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  1. Professor Landon Carter

    Third Years, Lesson Three

    Landon enjoyed the previous trip that they had. He was quite relieved that nothing disastrous had happened. The man did trust his students, but there was still a part of him that worried that they would cause some trouble. They, after all, were still kids and kids tend to do careless things for...
  2. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    Landon folded his arms as the students filed in and took their seats. He was in a good mood and felt that last lesson was rather enjoyable to watch. He gave a smile to the class, "Good morning guys! How are you all?" He gazed over the class and just kept smiling at them all, even after nothing...
  3. Professor Landon Carter

    First Years, Lesson Three

    Landon walked into the Herbology greenhouse rather early for his third lesson of the semester with the first years. Last lesson had been quite fun and he was surprised with how successful each of his students were with the treasure hunt. Lucky for them, they would be going outside today and he...
  4. Professor Landon Carter

    Third Years, Lesson Two

    Out of all of the lessons Landon was to teach, today's lesson had to be by far the best one. He was so exceptionally excited for it that he dressed in his best muggle clothes and came to class early just so he could place all of the pamphlets he had on each of the desks and make sure everything...
  5. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    As far as Landon knew, the first lesson with his second years had been a good success. He just hoped that the batch were as sensible as they made out to be considering the dangerous workload that they had this semester. Today's lesson was going to be their first lesson with an actual mandrake...
  6. Professor Landon Carter

    First Years, Lesson Two

    After reading carefully through the introductory quiz he gave his students on the first day, Professor Landon Carter was feeling very confident that he would have a good year this year. Many of the students seemed eager to learn which lifted Landon's spirits up. The man was at the front of his...
  7. Professor Landon Carter

    Third Years, Lesson One

    Landon was very excited to be teaching his new batch of third years after a fun year last year looking after the Mandrakes. It was definitely a challenge for some of them, but they had done it, and Landon couldn't be more proud of them for learning such a new skill. The man confidently stood at...
  8. Professor Landon Carter

    Second Years, Lesson One

    Landon stood at the door to the Herbology greenhouse with a box of earmuffs in his arms. It would be his first lesson today teaching the second years and he was very excited. He was so excited that he could barely sleep the night before and he hoped his students felt the same way. "Please, take...
  9. Professor Landon Carter

    First Years, Lesson One

    Landon was very excited for his first Herbology lesson with his new first years. He was confident that he was going to have fun with them and would try his best to make the year as good as possible for them. The Professor stood at the front of the Herbology greenhouse with a beaming smile on...
  10. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving All The Love To Share

    @Raafe Khatri Landon enjoyed the crowd that was around during Valentine's Day. There was so much love to share and Landon was thankful to be part of it. He had one more person on his list to tick off before he ventured out of the great hall, and so he made his way to the Gryffindor table to...
  11. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving A Well Deserved Gift

    @Aine Thompson Landon was having so much fun with the rose delivering and the day was going by quite quickly. Whilst there was still some sun out, Landon decided to head out of the castle and wander around the grounds, trying to find people he had yet to come across. He kept walking until he...
  12. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving A Sweet Rose

    Landon knew the great hall would be very busy with rose deliveries that morning, and he thought he might as well join the crowd if he wanted a chance at finding some people on his list of deliveries. His basket swung beside him as he walked up and down the Ravenclaw table, trying to find the...
  13. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Professor Friendships

    Landon's rose deliveries had been a success so far, and he was quite happy with his progress. He also had lots of luck in finding who he needed to. Perhaps the easiest person to find on Landon's list was Misha. He always saw him in the common room, and so knew to go there. He entered, but then...
  14. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving A Special One

    Landon had been having quite a fun time delivering roses to his students. The next student on his list was a Hufflepuff, and it was a pink rose, which meant it was special, and he was looking forward to delivering it and seeing the look on Callie's face when she received it. His basket of roses...
  15. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Spreading The Love

    Landon never really ventured to the dungeons often, only when he needed to pass by the potions classroom to deliver some ingredients, and so heading down to the dungeons was quite an odd feeling for Landon. He didn't know where else to try however to find the next person on his list. He tried...
  16. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving The Loveliest One of Them All

    Landon had been having a great day delivering all of his roses to his students. He loved being able to make people's day and share the love. He had one rose that he was quite excited to give, and that was for June. He knew June would love to receive something sweet, so he couldn't wait to give...
  17. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Cheer To All

    Landon was more than happy to be delivering roses to all of his students. The previous time he had done it was lots of fun, and he was excited to see some more smiles on faces. The man had a yellow rose for a Slytherin, and Landon thought the perfect place to try and find him was the Slytherin...
  18. Professor Landon Carter

    Optional Hufflepuff House Gathering

    Landon was looking forward to a brand new semester. The previous semester had gone very well, and whilst Hufflepuff was currently nowhere near first place, Landon was still in quite a positive mood. He thought that perhaps treating his students might make them a little more motivated however...
  19. Professor Landon Carter

    Open Hufflepuff House Meeting Y45 S2

    Landon had been wanting to do something special for his students for a while, and he had been racking his brain trying to think of the best way to do it. He knew some of them had been having a tough year, so wanted to make them all feel happy. Eventually, he decided on a good end-of-year treat...
  20. Professor Landon Carter

    Open Y45 Club Fair

    Landon always liked setting up the events, and even though he organised the club fair last year, he was very eager to do it again this year as it was one of his favourites. He knew there were a couple of new leaders as well, so wanted to make it as easy as he could for them. The man even set up...