Teal Even Match?

    yellow for @Soren Gates Getting caught up in the festivities was fun, thought Dahlia, managing to push aside as many resentments as she could and focusing on bringing cheer around the school. Even her Quidditch resentments were mostly pushed to a side. Mostly. She tried not to have her eye...
  16. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving A More Uplifting Melody

    yellow rose for @Nolan Burke Another reason Dahlia was enjoying rose giving was that she got to interact with cute boys. Sure, she didn't mean anything by it, they were just nice to look at. At least hopefully her cupid accessories helped her be a bit more memorable. The next rose on her list...
  17. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving ...But Red Would Suit You More

    yellow rose for @Louis Alcott Dahlia felt a little embarrassed about her angel wings and toy bow. After all, the next rose on her list was to Louis Alcott. And he was one of the cutest boys in the entire school. More than cute, he was gorgeous. But she was committed to playing cupid, even...
  18. Dahlia Doherty

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose Fit For A Princess

    yellow rose for @Rosie Archer Although Dahlia wasn't in the Wild Patch Club (it was way too on the nose for her to join, with a name like Dahlia), she did like the idea of rose giving, and she was happy to participate in handing out roses. She'd even dressed up, in the sense that she'd put...
  19. Dahlia Doherty

    Old School Week A Bit Of Holiday Cheer

    Dahlia hadn't exactly had the best semester, but she wasn't going to let that get her down. She'd dressed up and headed down to the Yule Ball, and was standing on the edge of the dance floor, looking around to see if she could find a partner.
  20. Dahlia Doherty

    Closed Let The Hate Flow Through You

    Dahlia's eyes were red, her lungs burning with each deep breath she took. She felt out of shape, another casualty of Hogwarts. It was bad enough there was no sport, no drama - soon enough there'd be no family or friends. She felt awful, her stomach twisting into knots. Gregory was nice and he...