Search results for query: *

  1. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open What's For Dinner?

    Despite the rose-giving and all of the excitement that had been about the school, Enoch had managed to completely forget about the fact there was a dance. He could admit he hadn't been the most on the ball with school things, that his brain just hadn't been great at keeping track of things. He...
  2. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Pointless

    Enoch didn't know why he had bothered with this. This would be his first christmas without his parents, he wasn't sure which of his brother's he'd be staying with and he just didn't feel up to celebrating. He had put on his suit and come to the yuleball, even though this was the last place he...
  3. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open A Nap In the Corner

    Enoch didn't know why he'd bothered coming to this event. He was tired, the week had been long and for some reason, he was still struggling to sleep. He couldn't even say it was because he was busy and had things to do. All of his old hobbies no longer interested him. he hadn't touched his flute...
  4. Enoch Goldewyn

    Closed It Sucks To Lose

    Enoch had been very hopeful for the Slytherin quidditch game, but Slytherin had lost, he hadn't played nearly as well as he wanted to and really they'd lost. Sure it mean they were in second place really, but still, it wasn't a win, and that sucked. He could blame the seeker of the team he was...
  5. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open One Lap and I'm Out

    Enoch had been unsure as to if he should come, as he always tended to come for all of about ten minutes and then he'd leave. Enoch was just someone who came alone to say he had before leaving. His parents couldn't complain that he wasn't taking part and thus didn't need to get involved if he was...
  6. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Dessert Before Breakfast

    Winning the money for honeydukes had perhaps been a bit of an error. Since he had quite a lot of sweets, and he took too many opportunities to eat them. In fact he was up before most others and doing a bit of general reading for the classes that day, but had his bag of sweets out in front of...
  7. Enoch Goldewyn

    Closed No One To Dance With

    Enoch wasn't sure why he bothered with these dances. It just seemed like an excuse to listen to music, eat rubbish and then dance. Making themselves look silly in the process. Enoch had arrived, dressed in a simple and plain suit. He had taken maybe two laps of the room before deciding enough...
  8. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Costumes are for Losers

    Enoch didn't get the point of halloween, he had decided the competition was too stiff and therefore rigged against him, and had decided to not bother with a costume. Though he was still at the feast itself. He arrived at the room, just dressed in muggle clothes and glancing around. He didn't...
  9. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Banished From The Dorm

    Ever since the first time he had tried to practice his flute in the dorm, to be met with the worst reactions, Enoch had opted to use the arts room. He was a member of the club and at the very least no one could complain about it, because this was the room for it. If they did, he absolutely...
  10. Enoch Goldewyn

    Closed Never Known Peace

    Enoch Goldewyn really hated how social everyone was supposed to be at this school. There was just so many other students and students looking for conversations, looking to catch up with others or speak to him. He hadn't yet in any located quiet spots to study, the library was one but after the...
  11. Enoch Goldewyn

    Enoch Goldewyn

    ENOCH GOLDEWYN, I guess that's wishful thinking, i'ma fool to think you'd miss me, [name] Enoch Goldewyn [etymology] Enoch - Enoch is a boy's name of Hebrew origin, meaning “dedicated,” “trained,” and “disciplined.” This unique name was also born by a leading figure in the Torah; Enoch was...
  12. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Love is Boring

    Enoch Goldewyn was not one to usually spend his time at dances, they were a silly social event and he had better things to be doing. But, he had decided to scope it out. Scope out what the fuss was about. People in the school seemed really keen on it. He was not. Enoch was finding that his...
  13. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open A Very Early Morning Study Sesh

    Enoch's first semester at the school had not entirely gone to plan. He had been trying to keep straight O's and failed, there were elements of magic that he had just failed at, and he hadn't gotten on to the team. His dormmates also sucked, but that was less important to him. Everything else...
  14. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open My Parents Will Hear About This

    Enoch had known his chances of getting onto the slytherin quiditch team had been low, but another first year, one of his more annoying dorm mates had managed to get the team. What team needed three seekers. He did not get it. He was feeling pretty frustrated with it, knowing he had to be better...
  15. Enoch Goldewyn

    Closed Things Come Easy To Me....

    There were not too many places without other people, and Enoch was just trying to find spots to study in. He had found a little corner of the first floor after his very first class in this corridor and had decided to work there. Though people were moving about and between classes a lot he was...
  16. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Some Privacy Please

    Enoch had been at school all of about ten minutes (a day) when he had found the arts room. His parents had assured him that the school would have a piano, all schools had one, and if they didn't then he would just write and they would get one for him. But there was one, in a room adjacent to the...