Open Banished From The Dorm

Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Ever since the first time he had tried to practice his flute in the dorm, to be met with the worst reactions, Enoch had opted to use the arts room. He was a member of the club and at the very least no one could complain about it, because this was the room for it. If they did, he absolutely intended to tell the leaders of the club. He came to the room in the early evening, he intended to practice an hour or so and then catch the tail end of dinner. He used this time because he thought it was the point when it was least likely that another student would be there. Enoch took out his flute, put it together and then began practicing a couple of scales to get himself warmed up.
So far Elise was really starting to like school. It was a much more interesting place than back home and here she was surrounded by so many interesting people. She really liked her roommates so far and was eager to see what they could do together. Inspired by their first night Elise made a trip down to the Conglomerated Arts room to get some supplies. She was a member of the club which meant she could take what she wanted, or at least that's how she understood the rules. Most people were at dinner but she still entered the room quietly just in case it needed to turn into a stealth mission. As the door quietly clicked behind her she started to hear someone playing the flute. She spotted the boy right away and tried not to disturb him as she tried to search for some paint. Elise tiptoed towards one of the cupboards but without realizing it she bumped into a table that bumped into a shelf and suddenly there were papers everywhere. "Oops." she squeaked as she reluctantly looked towards the boy.
Enoch was pretty focused on his playing until the papers, his music paper that he had up until that moment been following. He stopped, unable to keep going and glanced at the girl which had caused them to fall. He rolled his eyes at her. "Thanks," he said sarcastically, as he picked up the papers and rearranged. "Anything else you want to knock over or are you good?" he said.
(if you don't want to continue with this thread i totally understand!)

Elise felt embarrassed to have to have disturbed him but she bristled at his sarcasm. It had been an accident. Still, she rushed forward to help pick up his sheet music. "Sorry." she said quickly. "And no not at the moment but if you give me some time I might find something that would look better on the floor." she said sarcastically as well as she fumbled with the papers, trying to put them in order but quickly realized she had no idea how to do that.
Enoch watched her attempt to help him with his sheet music, she did apologise for it, but he was sure had he not been a little mean about it she likely wouldn't have. Especially as she followed it up with being sarcastic, even as she incorrectly arranged his sheets. "Merlin," he muttered as he began rearranging them the moment they were in a pile so that he could continue practicing. "Thanks for your help," he added, trying to make it sound like a dismissal though he wasn't sure if it did.
Elise handed over the sheet music and she couldn't help but noticed how he shuffled them around. She looked up at him when he thanked her but she knew he was probably just saying that out of habit since it was the go to response when someone hands you something. "You're welcome." she said regardless of his sincerity. "So how long have you been playing?" she asked and leaned over slightly to get a glimpse of the song's name. A lot of her family was musically gifted but not her, not that she really tried to learn. She preferred drawing or painting or sculpting, depending on her mood.
Enoch had the papers in order and fully expected the girl to now walk away, to not stick around and talk with him about it. He glanced at her and then back at the sheet music. "Five-ish years," he answered her with a bored tone. "I need to practice," he added, hoping in a way this might encourage her to leave, or to at least stop talking to him.
Elise was curious now and she didn't want to leave when she still could have questions. "Wow that's a long time." she said respectfully. It was hard for her to imagine what it would be like to work on something for five years. Of course she had been drawing for years but it felt different when it was an instrument. She looked at him curiously when he said he needed to practice. "Practice for what?" she asked plainly. Was there a concert coming up she hadn't heard about?
Enoch shook his head. "Not really," he replied, since five years did definitely feel like a lot m but in the grand scheme of life, it really wasn't. He did hope that eventually the reply of 'long time' would be merited, but he didn't think it was yet. "If you don't practice you lose the ability to do it," Enoch explained in a tone that very much seemed to imply that he thought this girl was stupid.

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