Recent content by D'Artagnan Dupont

  1. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart hummed, peppering a few more kisses over Vaders temple. "Good," He smiled softly, nuzzling in against the man. "I'd be awfully sad if you didn't," he teased gently, reaching up to brush back Vaders hair. "It looks like it might rain soon. Should we gather up the rugrats?"
  2. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart smiled and reached up to cup the mans face, tryin to pull him in and kiss his temple. "It's alright," He murmured, curling a bit more around him. "I'll believe it for you until you can yourself, and then we'll believe it together." He promised. "And Ava will adore you from the tips of her...
  3. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart smiled softly. "He demanded she leave you. He couldn't be bothered to spare any time for her, but was so jealous he wanted her to abandon you." He chuckled. "Ava is a sweetheart. She stomped on his foot and left him there by the lake." Having successfully burped Plum, he leant forward and...
  4. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart smiled softly. He pressed a kiss to Vaders temple, pulling away the bottle as it emptied and shifting Plum to burb her. "I know. And if you can't have faith in yourself, maybe it might help to have faith in Ava instead. Did she ever tell you what the major catalyst to her fall out with...
  5. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    -godmod approved- Dart saw the look in Vaders eyes. His arms were full, so instead he hooked his foot around the mans. "Hey, it's alright," He murmured. "You're irreplaceable. Noelle can't be to them what you are. They may grow to love him someday, but you'll always be their father. Just look...
  6. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart listened to Vader, and almost spoke, but Plum started fussing. He sat up, taking her out of the stroller and bringing out her bottle, settling in to feed her. "Hey, it's alright," He tried to soothe the man, hooking his foot behind Vaders to keep the contact. "He's got a great support...
  7. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart laughed lightly. "Why is she so into that story in particular, anyway?" He asked. "Alice in Wonderland is cute, for sure," He watched the twins. "Is Nico into it as much as Aurora is? Or is he just along for the ride?" He asked, looking to his boyfriend, curious to how much the man knew...
  8. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart chuckled, his hand shifting up from Vaders shoulder to play idly with his hair, still rocking Plum in her stroller gently with his foot. "I know," He teased. "You'll just have to get used to it," He kissed Vaders temple, an eye still on the twins. He chuckled as they seemed to be throwing...
  9. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart chuckled, moving his arm over Vaders shoulders. "Vader, I've spent enough of my life alone. I would love to have my dearest friend and her adorable little monsters close by. Especially because they're absolutely adorable with the love of my life," He teased, giving Vader a playful wink.
  10. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart chuckled at the question. "I would love to," He replied immediately. "It might take a bit more to actually pull together, though," He mused, looking to the children. "You and Ava should stay close," He ran a hand through his hair. "So either somewhere with two houses side by side, or...
  11. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart laced his fingers with Vaders, kissing him back easily. "Mm, you know you love it," He teased. "I'm a ridiculously sappy, sentimental man, and you love how sweet I am," He gave him an easy smile. "And I love how shy you get, the way the tips of your ears light up when you blush," He teased...
  12. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart chuckled, kissing Vaders cheek. "Darling, it is my entire job to flirt with you," He teased. "Can't go and let you forget how wonderfully amazing of a man you are." He brought his other hand over and offered it out to Vader. "I could try forever and I still wouldn't have enough time to tell...
  13. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    Dart chuckled. "They take after their mothers good spirit," He replied easily. "Though I think Aurora hangs the moon on you," He teased gently, giving Vader an almost playful smile. "Can't say I blame her, though," He leant in, whispering into Vaders ear. "She isn't the only one," He breathed...
  14. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Babysitting Dates

    D'Artagnan was absolutely happy with his life. He was officially courting Vader now, charmed every day by the man. He still adored Ava, loving her like a sister, and he felt like they were really one big, happy family. He and Vader had the kids today. With Plum in a stroller, babbling softly and...
  15. D'Artagnan Dupont

    Closed Stressed Out

    Dart kissed Vader back easily, brushing at the mans hair and pulling him in close. After a few moments, he pulled back, smiling warmly. "I love you, Vader Hume," He spoke more firmly, before kissing his temple and stepping back. "Now, lets get some food in you, hm?"