fourth years

  1. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Year, Lesson Three

    Noel stood beside the door opening of the classroom so he could see how everyone walked in. He wanted to make sure they felt safe in the classroom and it was an difficult and sometimes emotional subject which the fourth years would learn this year. He gave an friendly smile and once everyone was...
  2. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Years, Lesson Two

    Noel had to admit he was an bit nervous for this class. It felt wrong to perform an unforgivable curse on an student, but he knew the reason for it. And he didn't done it out of hatred or the wrong reasons so that was what he had told himself this morning. As he saw that everyone was inside he...
  3. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Years, Lesson One

    Noel was waiting behind his desk for the fourth years to arrive. They were the oldest students he teached so he was looking forward to meeting the group. He figured Defence Against The Dark Arts was an class worth following and people would like it. He walked to the front of his desk and opened...