Recent content by Rosie Archer

  1. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie hadn't really expected the professor to know or remember those kinds of details. She knew that of all the people she was to tell about this, she was sure his reaction would be the one she least needed to worry about. It was new and it was a little scary, but she felt certain of their love...
  2. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie gave a little smile, and then nodded. Peter Grayveson was a wonderful name. Rosie herself had no idea what she would name this baby she had. She wasn't sure if it was too early, if she should wait to think about for when she told Xinyi. "It's okay, I'm okay," she said softly, not wanting...
  3. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie's eyes widened, seven months. She could help but imagine herself at seven months. She knew it would be okay, that her family would support her, but it still felt a little unreal. "You're having a boy?" she asked gently, thinking that Peter was a beautiful name for a boy. Though, Rosie knew...
  4. Rosie Archer

    Open Last One Alone

    Rosie took the camera, and was pretty sure that she could figure out what the issue was. "I think so," she said, "I need a bit more light," Rosie said, moving slowly to a spot where there was a little more light. "Oh it's okay, my boyfriend graduated last year, so I'm on my own anyway. Are you...
  5. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Love is family

    Rosie had really perked up as the day had gone on. She felt a lot better, and thus had come outside, where she loved to be. She was out for a bit when a girl approached her. a young gryffindor. "Oh, thank you for bringing it to me," she said warmly.
  6. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie heard someone entered the hospital wing, and for a moment her hands moved to her side, to be on the bed, as if to hide what she'd been touching. It was a professor, an old professor of Rosie's now, given that she was a seventh year and this professor taught up to fourth. But she had always...
  7. Rosie Archer

    Open Last One Alone

    Rosie glanced at one of the newest recruits to Accio and then at the camera. "Oh sure, let me take a look at it," she said. She could fix most camera issues that were simple enough, anything more complicated and she wasn't sure she'd be able to, but Rosie was keen to try. "if I can't do anything...
  8. Rosie Archer

    Seventh Years: Lesson 2

    Rosie was being sick every morning. It had gone from just feeling a bit sick, to being sick. It was awful and she wasn’t quite sure what was causing it. Certainly nothing in her diet had changed over the last couple of months. She had done nothing different. The Gryffindor wasn’t sure what the...
  9. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving HM Friendly Yellow Rose

    Rosie smiled at margo and shook her head. "Oh, it's okay, the outdoors is good," she said. She reached into the shared basket that she and Aurora had an pulled out a yellow rose. "This is for you,"
  10. Rosie Archer

    Open Last One Alone

    Rosie was feeling better than she had earlier in the day and this was good, she had given most of her co-workers on Accio more time, and was doing a lot of the photography for the dance herself. She didn't have Xinyi and could just do this while the others were able to enjoy their time with...
  11. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie was a little shell-shocked. She was sitting on a bed in the hospital wing, with her hands resting upon her stomach. She could admit they had been less than careful, that maybe she should've been smarter about it, but she hadn't been, and this was it. She was pregnant. Rosie could admit it...
  12. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Accio Yellow Rose!

    Rosie nodded in agreement, though she did miss Branson nowadays, they just didn't get to see each other nearly as often any more. "Yeah, Happy valentine's day, Hazel," Rosie said warmly.
  13. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendship Yellow!

    Rosie smiled at the young girl, offering out the yellow rose. "This is Aurora," she said pointing to her sister gently. Before nodding and motioning for her sister to get the note that went with the rose out. It was fun to see how excited Briony was for her rose.
  14. Rosie Archer

    Seventh Years, Lesson Two

    Rosie was being sick every morning. It had gone from just feeling a bit sick, to being sick. It was awful and she wasn’t quite sure what was causing it. Certainly nothing in her diet had changed over the last couple of months. She had done nothing different. The Gryffindor wasn’t sure what the...
  15. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Our Only Red Rose

    Rosie felt bad that there was no note, it must be difficult to not know who might send a red rose. Maybe they would make themselves known to her. "You might find out later, if they tell you," Rosie suggested.