Recent content by Magne Kleos

  1. Magne Kleos

    Open Ready to Party

    Magne went to the dance floor with the boy he'd asked, holding his hand, but dropping it once they got to the dance floor, he didn't think one could dance while the music was this upbeat. He moved not unlike the boy was. "Me..either," he replied, taking a moment to think of the last word...
  2. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

    Magne was a little surprised at the fact she seemed keen to say they were friends when they had just met, but Magne also knew he couldn't really be picky about his friends. "Okay," he agreed, as he took her hand. "I should get..more roses to...give...deliver,"
  3. Magne Kleos

    Open Ready to Party

    Magne smiled at the boy and nodded. Keeping his hand out to him. "Yes," he had no qualms about dancing with boys, he just wanted to dance and have fun. He then motioned a little to the outstretched hand. "We not need..hold hands..," he tried to add.
  4. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

    Magne nodded, though he probably could've guessed her being slytherin from where they were. He gave a half shrug at the question. "Mostly, it hard with language...impasse...barrier," he said with a small tight expression. "You?"
  5. Magne Kleos

    Open Ready to Party

    Finding all of the people for the rose giving had been hard, so with it over and the dance underway, Magne was very eager to just have some fun. he didn't want to think about anything other than just having fun. He got to the dance and was trying to decide how to start. he knew he could just go...
  6. Magne Kleos

    First Years Lesson One (Slytherin & Ravenclaw)

    Magne knew that going back to his parents had been a good and bad decision. Good in the sense that he loved being home, being with his parents was so good, but he also knew that the moment he got back it would mean a little re-learning of all his english. He hadn’t spoken a word of it while at...
  7. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

    Magne gave a tight smile at the question. "It is fun, but overwhelming," he replied. It was getting easier as the language issues he was having started to fade, but it was still a lot. "Yes, you are sly..slthe," he was trying to say slytherin, but stumbling over the word. He paused and gave a...
  8. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving I have seen worse sights than this.

    Magne smiled as the rose seemed to be good. "Yes, it fun, though difficult find people." he replied slowly, the accent on every word. "Are you liking it?" he asked her back, knowing he was somewhat mimicking her sentence but that was easier for him to do.
  9. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendship Rose

    Magne glanced up as he heard his name, or what was likely his name being called out. The girl calling it out was older, a few years above him likely and she was waving around a rose. He raised his hand, "I am Magne," he pronounced his own name more like she had, just to be sure that she'd...
  10. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

    Magne smiled at the girl, Sunday, and then watched her take the rose. "It is going well, I make good time on roses," he said, each word was slowly picked, with a heavy accent, but it was getting easier to form the sentences. "How is your day going?"
  11. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving I have seen worse sights than this.

    Magne smiled as the girl he was looking for, made herself known to him. "Yes," he said, before reaching to his basket and pulling out a yellow rose and it's note. "These for you,"
  12. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And empty words are evil

    Magne gave a look of recognition as the girl approached him. She had delivered him a rose earlier in the day. "Yeah, look for you, Dah..Dahlia right?" he stumbled over her name, with his accent heavy on every word. "Have rose for you," he said, before taking out the yellow rose and the note that...
  13. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

    Magne followed the voice and smiled at the girl. He recognised her from his classes, though he couldn't say he had spoken to her much in that time. "I have rose for you," he said, taking out a yellow rose and the accompanying note.
  14. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Affection Beyond Language Barriers

    Magne assumed that he wouldn't get any roses, given that he was a first year, so he was surprised to hear his name being said out loud, with a whole lot of other words around it. "That me," he said with a smile waving the older girl over.
  15. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving For a friend with an understanding heart is worth no less than a brother

    Magne had one last rose to give, and he knew this person, after all, she had been one of the organisers of this rose giving. He had been instructed that he'd find her at the arts room, rather than the rose garden, as everyone had their roses which they were handing out. "Marnie?" he called out...