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Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk was doing some research for his major project when he decided to start the new material. While the story was infamous, the more Killian dug, the more he hated what he was reading. How giants were used so much for war and battle, all because of how destructive they could be. Plus it was entirely hard to take them down. It sort of reminded him about his father, and wondered if that was why he seduced a giantess. He wanted some powerful children. That seemed familiar. Killian read over more and more of Voldemort and his deeds, and raised an eyebrow. He was horrific to say the least, and he could not control his mouth when he said, “What a f**king a**hole.” Thankfully, the person walking by his door was not a student, but another adult. Not that Killian cared since the door was half way closed. That obviously meant that he was working on something.
Gabrielle had been going around in circles working on refreshing the course material. She was pleased to see her co-worker was also doing the same. There'd be darker subjects in the final years, but Gabrielle agreed it was important for the students to learn about wars. It wasn't exactly fun, but it was necessary. She had herself put a fresh coat of paint on the second and third year classes that she was quite pleased with, without removing their opportunities to get out of the castle and see more of the world. She had just borrowed a couple more books from the library that she didn't have in her own collection when she heard some familiar swearing from the next office. She came to a stop, smirking a little as she peered around the door. She wasn't going to push in and intrude again, but simply stop to make light conversation. "Who's a f**king a**hole this time?" she asked, somewhat cheerfully.
Killian needed to work on not being so jumpy when he was in his office and working. He heard Gabrielle’s voice asking him who was an a**hole and he snapped his quill in half from surprise. Killian let out a sigh and gestured toward the door to open it more so that he could see his coworker, and let her in if she wanted. He tossed the quill into the bin where a few others that were snapped rested. He’d fix them later. He pulled out another one and answered, “Voldemort. I am working on some more material to introduce down the road and just all the stuff he did. He even used giants to do his bidding.” Killian put his quill down, rested his elbow on the desk, and leaned his forehead against his head. “I know he did some horrible things in general but never bothered to really research it. Didn’t have a reason to.” Killian felt like this might paint him in a bad light but whatever. He taught history, and he knew a lot of it - just didn’t really get into the most recent stuff. He knew everything Grindelwald did.

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