🌹 Rose Giving A Side Of Something Sweeter

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
red rose for @Senna Overby !

Dahlia actually had quite a few people she knew on her list, which certainly made things easier. Perhaps a bit more embarrassing for her putting on the whole cupid performance, since there was a little less need to, but the performance part was still a lot of fun. It was nice to go around making people smile with rose deliveries. It was a good thing she wasn't too worried about standing out when she decided to clear out a couple of deliveries at mealtime. "Senna?" she called, looking around for the sixth year, and grinning when she spotted her. She cleared her throat. "I come to you as an emissary bearing a token of affection from someone dear to you."
Senna knew she still had plenty of roses to deliver but she had also convinced herself she could hardly do so on an empty stomach, which was exactly why she had made her way to the great hall. With any luck, she'd spot some of her rose recipients there as well. She looked up from her seat at the table when she heard someone call out her name and shot Dahlia a big smile when she approached her. "Well that's a fancy way of putting it."
Dahlia gave a slightly sheepish grin at Senna's comment, shrugging it off. She felt kind of bad about how she hadn't really kept up with Quidditch as much, but she still enjoyed watching it at least. "There is nothing fancier and yet more earnest than true affection," she blathered, handing over the red rose with the sealed note and one of her own muggle chocolates, which she just liked adding in to make it all that little bit more special. "Or something. I probably should've rehearsed these lines more, hey. Happy Valentine's!"

Thanks for being my bestie. ~Kyon
Senna blinked a few times at what Dahlia said next before just giving the girl an approving nod. At least she was putting some effort into her deliveries. She could appreciate that. "Nah, I reckon you've got it." She said encouragingly before taking the rose from her, not too surprised it was red since she had decided to send her friends red ones as well. "Thanks. You too!" Sen smiled before quickly opening the note, happy to see it was from Kyon.

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