after the hospital wing...

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Blake Zepline

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
"So..." Blake said turning to Lily, not sure how to start a random conversation. "You feel any better?" he managed to ask, examining her expression with a soft face.
Lily looked into Blake's eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I do feel better now. Thanks for sticking around with me. I am glad that you were there." She looked down and blushed, walking along the hallway towards the stairwell that lead up to her house. "I'm sorry that I cut our flying time short. Do you want to go back out?" She was tired, and not sure how much she would be able to fly, but not quite willing to part from Blake's company just yet.
"I'll always be there for you," the words slipped out unintentionally without thought, but it was too late now, and Blake had turned a crimson color.
"Umm... Go back out now?" Blake laughed after a moment of silence, desperate to change the conversation. "As much as I'd love to, your health will always come first," he said with a big smile. "You need to rest, especially after falling how many feet!" Blake said, with a tiny hint of an overstatement.
Lily heard what Blake had said, but with the way he changed the topic so fast, she didn't think he really meant it, or meant to say it.

"It was only a couple of feet silly" she said with a laugh. "But I guess you are right. I should rest a little bit, and I just noticed out the window that it is getting dark now too. Flying in the dark is not the best choice."
"Yeah, that too," Blake said turning his head out the window, only realising it was dark out. "Well, maybe we could have breakfast together tomorrow, you know, skip breakfast in the Great Hall. We could just stop by the kitchens and grab something, then go down to the pitch and eat, then practice..?"
Lily thought this over. Wow, he really wants to hang out even after knowing I am a clutz.

"I think that sounds good. Where should we meet?" she asked.
"Why not the kitchens?" Blake said, happy that she actually wanted to spend more time with him. "Oh, but maybe we should eat after we fly a bit," Blake added, not wanting either of them to get cramps while flying. He could never forgive himself if Lily fell again, and only the day after.
Lily smiled. "The kitchens it is. I just hope that this time it isn't so messy! Last time I was there with some friends and we made brownies, and, well, it was kinda disasterous." She laughed at the memory of the food fight that broke out while making brownies. "Eggs are NOT fun to get out of your hair!"
"Eggs? I hate the smell of raw eggs!" Blake laughed, poking out his tongue in dislike. "Alrighty then, I'll let you go get some rest now, I've kept you long enough," Blake said with a wide smile, standing near the landing of the stairs going up. "You want me to walk you up?" he asked peering up at the many flight of stairs ahead.
Lily laughed at Blake's reaction to the raw eggs.

"Well, I will leave that up to you. I won't complain if you want to walk me up. But I also won't complain if you don't." she added with a giggle. She was curious as to what he would do, but wouldn't be upset if he headed downstairs.
Blake stood there, he wanted to walk her up, but knew that it would be screaming the obvious; something he wasn't sure he was ready for just yet. Did he like Lily as much as he now believed he did? He knew the answer to that, but wasn't sure he wanted to make it any bit obvious to Lily. So he pulled another nerve, and made a decision, after long thought, that it would be best for his sake that he not validate his feelings, yet. Lily's rejection would burn, and Blake wasn't ready for that type of pain. He definitely wasn't ready to commit so easy, after having only just met met her on the whole.
Strewing his feelings with his expression, he finally said, "Alright then, I think I'm tired and in need of rest." Adding a fake yawn which he hoped would not give him away, he gave her a nodin farewell and made for the stairs leading down to the next floor.
Lily waited anxiously for Blake's decision. It only took a second, but it felt like an eternity. She could read into whatever move he made, but she was doing her best to push that all aside. He just likes me as a friend. If he walks me up, its only because I was a clutz on the pitch and he feels he has to keep track of me. Keep telling yourself that, and everything will be okay. But why is he so darn cute!?

Blake yawned what looked like a fake yawn.

"Okay, well I will see you in the morning then. Kitchens." she said as she headed up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw tower. She looked back over her shoulder as she was climbing, to get one last glimpse of Blake.

We are just friends. Remember that. Just friends. But he is so cute! Argh!
As Lily walked up the steps, Blake sighed to himself. I'm such an idiot, he thought to himself. As he reached the second floor landing, he turned to look above at the changing staircases, and clearly, he could see Lily in the distance way up ahead. After a moment of staring up after her, he finally turned and made his way down to the next floor.
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