🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Rose

Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy didn't know Makaria that well, but knew of her and knew she'd be in the same house. Having missed her in the common room, Lucy made her way with her basket of roses all the way down to the great hall in hopes of catching her at breakfast. "Hi," she said in a chipper voice, taking a seat beside the girl in question. "We've never talked before, right? I'm Lucy, and I've got a rose to deliver for you," Lucy said in an excited voice, hoping that excitement would carry on to the other girl.

@Makaria Styx
Makaria Styx noticed how many people were just going around, delivering roses today. She did not send one, and she doubted that Loki sent one either. That was not his thing. She heard someone talking, and glanced in that person's direction. Makaria did not expect anyone to just talk to her like that, but then again, the students were all strange. And the excitement might have been contagious but luckily, Makaria seemed like she was vaccinated from it. "I would say my name, but I assume you already know it since you have a rose for me, for some reason."
"Um, yes! Makaria. It's a lovely name," Lucy said sincerely, fetching the rose in question - a yellow rose, and a note to go with it. "Here you go." Lucy handed over the rose carefully, not wanting the thorns to prick the other girl. "Hope you have a lovely day!" Lucy said with a smile.

Happy Valentine's! - Miranda
Makaria smiled subtly as Lucy complimented her name. She took the rose, and looked over the note. She gave the other girl a wave of appreciation. This was nice of her roommate. Shame Makaria did not send anything to her. She would have to thank Miranda later.

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