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  • Users: Nell Night
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  1. Nell Night

    Closed Bearing A Boulder

    "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh..." Nell frankly didn't think it was possible to be heavier than she was right now, leaning forwards to counterbalance as she did her best to settle into a chair, sighing as her rear finally found its place and she was able to flop back and relax properly. "People...
  2. Nell Night

    Pencils and Crayons

    Nervous was not a thing Nell felt often - the excitement of the world was generally enough of a distraction to keep her from overthinking. There was no time to be nervous when you were so busy bouncing from one thought to the next. But this was the opposite - today was about taking the most...
  3. Nell Night

    Hogwarts Monthly: Y38 Semester 2

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y38 SEMESTER 2 ISSUE The Closing Of Another Year By: Nell Wright Time has once again slipped by much too fast, and here we find ourselves at the end of the year. Here at Hogwarts Monthly we hope everyone has had an excellent semester, and isn't too far behind on their...
  4. Nell Night

    Farewell Party | HM Meeting Y38/S2

    The pages of the Monthly were printed and ready to distribute, the ink on parchment beautiful in a bittersweet way. Hogwarts Monthly had nestled itself firmly at the heart of Nell's Hogwarts experience, and now it was all about to come to an end. Her final issue was written and printed, with...
  5. Nell Night

    Closed Crayons and Pencils

    To say things with Jasper had been awkward since the Yule Ball would be an understatement, and Nell couldn't hold back her worries that something was going to go horribly wrong today. She had been looking forward to the date with Jasper ever since getting his rose, but at the same time... what...
  6. Nell Night

    Closed Nothing Awkward Here!

    Going to the Yule Ball had filled Nell with nervous excitement, hope that the date would be the beginning of something new. Now, though... she had never felt quite so much doubt before. All of her previous relationships and flings had been easy... she had been interested, so had someone else...
  7. Nell Night

    Hogwarts Monthly: Y38 Semester 1

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y38 SEMESTER 1 ISSUE Welcome Back to Hogwarts! By: Nell Wright Kia ora koutou katoa, welcome to your first issue of Hogwarts Monthly for the new school year! As ever we've welcomed new Professors to our familiar classrooms, so we at Hogwarts Monthly would like to welcome...
  8. Nell Night

    Closed Group Brainstorm | HM Meeting S1/Y38

    Throwing herself into school life was much easier than facing her problems, and Nell was eager to get things moving on the Monthly. Once she had an entire paper to run it would be much harder to dwell on her issues with Jasper and Selene, so Nell had busied herself with setting up for the first...
  9. Nell Night

    Hogwarts Monthly: Y37 Semester 2

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y37 SEMESTER 2 ISSUE Another Year Closes By: Nell Wright Kia ora koutou katoa, welcome to the final issue of Hogwarts Monthly for this school year. The beginning of this semester brought us a whole slate of new teachers, so let us list them for those who can't keep up...
  10. Nell Night

    Closed Inevitable

    Nell still wasn't over the surprised at her blind date being not-so-blind after all. It was nice, definitely, to get to go with a friend, but she had somewhat hoped tonight would be the start of a fun flirty adventure. Sure, she could flirt with Jasper, but he was... Jasper. It just felt...
  11. Nell Night

    Hogwarts Monthly: Y37 Semester 1

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y37 SEMESTER 1 ISSUE A Bright New Year By: Nell Wright Kia ora koutou katoa, welcome all and welcome back to a new year at Hogwarts! In addition to the brand new students who are walking our halls for the first time this year, Hogwarts also welcomed several new...
  12. Nell Night

    Closed EVERY Flavour

    Even with the year almost halfway over, Nell still didn't really feel like she could be at home in the Ravenclaw tower anymore. Even when she wasn't avoiding Selene, everything there still reminded her of their ill-fated relationship. So Nell had been spending more time than usual out and...
  13. Nell Night

    Closed High Spirits

    Nell refused to be sad tonight. She refused to think about Selene, refused to think about their couple costume last year, or the fun they had had at the feast. No. Tonight was just about happiness. She had dragged Jasper with her, and as far as she was concerned, that was a fool-proof...
  14. Nell Night

    HM Meeting Y37/S1

    After a year of running the Monthly, Nell wasn't all that worried about her performance as Editor anymore. Somehow she had managed to pull off putting the paper out and keeping on top of her studies. Certainly a lot better than she had done the year before that. So this year Nell's worries...
  15. Nell Night

    Nell Wright

    N e l l B e a t r i c e W r i g h t When I feel it then I feel it too much • When I'm thinking then I'm thinking too much F A M I L Y Isabelle Leclair - Mother, on good terms Alec Wright - Father, on good terms Stella Wright - Older Sister, on good terms F R I E N D S Lars van Houten -...
  16. Nell Night

    Clear My Mind

    Nell hated how everything felt right now. Being at home felt wrong, going about her usual life felt wrong, everything was... empty without Selene in it. She desperately wanted to think about anything else, but everything she did reminded her of the last year. The journals she kept so lovingly...
  17. Nell Night

    Y36/S2 Issue Release Party!

    This semester had Nell frazzled. With the exams looming closer every day, it felt like every spare moment had to be dedicated to studying in the hopes that she wouldn't come as close to flunking this year as she had in the previous. Even with her dramatically cut down class list, it felt like...
  18. Nell Night

    Open Hogwarts Monthly: Y36 Semester 2

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y36 SEMESTER 2 ISSUE The Closing Of The Year By: Sydney Townsend Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome back, one and all, to the second semester here at Hogwarts New Zealand, and the time of reckoning for all our OWL and NEWT students, if you’re one to care...
  19. Nell Night

    Old School Week Quiet Corner

    Nell was actually... keeping it together this year. She didn't know quite how she had managed that, but everything was going... almost suspiciously well. As painful as it had been to do, dropping classes had been the right idea. She might even manage a few E-s this year! Making her way...
  20. Nell Night

    Open Hogwarts Monthly: Y36 Semester 1

    HOGWARTS MONTHLY: Y36 SEMESTER 1 ISSUE Welcome And Welcome Back By: Sydney Townsend Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome and welcome back to all those new and returning to another year at Hogwarts New Zealand. Along with an unprecedented number of new students, we also begin...