🌹 Rose Giving New Friends

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Red Rose for @Ares Kuya-Tine

Chloë had been a little relieved to have been done with roses for the day yet happily obliged when asked if she'd be willing to deliver a few more. She liked helping other,s and also felt like perhaps it was a bit of her job as head girl, so would've never turned such a question down. Wandering the hallways once again she looked around for any of the students on her new list, knowing one of them was on one of the other quidditch team. It took her a little while but eventually she spotted the boy and weaved her way through the students in the hallway to get to him. "Hi! Ares, right?"
Ares had not been having the best day to say the least. He was worried about the anonymous rose he had sent to Jordie, hoping that Jordie would never find out it was him. The teen avoided his friend for the whole day, keeping his head down as he headed to his classes and straight back to the common room each time. As he was going back down however, he was stopped by the Head Girl on the second floor. Why were both the Head people so interested in him today? "Yes, I'm Ares, how can I help you?" he said a little bluntly, just wanting this interaction to be over with before Jordie caught eye of him.
Chloë was slightly thrown off by Ares' blunt reaction, always curious as to why some students didn't seem at all invested in the valentines activities. "Right, hi! I'm Chloë." She replied, always feeling strange asking about people without introducing herself as well. Even if she sometimes forgot it could be pretty easy for others to know her name by now. "I have a rose for you." Chloë smiled as she reached for her basket to take out the right red rose and hold it out to him. "Red's an interesting colour." She added in a friendly tone. She knew there were plenty of people who also send red ones to their friends and had even thought about doing so herself, but she wasn't going to read anyone's notes so it was always interesting to hand someone one of the red roses.

Ares! I'm so glad you transferred in! We're gunna make sure you have a great time, and loads of friends! See you at dinner!
Ares nodded as the older girl introduced herself as Chloe. As she said she had a rose, Ares was a little more interested, and watched as she pulled out a red one. He wondered who on earth would think of giving him one, as he was sure that colour was for people who were in love, but as he read the note, he couldn't help the smile on his face. Of course it was from Jordie. That boy always went above and beyond and that was definitely something that made him even more attractive. Realising he was still standing in front of the girl, Ares cleared his throat before wiping the smile off his face and speaking again. "Thank you." he said, shoving the note into his pocket and twirling the rose between his fingers. "Happy Valentine's Day, I guess." He shrugged, wondering if the girl had anything else to say to him.

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