Third Years, Lesson One

"Good morning, everyone," Gabrielle greeted, watching as the students took their seats. "Welcome to third year History of Magic. For those of you who do not know me, like if you've transferred in or have amnesia or a terrible case of face blindness, I'm Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe, and I teach first through fourth year History. I am sure you know by now how you are expected to behave in a classroom. We'll all treat each other with respect and we'll all get along just fine." At least she didn't really have to go through the rules at this point. "I don't mind whether you want to use quills or pens, whichever you are most comfortable with."

"This year we will have more essays, of course, but we will have some field trips.
" She smiled at the students, hoping that would perk everyone up. "I hope you all have some muggle clothes on hand for travel. Let me know if you don't and we'll sort something out. I'll let you know well in advance before we travel so you can be prepared," she added, with a smile. While Gabrielle enjoyed books and studying history in the comfort of her room or the library, there was something special about going to historical locations, actually seeing the remnants of ancient civilizations and societies. Hopefully the students would enjoy them, too. "Educational field trips, in part at least so we can get away with it, but it'll be a nice change of scenery."

"I won't keep you too long today, as I'm sure you already have plenty of work to get to. Or plenty of gossip about your break and who danced with who at the Yule Ball to get to. I'm not judging."
She'd give them plenty of work in time, but with how busy third year was she certainly didn't want to overload them. "Just a reminder that if you're struggling, be it with history, with any subject, or with anything else, my door is open and I am more than happy to listen and try and offer a helping hand where I can. And if you want to engage in further history study, I am even happier to help you out there, too." People often had interesting niche interests in history that they wouldn't cover in the classes, and Gabrielle was keen to cultivate those interests if students were looking for a means to do so. "That's all. Have a good week! And make sure you come ready to write next lesson." With a slight smirk, Gabrielle waved off her students, straightening herself back up and tidying her desk as the students filed out.


RP the lesson. That's all!
It felt like ages since Teddy had taken History of Magic that he had almost forgotten about Professor Moncrieffe and her funny sense of humour. He smirked at her introduction, reminding himself to bring a pen and paper next time. He was especially looking forward to the upcoming field trip since he'd been left behind for the last one through no fault of his own (well, maybe a little his fault) and felt he'd missed out. Overall, it was a pleasant and easy lesson, and Teddy appreciated not being thrown straight into a hefty lecture for their first lesson back.
Callie walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room as the woman got start. Callie was of course familiar with the woman and had a warm smile sitting on her expression as the woman got started. Beginning by introducing herself and then what they would actually be covering in this semester. She was a little disappointed by the fact they’d have lots of essays, she knew it was par for the course as they got older, but she wasn’t the best at essays. The girl was pleased that the lesson was short and she was then able to pack up her things and left the room.
Enoch walked into the history of magic classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced at the professor and rolled his eyes somewhat tiredly at what she said. He knew that there was a new student in their year group, but surely there was an easier way of introducing them to the professors that theyw ould have that everyone else already knew. The teen took out his books and took his quill but didn’t move to write anything down, the professor wasn’t saying anything of real value and he was able to pack up and head off pretty quickly, not lingering in the room to ‘have conversations’ with the others in his year group.. He had better things to do.
Veronica knew she would enjoy History of Magic all that much because it would involve essays and lectures, but once she had taken her seat and began listening to Professor Moncrieffe it became clear that the semester would also include field trips, that did interest Veronica, even if they were educational ones she would enjoy getting out of the castle and seeing new things. She made a couple of notes during the lesson but it was mostly just a welcome back and summary of what they would be learning about in the upcoming semester. Once the lesson was over Veronica grabbed her bag and made her way out of the classroom.
History wasn't one of Audrey's favourite subjects, but she didn't hate it. If she could learn a lot of new and interesting things, it was worth it, even if she did prefer more practical work. Audrey didn't have a problem with having to sit down and write essays. But she was very intrigued to hear they would be going on field trips. She liked traveling around, sure she'd done it a bit growing up but it had never been fun or interesting and it had always just been about what her parents were doing. Maybe the History trips wouldn't come with quidditch player eye candy, but she'd survive if she was actually learning something or getting to see new things. Audrey would just have to make sure she was ready to write a lot again, since she hadn't had quite as much writing last semester. She packed up and headed out when they were done.
Marley was excited to be back at school. While she had enjoyed her time with her family over the break, she did miss spending time with her friends. The girl was also excited for classes, as she was always excited to learn about new things, The Hufflepuff excitedly made her way to her History of Magic class.

When Marley arrived to her lesson, she sat down in the same spot that she had been sitting in the previous years. She then took out the things she needed for the lesson and placed them on the desk in front of her, before moving her full attention towards the professor as the professor got started with the lesson. It seemed that they weren't going to be learning anything new today, but Marley was a bit bummed that they were going to have to do essays... Though she was excited to hear that they'd be doing field trips as well, those seemed like fun! Marley made sure to take a few notes of what they would be doing through out the semester, as she didn't wanna miss out on anything important.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley quickly packed up her things as well as tided up her area. She said a quick thanks and goodbye to the professor, before heading out the door with her friends and the rest of her classmates.
The Christmas break had been a welcome one but Millie was glad to be back at school. Christmas was fine and she liked that she got to be home for her dad’s birthday, even though she saw him all the time anyway, but the sheer volume of family that she had to make time for was exhausting. At least within the walls of Hogwarts the only family were for the most part, the one she liked.

Millie made her way into Professor Moncrieffe’s classroom for the first History of magic lesson of the new semester and took her seat. For the benefit of anyone who she hadn’t taught before Professor Moncrieffe introduced herself and the rules of her classroom. Millie took out her quill and parchment and took a few notes when the professor moved more towards what they would be learning about during the semester but she kept it brief due to it being the first lesson. After a gentle reminder that her door was open for students who might be struggling, Professor Moncrieff dismissed them. Millie packed up the notes she had made and made her way out of the classroom.

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