Recent content by Miroslav Petrov

  1. Miroslav Petrov

    🌹 Rose Giving My insides turn over when he looks at me that certain way.

    Miroslav smirked for a second and then hid it. "You won't find him. He died, this is someone playing a joke on me. I bet if you look at the note it'll say something cruel," Miroslav told him.
  2. Miroslav Petrov

    🌹 Rose Giving My insides turn over when he looks at me that certain way.

    Miroslav thought that giving people roses was just about the dumbest thing ever. He did not understand why anyone would want to do that. So he was surprised when an older boy o the day of the rose giving went to stop him, likely to give him a rose, because there couldn't be another reason. "I'm...
  3. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    Miroslav was only just able to dodge out of the way of the dish, and it still clipped the side of his head. Leaving a streak of pie in his hair, though it hadn't damaged him. "You've got terrible aim," he said with a scoff. "Maybe try again," he teased.
  4. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    Miroslav watched the girl as she marched away and grabbed something from the food table, he could see her deciding how to throw it at him. "I bet you won't throw it," he teased lightly. "You seem too chicken to actually do it,"
  5. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    Miroslav didn't move as the girl threw the remainder of her drink on him. He nodded easily as she accused him of what he'd done. "Yeah I did," he said. "You should look at where you're going," he said, deciding to put the blame on to her rather than him, despite the fact that it had actually...
  6. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    Miroslav did enjoy how easy it was to trip someone up. He watched a girl a little older than him, trip, getting most of her drink on her and he moved forward, almost like he might be going to help catch her, but really was trying to push her to the ground.
  7. Miroslav Petrov

    First Years

    Miroslav Petrov Slytherin
  8. miro-y46


  9. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    Miroslav could admit he had found hogwarts pretty boring. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting but it was nothing like what he'd thought it would be like. Extremely disappointing really. Miroslav wasn't sure what he was expecting really but it was nothing like that in the slightest. It was...
  10. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Halloween Sucks

    Miroslav watched with glee as someone tripped over his outstretched foot. He didn't do anything. Didn't jump in to help, though another girl did. He just watched the pair, saying nothing, though grinning. Making no move really to hide the fact that he had caused it to happen.
  11. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Halloween Sucks

    Miroslav had been curious. A whole feast dedicated to halloween, of course he'd want to check it out. He arrived at the hall and scoffed at it. of course. The school was weird, it put so much effort into things that really no other school would. Why would there need to be such fanfare around...
  12. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Y46 Start of Year Feast

    Miroslav shrugged at what she asked him, deciding to not really bother answering her at all. Instead just tossing a pea in her direction again, almost lazily, like he wasn't even finding it fun to annoy her in this manner. @Sunny Day
  13. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Y46 Start of Year Feast

    Miroslav was very pleased that his pea attack was hitting someone and that the person get a bit of a rise out of her. "I could," he replied and then tossed another one at her, trying to hit her far more than before when he'd just been tossing them in random directions. @Sunny Day
  14. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Y46 Start of Year Feast

    Miroslav was a slytherin, this didn't surprise him in the slightest. He didn't think any of the houses were really a 'good' fit, but this one above the others likely was. He was glancing at the table of students, looking at his classmates. There were a lot of people. He took some food but began...
  15. Miroslav Petrov

    Closed What's One Missing Sugar Mouse

    Miroslav rolled his eyes at her. He didn't have nice memories, people didn't like him. He was unkind and trouble. this girl just didn't get it yet. He watched as she tied a ribbon to his wrist and then glanced at her. He stepped away, shoving the water back into his bag. He needed to go. "Okay,"...