Recent content by Dante Styx

  1. Dante Styx

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Cheer To All

    "Just fine, professor?" Dante said slowly, since he did not know why Professor Carter was delivering roses. He took the rose and the note, and read it. He sent her a pink rose, but maybe she was not aware of how he might have felt. Dante just smiled and nodded at the professor. "Um, thanks."
  2. Dante Styx

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Cheer To All

    Dante Styx was eating a sandwich when he heard a name. A professor no less. He did not want to announce himself, but since it was the Herbology professor, Dante slowly raised his hand to announce his presence in some way.
  3. Dante Styx

    Third Years

    Dante Styx Slytherin
  4. Dante Styx

    Closed Feeding the owls

    Dante could hardly believe the way that Elodie described her owl. But when she did, he could see the resemblence. He laughed softly, "I suppose so!" Dante watched as it flew out of the window, and she asked if he would need help to feed the owls. Truthfully, he did not need help necessarily...
  5. Dante Styx

    Closed Feeding the owls

    Dante could have jumped out of his skin when he heard someone come up from behind him, and thanked him. He glanced over to where the voice came from, and remembered that this was the girl with the candy. Elodie. She was quite nice, if he had to say so himself. "Yeah, that is my name," Dante...
  6. Y46 Dante.png

    Y46 Dante.png

  7. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Dante thought about it. Would he want extra company for the extra meals? It would not hurt to say no. No, he did not want to say no at all. He wanted her there. Callie was cute and she was the first one he told, outside of the family, that he was a werewolf. He could trust her. He wanted her...
  8. Dante Styx

    Closed Feeding the owls

    Dante Styx would have loved to send a letter to his parents, but he was keeping all contact to be rather limited. He did not want to let on what he was to them. Only Cassius and Daemyn knew, and both protected him. Dante could never be more thankful for his brothers. They were good to him, and...
  9. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Dante was honestly very excited to get some snacks and maybe candy. He walked next to the Hufflepuff girl toward the kitchen. "Of course. I sneak in there a lot. I get hungry more often than the meals they offer." Dante would also take the blame if they were caught too. She did not need to get...
  10. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Dante could honestly say that he really liked Callie. She was going to be a good friend - if not a best friend. He hoped that they would not go their separate ways anytime soon. Callie was the first, and only, one that knew his secret outside of his two brothers. “Do you want to go to the...
  11. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Expected a ton of questions about his condition. Like, what was it like, what color was his fur, anything like that. Instead, Callie asked if he was okay. Dante's smile faded to a look of confusion. He had to think about it. Was he truly okay? Dante liked to think that he was, but maybe he...
  12. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Dante truly did not expect the physical contact, but he welcomed it. Callie was not off running, screaming. She actually seemed to worry and care. It was the exact opposite of what he expected, and she was muggle-born to boot! She likely did not know much about magical werewolves. “My parents...
  13. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Even now, Dante really appreciated the comfort that Callie was giving him. It was more, honestly, than any of his family had - but they were not an affectionate family as a whole. Some branches might be, but his? Hell no. He smiled as she said that she could keep a secret. Dante explained...
  14. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    The werewolf laughed at her stance, mainly because it was easy to see both sides, and how they were both in the wrong. Dante knew that he should have just reacted a little But he was pissed off because not only had he lost a sister, but he had seen her death, and was bitten in the...
  15. Dante Styx

    Closed Practising

    Dante did wonder how she would react about the mixed breeds. He had a disease now. He hated it. But what could he do? There was no cure. He did manage to hide his laugh when Callie hoped that people didn't treat them terribly. Things have been better nowadays. A werewolf even ran for minister...