🌹 Rose Giving And there is also a time for sleep

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (11)
Magne was at least a little familiar with the next name, though he wasn't sure he had ever spoken to her. He knew too that she was related to the last person on his list. He was at the slytherin table. "Sunday Weeks?" he said, calling out the name, slowly and deliberately, making sure that he was saying right, with a heavy accent on the words.
Sunday was pleased with how many roses she was getting. She smiled when she heard her name and turned, raising her hand a bit into the air. "Down here," She called back, looking at the boy. Was this the foreign student who had trouble with the language? She'd heard the rumors but she couldn't be sure based off an accent alone, heavy as it was. She waited for him to approach.
Magne followed the voice and smiled at the girl. He recognised her from his classes, though he couldn't say he had spoken to her much in that time. "I have rose for you," he said, taking out a yellow rose and the accompanying note.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope it's a good one!

Sunday smiled at the boy as he approached. "Hello, Magne," She greeted, and took the offered rose. "Thank you!" She made sure to keep her words clear. She peeked at the note and smiled, before looking around to see if she could spot Naveen. "How is your day going?"
Magne smiled at the girl, Sunday, and then watched her take the rose. "It is going well, I make good time on roses," he said, each word was slowly picked, with a heavy accent, but it was getting easier to form the sentences. "How is your day going?"
Sunday listened to him, taking in his mannerisms. "Better now," She told him. "How are you liking the school?" She asked, thinking that as firts years it was a good convesation starter. "You were sorted into Ravenclaw, yes?" She asked, remembering seeing him with Mondays friend Valerius.
Magne gave a tight smile at the question. "It is fun, but overwhelming," he replied. It was getting easier as the language issues he was having started to fade, but it was still a lot. "Yes, you are sly..slthe," he was trying to say slytherin, but stumbling over the word. He paused and gave a slightly frustrated huff. "Sly-thy-rin," he then said, sounding it out.
Sunday waited for him to work his way through what he was saying, and nodded. "Yes, I am a Slytherin." She replied easily. "Are you making friends?" She asked, trying to decide if she should try to recruit him as a lackey. He looked like he might be a people pleaser.
Magne nodded, though he probably could've guessed her being slytherin from where they were. He gave a half shrug at the question. "Mostly, it hard with language...impasse...barrier," he said with a small tight expression. "You?"
Sunday listened, and offered her hand out to him with a carefully crafted warm smile. "Well, you've just made one more. Would you like to have lunch with me in the courtyard tomorrow?" She asked, thinking it was the perfect place to focus on his slower speech without distractions.
Magne was a little surprised at the fact she seemed keen to say they were friends when they had just met, but Magne also knew he couldn't really be picky about his friends. "Okay," he agreed, as he took her hand. "I should get..more roses to...give...deliver,"
Sunday smiled and nodded. "Sure thing! I'll see you tomorrow." She offered, giving him an easy smile. "Happy Valentines, Magne."

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