Closed Peace Offering

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
sky knew she was bing silly. there was no way she could avoid Renata forever. but after the three legged race she was so embarrassed and ashamed with what she had done she had done so as much as she could. not avoiding her entirely. that was near impossible as they shared a dorm and had a lot of classes together. but she tried to avoid situations where it would just be them, one on one. but she knew that it wasn't something she could do forever. she had to own up to her mistakes, and maybe even her feelings at some stage.
today when she woke up, the breeze drifting through the window tasted different. there was a distinct summer hue to it. while by mid November, there had been warm days. today was the first day that smelt like summer. She had gone to breakfast and between classes trying to catch renatas eye but the problem of avoiding someone for so long was that you lost that ability to know exactly when they would look at you, or maybe they just didn't look at you any more. by the end of classes she knew she needed to talk to her. she put her bag away and got changed into a teal shirt and a yellow skirt that reminded her of summer and the sunshine before making her way out of the dorm to try and find renata. her search led her to the great hall where there was no renata but there was ice cream and a boy who said she had seen her in the garden. she picked up two cones of hokey pokey flavour, a sweet one that she hadn't seen at home but that was common here before heading into the grounds glad that the snacks were charmed so that they wouldn't melt. she spotted her friend not too far away. she walked over to her friend "hello Renata." she said almost shyly "I'm sorry. do you need some ice cream?" she asked. holding out the cone as an almost peace offering though she had a feeling that the non-peace was more internal inside her than between them
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Things felt awkward. Renata wasn't sure if she was being silly, thinking that. But the whole semester had been weird. She wasn't too foolish to not see that the dynamics in the dorm had been a little weird, and that it was her fault for being closer to Sky than Molly. And she knew Sky and Gwen weren't exactly friends, but Renata wanted to be friends with them both. And adding to all that, ever since the three legged race she knew Sky had been somewhat evasive. Since they had kissed - although it really wasn't even a kiss, more an accidental brush of lips. Awkward, sure, but nothing too harmful. At least, Renata hadn't thought so. But maybe it had been for Sky? She'd had no idea how to ask.

She'd been practicing Quidditch more, starting to get better at it, she thought. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Though she felt a little ashamed for thinking that. At any rate, she was taking her time to enjoy the garden after practice and totally not to be avoidant in turn. Renata hated conflict. And certainly didn't want to think her best friend hated her. So she was surprised to see her with ice creams, something she needed after a session of Quidditch training, that was for sure. "I do very much need ice cream," she said, her smile equally relief as it was pleasure to see the sweet. "Are you alright?"
as much as Harmony could try and convince herself that she had just been busy with CAC, and classes, and Renata had been busy with Quidditch and had made friends with gwen whowas someone that Niamh didn't particularly get a long with in a mutual state of dislike. she had always thought of gewn as superficial and ungenuine and she got the distinct impression that gewn thought she was weird childish ever since she had arrived at her sleepover in first year in moomin pjamas. she had however started to realise that she too was being ungenuine and dishonest. and and making up with renata defiantly seemed to be the first step in that, well second step after admitting herself that she was in the wrong and needed fo fix things.
She was glad when Renata seemed happy to see her. or at least happy to see her carrying ice cream. she handed her over one of the cones and then had some of hers "I'm I'm... how did one answer that, confused, conflicted, sorry. okay, "Missing my friend. how are you" she said finally before returning the question. she had a little more of her icecream while renata answered and by that time she had built up enough courage to reply. "I wanted to apologise. for what happened at the end of the race, and for avoiding you since she said not wanting to beat around too much.
Renata was a little unsure of what to say. The last thing she wanted was a confrontation. Sky was her best friend, and she didn't want to lose that friendship. Her smile faltered a little at Sky's answer, but then it came back with a small giggle. "I miss my friend too," she admitted, relief flooding her. A part of her had been fearful that Sky actually hated her, especially since she was talking to Gwen. That would have been awful. She was a little stunned by the comment, shaking her head as she ate her icecream. "It's okay. It was just an accident," Renata said, kindly. "We're cool, yes?"
Sky tried to look at Renata to work out what she was thinking feeling and whatever emotions were playing around her however her own thoughts put up an indecernable haze that she couldn't really differentiate from. she was a little relieved that Renata didn't criticise her for not really answering the question and answering it too much. in fact when Renata said that she too was missing her friend she was about to reach and put her arm around her before she realised who she was talking to and held herself back taking another bit of her ice cream. she inhaled as Renata said that she didn't mind and that it was just an accident. and spluttered slightly her mind wanting to say something but not finding the words. and before she got them Renata was talking again. "I would like to be cool" she said bracing herself for what she was going to say, what she needed to say next. "but it was not as much of an accident as you think" she said. looking at her friend then glancing away, down to the plant next to her.
Renata felt very confused, more than anything, about Sky's response. Unfortunately, Renata wasn't exactly the best at reading people, nor did she quite understand what Sky was saying. Not qn accident? She couldn't quite piece together what that actually meant. Or if she could, she immediately discarded it as impossible. No, that would be a bit too ridiculous. "I don't understand," she said, a little helplessly. "What do you mean? I-it was my fault, I turned at the wrong time..."
sky watched the expression on rents face change. she knew it was one of those make or break situations. she was hoping for some kind of acceptance, part of her was expecting some kind of disgust. either way she was not expecting confusion. maybe she had been better at keeping her feelings canceled than she had thought. maybe she had she not explained herself. maybe something was lost in translation. she did reach out then and rested her hand on her friends shoulder. "no not your fault. my fault. she said. looking to Renata and away again feeling heat rising in her cheeks. "I was the one who wanted to kiss you" she said. "I tried not to. but we did well and I was happy and it was only meant to be on the cheek. but I have been wanting to kiss you for time before that" she said. not making eye contact and her face heating up to temperature that she was sure could cook an egg."I'm Sorry" she said again. hoping that Renata knew that she meant it.
Renata probably looked like a stunned fish, blinking with her mouth hanging open, as though she wanted to say something. But she couldn't quite work out what she wanted to say. She wasn't upset, just...not understanding. Why would Sky want to kiss her? Why would anybody? Renata knew she wasn't much. And she liked Sky, but she didn't think it was a like like kind of thing. Not that she was really sure what that felt like, but if she felt like that with anyone it was probably Eugene, at least she certainly felt something in her chest when they danced. But the last thing she wanted to do was hurt her friend, or make her feel bad for being honest. Awkwardly, Renata simply wrapped her arms around Sky, pulling her in to a warm hug. "I'm sorry," she whispered, in return. "I didn't...I mean...I didn't know, and you're my best friend, and I..." She didn't quite know what to say, pulling away after a moment and looking at her with a small smile. "I don't...want you to be upset."
Sky knew it was coming. Even if she had to spell it out soon the krone would fall and renata would realise what was going on. And renata would push her away. Becaise that is sort of what she deserved for developing a crush on her friend, for taking advantage of her. Maybe even just for being her. Not that she thought there was anything wrong with her. But in that second she had all the doubts in what was write or not. A chord of notes, or symphonies jist not quite in time or time with each other. What she didn’t expect was to feel arms around her. She pressed her face into renatas shoulder and she could feel herself leaving damp stains on her shirt. you don’t need to be sorry. It’s my fault. You’re my friend and I, I… took advantage” She said looking at Renata as her friend pulled away. Tears starting to overflow from her eyes and start rolling down her face.
This wasn't a situation Renata had ever expected to find herself in. After all, she was no one. Her father's family despised her, her mother was disappointed in her, her father pitied her. Not a girl anyone would ever have any romantic feelings towards, she thought. And it really sucked, for want of a better term. She liked Sky, would probably even say she loved her, at least as a friend. She'd been so kind and supportive and Renata genuinely thought she was wonderful. That sadly didn't seem to go to any romantic thought, at least as far as she could tell. Not that she'd had much experience, the closest thing being the flutter in her chest when she thought of dancing at the Yule Ball. Although she knew that wasn't likely to mean much, as surely anyone else liking her was far fetched.

Renata may have been a little spineless, but she could be a good person when it counted. So she wasn't going to lie and pretend to feel the same way as she knew that would be an awful thing to do, but she didn't want to lose her best friend. "Hey," she started, shoving the rest of her ice cream in her mouth awkwardly and putting an arm around her. She didn't know if it was a good or bad thing to do. "You didn't...I'm really sorry I didn't realize," she stammered, awkwardly. "You're the best friend I've ever had. And, um, the first friend I've ever had," she added, giving Sky a small smile. "No matter what, um, I still really want to be your friend. But, um, if it makes you feel bad, um, just tell me, I'm so sorry..." she stammered, almost frantically apologizing.
Sky watched as Renata finished her ice cream wondering what was going on in her head. was she just finishing the ice cream so she could have an excuse to leave. she had not ever seriously thought that Renata would like her back, she had hoped she would but it was a kind of hope that was rooted in impossibility. she could see her friend liked Eugene, and maybe the boy even liked her back.
shook her head as Renata started to apologise. "Don't apologise. it isn't you who messed up. I was trying not to show you" she said. "and I am not feeling bad. I just feel... she paused for a moment trying to find the word for her emotion. "like a balloon that has had the air let out of it. in a good way. like there was so much pressure and it has just been let go. maybe more a balloon on a string that has been tied up. and I have just been cut free." she said. she hadn't even realised she ha been feeling like that, the pressure mounting up inside her until she said it. she had always prided herself on feeling light and free which is why she had picked the name sky for herself as it meant cloud in her native tongue. and a cloud always seemed like a nice thing to be.
Renata wasn't sure whether she should properly hug her again, or give her space, or what. She didn't want to leave her alone and make her think that she hated her for it, or anything like that. She was very conscious of the fact that it had probably taken a lot for Sky to say this. All she could really think of was what she could do to try and make Sky feel better, and feeling a horrible guilty feeling in her stomach for not returning her feelings. Renata didn't quite understand the analogy, but she kind of got part of it, like saying it was some kind of release of pressure. Maybe she'd have to be honest to her family one day too. The thought of that terrified her, though. "I, um, er...I'm...glad you told me," she admitted, as awkward as it probably was to say. She only knew stuff about romance from movies and from songs, but she kind of got the impression that it was better not to keep it bottled up forever. "You deserve someone really...brilliant." Maybe that didn't help, but Renata also knew she wasn't on Sky's level. If anything, Sky was much more on Eugene's level than she was, and a weird ugly feeling of jealousy with no real basis stirred in her stomach at that thought.
Sky could feel the relief of having told her friend. She wasn't sure that she would be able to hug Renata again without her friend thinking that she was somehow taking advantage of her or how things would go down in the dorm. especially when she told Molly. because after all she would have to tell Molly eventually. but at least for now she was just glad Renata was still there. "I'm... Glad I told you too" she said. she chuckled as Renata said that she deserved someone brilliant. "so do you." she said then after a brief pause said "Soo, you and Eugene. you seem good together" she said. initially she had been a little disappointed with the idea. jealous that Renata seemed to like Eugene more than her. but she had to admit they were cute together and would be a good couple and it had helped her get a little more over Renata.
Renata was about to hurriedly put herself down, but she was mostly stunned by Sky's comment. Now that she hadn't expected. She thought she was more subtle herself, but apparently since she'd completely been oblivious to Sky's feelings towards her it seemed that she just didn't have a good grasp of these kinds of things. But she just shook her head, giving a soft shrug. "He's great," Renata admitted. "I don't think he would have the time to, you know," she added, a little embarrassed. "Date. I don't think he'd think that way about me, either." She didn't think anyone would, but Sky had apparently proven that wrong for her. "Besides," she added, quickly trying to make light of it instead. "I'll become a totally famous Quidditch player and a spoiled, mean and nasty person."
Niamh saw Renata squirm list a little. she hadn't intended to make her friend uncomfortable she nodded slightly in agreement as Renata said that Eugene was great "He is. He is always supporting in the arts club even when he is busy with the yearbook" she said. "I am sure he would be able to make time if that is what you both want" she said. she shook her head as Renata again spoke down about herself "Dont undersell yourself Renny. You are, have a lot of things that people like." she said she chuckled as renatas joke as she reached to the rodadndron bush next to her and plucked off a clump of flowers "I don't think you could ever become a mean nasty person. you have far too much good inside you for that. even when you become a profession quidditch player" she said holding the flowers against renata as if showing how good she was inside

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