🌹 Rose Giving And empty words are evil

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (11)
Magne had no idea how to say the next name, neither the first or the surname. He was staring at it and had to point to it on his list to get people to understand it. But he found where he needed to be, outside the gryffindor common room. He glanced at the entrance and was just waiting for someone to come out so he could ask them if..Dahlia..was there.
Dahlia was having a great time, she'd just had to pop back to the dorms to fix up her makeup since walking around the school meant it was at risk of smudging a little. But she really liked dressing up and putting on a show of the whole thing, she really did just have to do more performing if she could. She noticed a young boy, actually one she'd delivered a rose to earlier she realized. "Hello! Magne, right? Can I help you?"
Magne gave a look of recognition as the girl approached him. She had delivered him a rose earlier in the day. "Yeah, look for you, Dah..Dahlia right?" he stumbled over her name, with his accent heavy on every word. "Have rose for you," he said, before taking out the yellow rose and the note that went with it.

- Valerius

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