Open a magical night

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Ivy Cullen

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Mixed Blood
A twig
9 (08/2050)
Ivy had grown up on toys of the magic of the yule ball. Of her siblings dressing up, going on dates, falling in love, or in some cases out of it. something between those stories like cinderella and other fairy tails of balls merged together into some wonderful dream lands. She was looking forward to the night. She had picked out a dress all by herself that made her feel like a princess and worked with the other girls in the dorm helping each other get ready.
she made her way slowly to the great hall and as soon as she stepped in she realised what everyone had been talking about. it really was like stepping into a portal to a fairy tail. she went from an average summer evening to a beautiful winter night. the kind of winter night that only occurs in movies where everything is pleasant and the snow doesn't melt to give you wet socks or it gets so cold that the only way you can feel your nose is when it is running.
She looked around the hall the dancing, the snacks and the drinks she picked up a mince pie before rounding another corner to what was only described as a lake in the room and realised that she could skate on it. she joined the queue not caring that her dress was floor length on her. she was going to go skating in a ball dress because it sounded like a fun thing to do and there was no one to tell her that she couldnt.
Lorelai was excited for the Yule ball, and wished that her sister had decided to come to school with her. But she put the thought aside, instead focusing on the night and the fun dress she'd chosed. After wandering around the ball for a bit, exploring, she found herself in line to go skating and smiled brightly as she saw the familiar face. "Ivy!" She declared, holding out her arms. "Hi! Are you having fun?" She asked, standing close to her friend to be sure that she was heard.
Ivy turned around when she heard her name and she saw one of her dorm mates standing besides her. She grinned brightly hey Lolly she said. ”I just got here. But it is fun i can’t believe how good the decorations are. It’s like magic. It is magic she said Ice skating is so cool she said are you having fun? she asked.
Lorelai giggled. She liked the nickname. "Well I just got here, but its been fun so far!" She replied easily. "Are you having fun? This looks fun," She offered, looking around at everything again. "Have you ever been ice skating? It's fun!" She spoke, remembering when her dad had taken them out a few years ago.
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