🌹 Rose Giving A Rather Notable Red Rose

Miranda Dawes

Bright Spark | Optimistic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
12 (28/05/2049)
red rose for @Monday Weeks

Of course, Miranda knew who the next person on her list was. He was a Ravenclaw, and he was the head boy, he kind of stood out a bit. She felt a little shy approaching the prefects and head people rooms, but she politely knocked on the office door, after hearing Monday might be in his office. The idea of having one's own office at school sounded amazing, she thought. Even she and her father shared the office in their apartment. "Hello! Monday, are you there? Sorry to bother you, but I have a rose to give you!"
Monday Weeks finished his homework in the headperson's lounge. It was away from everyone, and it was nice to spend some time with Aine in there. He heard someone knocking on the door. Monday looked like he was tired - but that was normal. At least his hair was decent. He opened the door after hearing the voice, which made him smile. "It is no problem at all. Just finished my homework."
Miranda couldn't help but feel sympathetic. She imagined that being Head Boy was really busy, and Monday also always seemed to have a lot going on with classes and Quidditch and clubs and all. Still, it would've been rude to comment on how he looked tired, so instead she just smiled and held out the red rose and the note paired with it. "Happy Valentine's! I like what you've done with your hair, it looks really cool!"

Monday took the red rose that the younger Ravenclaw held out for him, as she complimented his hair. "Thanks for both, the compliment and the rose." Monday opened the note up and saw that it was from his youngest sister. He was going to miss her when he graduated and they all would be at school while he was off doing whatever.

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