Closed Marshmallows

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)

Why did you-

Why didn't you-

You should've-

*sighs* Congratulations on making professor. I'm sure the kids will love you. As I do.
I hope... you're not too busy to come to visit me us during the holidays.

I hope you love what I got you.



Atkin slipped the letter on the box before giving each box to the owls. Good thing, Tyra had owls despite her being a muggle. "To Mallows, uh, Professor Mallory Corrins at Hogwarts New Zealand.", he instructed them, giving them treats before seeing them off.
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Mallory had just finished settling the last book into her expensive collection, pleased that the boxes were finally unpacked and her bookshelves were full. She could have done it with magic, but it was satisfying to sort and organize her little library herself. She ran a finger lightly over the spine, lost in thought, when she heard a soft cooing from her desk.

She looked over, surprised to see Tyras owl, and another. Mallory walked over, smiling a bit as she opened the boxes to find the chocolate inside. It was sweet of Tyra to send her goodies already. But then she opened the letter, and she dropped into her chair. Atkin. A flush covered her cheeks. She read the letter, once, twice, three times before slowly trying to reply.

Atkin, You weren't back and I... Didn't know if I should send a letter for something like that. Thank you, and thank you for the gifts. I just set up my office the way I like, with my plants and my books. Amara seems to have settled well. She misses you. Some of the staff here are very friendly- Lydia, the DADA professor for the younger kids, has come by a few times and she's been very kind. As is Professor Haden next door. Misha teaches Charms for 5th and 7th years, and he speaks Russian. I look forward to working with him. I... Will most certainly be back over the breaks. If I didn't, you know Tyra would find some way to break in and drag me home. And I love the treats. Thank you. ~Mallory
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It was a few days when Tyra's owls were back, one bearing a letter. He quickly snatched the letter, the owl hooting in protest. Shaking his head amusingly, he got them water bowls and treats before settling onto a chair. He opened the letter and read through the words. He paused, contemplating. Professor Haden. And he speaks Russian. Just like that, he felt a slight tinge of jealousy. At least she loved the treats.


You're right. I'm sorry...that I was not back sooner. I felt bad, not being able to see you off. I should have been there, you know. Share the news with you. I'll make it up to you. I promise. And I promise I'll hold Tyra back until you get back home for the breaks.

Miss you, Mallows.


P.S. Got you something.
The school year was progressing well, though Mallory got caught up in her lesson planning and didn't get around to writing Atkin back for several weeks. Before she knew it, nearly a month had passed, and she felt awful. She sat down, and scribbled out a letter.

Atkin, I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to write back. I should be settled in more next semester (I hope). Tyra didn't mention the period of adjustment and commitment it would take for this job when she convinced me I would do well here. You have nothin to apologize for, Atkin, I could have asked you to return to the Inn sooner. You can be there when I come back instead, if you wouldn't mind. Thank you for the keychain, it's very lovely. Amara misses you, I think, she keeps looking for you. You'll have to pay her extra attention when I return- she's gotten quite big, bigger than I thought she would be as a kitten. I'm thinking of getting a second cat, but I'm unsure. What do you think? I should get back to grading these papers, but I will try to be more prompt if you write again. Give Tyra my love.
Atkin felt miserable as the weeks turned into a month of not hearing from Mallory. Tyra just kept assuring her that it was the adjustment period. However, the man could not help but wonder if Mallory was charmed by that Charms professor she mentioned in her last letter. So, it was to his surprise when an owl was waiting for him at his bedroom window, which was left open for that very reason. He felt guilty about what he was thinking and upon reading the part about Amara, he got an idea.


If I was there, I would do everything so you won't feel any struggle in your position. But I know you can do it, you're strong and amazing. And whenever you need someone to listen, I am always here. Give Amara my love and I hope she likes the toys I sent her. Can't wait to see you home for the holidays, I have a surprise waiting for you. I'm too excited that I decided to send you a picture of what it was. You better grade them well and you take care. Tyra sends her love too.

Love, Atkin

P.S. He does not have a name yet, you can name it when you come home.

Mallory was feeling particularly tired that day, she'd had a few trying moments with her students and grading had seemed to take longer than it should have. She had just settled onto her couch, a steaming cup of tea nearby. She wrapped up in a blanket, contemplating which book she wanted to read when she heard the flapping of wings. She looked up, pleased to see Tyra's owl. She ran her fingers gently over the feathers as the owl settled on the back of the couch. She took the letter, smiling warmly as she saw the familiar handwriting. "Atkin," she breathed, running her fingers over the parchment. She read the letter over, her heart fluttering in her chest, and tried to ignore how it made her feel. She sat in her office a while, sipping her tea and thinking over a proper response.

Atkin, I'm sure you would do wonderfully making me tea and bringing me chocolates. When I get home, you can make dinner and we can talk about things. It's been... odd, not seeing you every day. I've missed you bringing me little treats and talking over a cup of cocoa at the end of the day. I passed the toys to Amara, she's been rolling around in the middle of the room enjoying them. That is the most adorable kitten I have seen since I found Amara. You take good care of him. I think you should keep him, you need someone there to look after you. As far as naming him, I always liked Misha. I should probably go now, I need to sleep soon. ~Mallory
Atkin retired to his room after a long day only to find the kitten on his bed and the owl circling the ceiling. The letter fell on the bed which made the feline go for it instead. Reaching a hand, he let the owl finally settled and gave it some treats before letting it fly to its perch. Picking up the kitten, nameless, he sat on the bed and gently pried the letter from its claws. "Easy there, lil tiger." He opened it, smiling as he read Mallory's handwriting. The smile was there until it froze at what she wanted to name the cat. Misha. As in the Charms professor, Misha. Without even thinking, he crumpled the letter and threw it on the floor. The kitten jumped off him and was onto the ball of paper at once. "She always liked Misha." He did not know what to make of it.


I bought the kitten for you and I don't think he likes to be in my room, I would always wake up to his empty basket and found him on your bed. I always made it a point to keep the door close but Tyra said I was too out to hear him yowling and scratching at the door that she would just open it a crack, just enough for him to squeeze through. You will name him Misha? Why would you name him after that Haden professor? Do you like him? Would it be weird if you name him after a colleague? But, hey it's your cat.

See you soon.

Mallory had been busy with her students, and it took her a minute to get to Atkin's letter. She settled in at her desk, Amara weaving between her feet. Her smile faded as she read over the letter, and she sighed. She hadn't even considered that. She pulled over a fresh parchment and set out to writing a new reply.

Atkin, I'm sorry if I upset you. Honestly, I wasn't even thinking of Professor Haden when I thought of the name. Misha is a very common name in Russia. I also like Maxim, if you would prefer. Again, I am sorry. My mind has been elsewhere. I went out to lunch with a friend, Ares Jeffreys, he is a quidditch player, and he spoke of his new beaux, a man named Dimitri. I am not positive, but I believe Ares is dating my older brother. I have not spoken of him before, I know, and I haven't brought it up with Ares. I called Annika and asked her to investigate. You see, our parents were always.... unkind. When my brother refused to marry the woman they chose for him, he was disowned and kicked out. He left with his guitar, and Annika and I were heartbroken. Growing up the three of us were always very close. We haven't heard from Dimitri since he left home. To think that I may see him again.... I am sorry, my heart has been very forlorn for my lost brother and I have struggled to focus on anything. I am sorry if I upset you, Atkin. I truly meant nothing by it. ~Mallory

Mallory had to sit back as she finished writing the letter, swiping subtly at her eyes. The tears had come unbidden, and she sighed softly. She gave the letter back to the owl and went about getting ready for bed. She needed to rest.
Atkin was miserable. It was only when he was reading Mallory's letter that he realized what he had written and what it cost him. He made her sad for a very shallow reason. Grabbing a fresh parchment from his desk, he took a seat and placed his head on his hands. He was staring at the paper, not knowing what to write. He knew what to say, and he wanted to tell her a lot of things, but it was not something that should be in a letter.


I....I am sorry... I was not thinking... Misha is your colleague and your friend. And I don't have the right to tell you who your friends should be... I am sorry...truly...

I am glad to hear that you have spent time with one of your friends. Your company is always a welcoming moment. I miss you,Mal. Very. I hope you miss me too, even for a tiny bit.

I'm sorry.


He gave the letter to the owl and with a heavy heart, he plopped on the bed, eyes on the ceiling. He was in for another sleepless night.
Mallory had left Atkin's last letter to sit on her shelf, in the carefully carved dark music box she'd brought from Russia. But as she settled more into the school year, she felt like it was time to write him back. She settled down in bed, using a camera she kept in her trunk to take a very carefully posed picture of her curled up at the top of her bed, using the large bear he'd gotten her as a pillow. She made sure her hair fell gently over one shoulder, and that her rose colored night gown was situated properly. She smiled shyly, running her fingers lightly over the fur of the bear as she settled in to write a letter.

Atkin. I know it has been a moment since I've written you. I am sorry for the delay. Maxim and Amara are settling in well, they're currently sleeping on one of my shelves. How they even got up there, I have no idea. Clever things. I hope this letter finds you well. I never properly thanked you for the last present you gave me. I've enclosed a picture to prove he's kept to good use. I don't really care for the cold, and he makes my bed just that much warmer on the cold nights in the castle.

Mallory sat there a while, staring at the page, but eventually she closed it and sent the paper and the photo along to the inn. She settled into bed with a soft sigh. What was she even doing? Thinking of Atkin was really not going to get her anywhere. He was an intelligent, handsome man. Certainly he had so much more to be doing with his time than entertaining her. She sighed, running her fingers gently through the bears fur as she fell asleep, trying very hard to bury the quiet longing that had been building, a subtle aching to be in the arms of a man she didn't belong with.
The last few days of Mallory at home had been fun. Neither of them mentioned what transpired on her first day back home. Many times, Atkin wanted to tell the woman how he felt toward her. Yet, every time the words were at the tip of his tongue, he bailed. He always questioned himself, doubting and assuring himself that Mallory did not deserve him. He was just getting ready for bed with a heavy heart about sorting out his feelings.

The next morning, he woke up to a constant pecking on the glass. He looked toward it to find an owl with a letter in its beak. He opened the window to let it in and land on his desk. He fed it some treats after taking the letter. Reading the letter made him smile though there was still that heavy feeling in his heart. He noticed that there was another stiffer paper that turned out to be a picture. Atkin paused as he looked at the picture, sitting down on his chair. Her picture. He stared at it taking in the beauty it captured. Her shy smile, rosy blush cheeks, and how her hair framed her face. He could still remember how it felt on his hands. He placed it down before grabbing a clean paper and began to write.

Mallows, there's no need for apologies. I am sure things are busy at the castle. Yet, I am happy that you remembered me. Because I think about you all the time. Things have been great around here and I am glad the cats got along well. I'm pretty sure Maxim loves the castle, big enough for him to explore. Mallory, I really want.... sighs... Nevermind, I miss you.. More than you ever know.

Grabbing the muggle Instax camera from the drawer, he mustered up a smile and took a picture. He enclosed it with the letter in the envelope and gave it to the owl. He sent it off before going out of his room to start his day.
The school year was well underway. Mallory was working on both grading and revising lessons. She still felt like she could do more, but she was afraid of trying to change a curriculum that had been set in place for so long. She sighed, settled in at her desk when the owl arrived. She smiled, giving the poor thing a treat and taking the letter. Her heart fluttered a bit as she read it through once, twice. She bit her lip. What had he crossed out? And what did he mean by that last line? She sighed, setting the letter down. She was being silly. He had said in his letter that things were great there. He was living a full, happy life without her. It was silly of her to think he might think of her. She wrote out a reply, careful to keep herself in check.

Atkin, I'm pleased that everything is going well for you. I realize now as I write this letter that we don't know each other very well. I was hoping, perhaps if you would like, we might change that? I can start, if you'd like. It seems a bit silly, so I'll keep it short to start with.

I was born Mallory Mae Korrinov, early in the morning of February 24, 2030, in the Korrinov estate in the heart of St. Petersburg. I was the middle child. My elder brother is Dimitri Korrinov, and my younger sister is Annika Corrins. Our father is a very prominent businessman in Russia, our family very wealthy and moderately powerful in some circles.

Our Grandfather had three daughters- Tyra's mother, Sapphire's mother, and my mother. Two of the three sisters ran away to marry the men they loved. Of course, it was my mother that stayed and married my father. Not for love, but to be a dutiful daughter and expand the family name. The two daughters were disowned, leaving the youngest, my mother, the heir to the family fortune. Grandfather passed, and my father gained control of everything.

He expected us to be the same. My older brother was disowned when he tried to live his own life. My sister and I decided that life outside of Russia would be preferable, and we left home. We've had our ups and downs, but Annika and I have always been close.

But that's enough about me. Would you tell me more of you and your life, Atkin? I'm curious to understand you a bit better.

~Always, Mallory.
Atkin had just finished stacking the chairs for the night when Slate came down, his nose on the book that Atkin gave him. As always, the boy was so absorbed in his reading that he bumped himself on the table. Startled, Slate looked around and spotted Atkin and quickly made his way to the front. "I was passing by your door when I heard a loud hoot. Hope you don't mind me checking in to see what happened.", the boy said meekly, handing a letter. "This came in with the owl. I already gave it a treat and sent it away." Atkin thanked him before sitting back on the chair. "Mallory." He quickly opened it to find a long letter inside. I guess she thought he was okay. He sighed, he did not mean it to be that way. He smiled as she told him many things about her and her family. Since the place was already quiet apart from Slate reading in the corner, Atkin penned a letter to the woman right there and then.

Mallows, I actually meant things here are okay but it does not mean I am. I hope everything's going great for you there. Now that you mentioned it, I guess you're right. Not that it mattered to me, I'd love to know a little more about you day by day. Well, here goes mine.

I was born Atkin Joseph Greenwood Grayveson, on the afternoon of February 16, 2030. Now that we know each other's birthdays, I guess we can have a double birthday party at the inn someday. I am an only child which makes me very close to my cousins. Yes, plural because I have five from my aunt's side, seven if you count their spouses. Two of them are already married. There are also five more from my aunt's husband's side. One of them is actually a classmate in school, she's the closest to me. Two cousins are actually twins who just got reunited on their third year in Hogwarts. I'm not sure if you were able to meet them, Kace and Baron Corelli. Yes, I'm also related to Danielle Corelli, Harpies Keeper. She's Danielle Gates now, related to Jason, and they have twins. Maybe coming Christmas, you'll get to meet some of them. I'm sure they'll love you. Like I do.

I won't spill everything. Or I won't have anything to share to you the next time you come home.

Missing you, Atkin
Mallory had just finished grading when the owl showed up. She smiled, taking the letter and reading through it before moving to put it in the box on her shelf. She ignored the picture of Atkin, thinking it would be creepy of her if she just looked at his picture all the time. She settled down and began to write a reply.

You have such a big family. Are you very close with them? I've already met Dani, she and Damien have brought the twins over for dinner a few times. Jason and Damien seemed to have repaired that rift that was between them. As for my day to day, it's really the same. I water my plants, teach the children, grade papers, read. Sometimes Misha comes over for tea, and I've been talking more to an older Professor that just started.
Oh, for the Halloween feast, a large group of Professors went as their younger selves, like ten to twenty years ago. It was... interesting. Everyone there was sixteen or seventeen, maybe early twenties. I showed up as a four year old. It's... always been intimidating being here. I came from a family with very high expectations. Being on my own, well... I've had to live with my fathers vast, unending disappointment. Trying to find myself... isn't easy. Coming here... it was a big step. I've always felt... out of place.
Misha is probably the closest thing I have to a friend, and I don't see him very often. Seeing all of the others that much older, with so much more experience... I've already had so many students complain about my classes. I have... some doubts, and being two feet shorter than the rest of the teachers didn't help. That's enough of me, though. How are things at the Inn?
Atkin did not expect a reply from Mallory would come in that quick, he was willing to wait since he was pretty sure she would be busy with classes and gradings. Yet, a letter came in the afternoon. He was just taking a rest in his room when a flap of wings reached his ears and there perched an owl with a letter. He sent the owl away after some water and treats before opening the letter. He smiled at her Halloween narrative, ignoring the fact that Misha often visited her for tea. Atkin decided to wait until the next day to write back. He did not want his feelings toward the professor to show through in the letter. He placed the letter on the bed and went out to man the inn for the rest of the afternoon.

It was not until the following that he remembered the letter and almost smacked his head. Quickly, he grabbed a paper and pen.


Apologies for the delay. Things were a bit busy at the Inn that I ended up falling to bed right away after work. I would say the Inn is doing well despite a few stories from the guests that they are sightings of letter-bearing owls. *laughs* Poor Muggles, they did not know wizards also take residence in the inn.

I would say I am close with them since our ages are fairly close. You should have seen Dani's wedding. Between her family and the cousins, one would think it's already a big party. Add the guests to that, even bigger party.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about those complaints. All you need is more time to get into the hang of teaching. Those students that complain? They are just some who did not really understand what it's like to be a teacher. And if it helps, I want you to know that I am proud of you. You've come a long way from the Mallory that I first met. I'm always here if you need me. Always.

Love, Atkin.
Mallory hadn't written to Atkin since they had seen each other after the Professors event. She hadn't known what to say. But she missed him. She settled into her chair at her desk. She took out his last letter, reading it over and smiling softly. She picked up a fresh parchment and started writing.

I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to respond to this. I'm not sure what to say now, honestly. Are things supposed to be different now? I wish we could have spent a little more time together after... well, after what happened. I'm not sure what we are now, how I should act. I've never done anything like this before. The only man that showed interest in me was my sister's fiancé, and even then he didn't want me. He wanted father's money. After Dimitri was kicked out, I was next in line to be fathers heir.

How are you? It must be busy at the inn, with both the triplets and the twins now. I'm surprised how fertile Tyra was. I'm curious if it runs in the family. As the eldest, I feel like she's already filled up the quota for children. But she and Jason are wonderful people, and wonderful parents. Their house might be chaotic, but I know that it's also very warm. We're halfway through this semester, I should be returning soon. Do you want to maybe do something when I get back? I need to go now, I have a student coming for tutoring soon and a bit of grading to do.

Write back soon, okay?

After finally getting the twins settled to nap, the triplets to their homework, Atkin was able to take a breather and write a letter to Mallory. He got her letter two days ago and he just hoped she would not take it wrongly that it took him a while to send a letter back.


Do you want things to be different? Because I'd really want them so. *chuckles* Well, all I can say is I don't see myself dating anybody else but you so I hope you got yourself ready to be stuck with me. How you act around me? Sweetheart, you can act in anyway that you want, I'll love you all the same. Just be you, all I want is you.

You got the busy inn part right. Lorelai is a stubborn one, a natural Houdini. She kept dodging Tyra whenever they were put to nap. One time, she escaped and found Slate at the diner. The next thing we knew, she was sound asleep on her brother's lap. Tyra and Jason are wonderful people. Did you know Tyra helped me get this job? Plus the room. She had helped me a great deal when I needed it the most.

Let's do something fun, you name it. As long as I get to spend it with you, I'm all good. Take care of yourself, love. I'll think of you until the day you come home.

Mallory had been having a very busy semester. She was caught off guard when Atkin wrote her back. She smiled, sitting down to read his letter. She blushed as she read over what he'd written. He could be such a sweet man when he wanted to be. She settled in and pulled over a fresh parchment. She considered what to write for a while, staring out the window.

I'm not sure... how would things be different? I've never done this before. You're being awfully sweet. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with you, honestly. As for Lorelai, I think she just wanted to cuddle. I would get her a stuffed animal or something to sleep with. It doesn't surprise me that Tyra helped you, she did the same for me. Seeking her out after I found my mother's old letters was really the best decision I've ever made. I always felt like the oldest among my siblings, even though I was the middle child. Tyra acts like a mother should; she's warm, and kind, and caring. I love her dearly. Why don't you surprise me? I'm not sure what we could do. Maybe you can plan something? The semester is going by fairly quickly, so I'll be home soon. Take care of yourself.

Love, Mallory.
Atkin just got out of the shower when he noticed the letter freshly dropped by the owl. It already knew what to do and it was now perched at the owl stand he placed and already took a sip of water and some owl treats. He ruffled its feathers gently before picking up the envelope while drying his hair. He smiled upon reading the contents, her innocence really showed. He set it on the bed and quickly got dressed before he started writing.


Sweetheart, things can stay the same if you're uncomfortable. I would understand. If you really wanna know what would change, it's this. I get to call you sweetheart anytime. I get to give you a kiss, not only at night and in the morning but every chance I get. ;) I get to give you hugs from behind, forehead kisses, and cuddles. I get to hold your hand no matter what we are doing as long as we are together. The most important one is that you can always come to me for anything and everything.

I'll think of something. Take care of yourself. I apologize if this is short, I'm running a bit late and I still have to get the triplets to do their reading.

Love you, Atkin
Mallory was tired. This semester was proving a little more challenging than her others. She was almost relieved when the letter from Atkin came in, as it gave her something else to think about. She read it over, unable to help smiling softly and blushing. She curled up in her bed, resting against the giant bear he'd gotten her. She summoned over a paper scribbled out a response.


I have to admit, that does sound very nice. I don't think I've really cuddled with anyone since I was younger and my brother and I lived together. It's alright that your letter is short. This semester has been rough and I'm a bit tired. I had a student leave a note during the invisible ink lesson that said how stupid my lessons are. I had another student rush out during class before he would do a spell.

I'm tutoring three separate students outside of class this year. One is too smart for my lessons, another is afraid to cast magic in front of other students, another is just struggling with anything that isn't mystical. I'm thinking of overhauling my lesson plans; I've been teaching the last professors curriculum since I got here. You're such a sweet man, Atkin. Tyra is lucky to have your help with the children. That does make me wonder, have you ever thought of having children of your own? I should probably rest now, I have an early tutoring session tomorrow.

Love, Mallory.

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