Recent content by Naveen Khatri

  1. Naveen Khatri

    Open Ready to Party

    Naveen felt a small sense of comfort as the other boy seemed just as lost as he was once they got to the dance floor. At least he wouldn't be the only one making a fool of themselves. "Right, Magne." he said mostly to himself before looking down at his feet. He offered Magne a small and probably...
  2. Naveen Khatri

    Open Ready to Party

    Naveen felt a nagging part of him try to convince him to say no. But how bad could it be? He managed to take a deep breath and shrug. "Ok then." he said finally then hesitated when the other boy mentioned not holding hands. Was he just saying that to be nice or did he secretly not want to hold...
  3. Naveen Khatri

    Open Ready to Party

    Naveen hadn't expected to like dances much. But after the Yule Ball had been a success for him, he was a little more confident this time as he watched the dance floor. His sister had gone off to get something to drink and before he could find anyone else he knew he was approached by a boy in his...
  4. Naveen Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Youngling

    Naveen blinked at the girl's excitement but waited patiently for her to hand him another rose. He was curious to see who this one was fun. If he had to guess it was from his sister since he already got one from his cousin. He took the rose and nodded in response. He opened the note and felt his...
  5. Naveen Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Youngling

    Naveen had barely recovered from getting a very public rose delivery before he again tried to make it to the great hall. But he only made it a few feet before he was stopped again. The girl seemed a bit older than him but not a prefect. Still his heart went into overdrive as she stopped him...
  6. Naveen Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Familial Flowers

    Naveen tried to return her smile even though he was sure it came off more as a grimace. Still, he held out his hand and took the rose. He took in the yellow flower and was glad to be getting one he supposed. But he wasn't sure if the validation was worth the embarrassment as he looked around the...
  7. Naveen Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Familial Flowers

    Naveen had been doing his best to stay out of everyone's way. Which wasn't unusual for him on a normal day but now it was an even bigger goal as he quickly stepped aside as someone rushed past him with a basket full of roses. He paused along the wall of the entrance hall to catch his breath. He...
  8. Naveen Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Flower

    Naveen had heard rose deliveries would be chaotic but he hadn't expected it to be this bad. He was almost starting to regret sending his own roses to his family if he knew. He almost felt guilty to make people run across the castle doing him a favor. But what was done was done and know he was...
  9. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Practice Makes Just Ok

    Naveen's face felt hot with embarrassment as the other boy apologized and offered to leave. Great. not only was he horrible at making friend he was actively pushing people away. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose to calm down. His dads and warned him about this. Even with a...
  10. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Inspiration From the Outdoors

    Naveen hadn't decided how he felt about school. One one hand he was learning new things all the time and the chance of scenery had surprisingly felt good. He was usually so scared in new places but the castle was quickly feeling like a second home. It helped that he had his sister even though he...
  11. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Standing Out

    Naveen poured himself a drink and took a sip, grateful to keep his hands busy with something else now. He gave a distracted nod in response to Sunday's comment about decorations. "Uh, yeah." he said and glanced up at the snowy ceiling. "Have you ever experienced an actually snowy Christmas?" he...
  12. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Standing Out

    Naveen's face felt hot as he made a fool out of himself. He couldn't help but feel like a bit of a failure. But it wasn't like he had planned to dance with anyone tonight, let alone be approached by a girl. "Yeah that sounds good." he agreed. If only to get some space between them so he could...
  13. Naveen Khatri

    WPC Y46 S1 - Weeds & Flowers

    Naveen had been eager to see what the Wild Patch club was all about. He missed his garden back home and while he knew his dad was fully capable of taking care of it what he was gone, he still worried. As the club leader talked to them and went over what they would be doing he was excited to get...
  14. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Standing Out

    Naveen spared a glance up to Sunday's face as she sighed. He felt a bit of sympathy for her. He was so close to his sister and he imagined any distance would feel painful. He took a moment to glance around the room to see if he could spot Dhivya, the fact that he hadn't seen her yet didn't sit...
  15. Naveen Khatri

    Closed Standing Out

    Naveen nodded a little too eagerly when Sunday mentioned her oldest brother. "Oh right, of course." he said awkwardly. "What's it like having your brother as head boy?" he asked. He could have asked Anisha a similar question but he knew Sunday would give him a more honest answer. He smirked a...