🌹 Rose Giving Another Yellow

Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy was humming to herself as she checked the next person on her list. This whole exercise of delivering roses really made her realise she didn't interact with many students at all outside her year. Another Ravenclaw, she noted, as she traversed the castle, eventually making it to the first floor corridor. There she found the boy in question - Valerius - another older student, which did intimidate her slightly. "Um, hello," she greeted him as she saw him. "I've got a rose for you," she said politely, hoping he wouldn't find that objectionable.

@Valerius Bianchi
Valerius was heading for the gardens when he heard someone spoke. He turned, smiling softly. "Oh, really? Thank you," He offered. "It's Lucy, isn't it?" He asked, thinking he recognized her from the Quidditch team.
"Yes, it's Lucy," Lucy said a little nervously, lacking her usual enthusiasm just a tad. She hoped he knew her for good things, and not for anything bad (not that Lucy did bad things). "Uh, anyway, here's your rose," she said, handing it over with the note attached. "I hope it's a nice one." She secretly wondered if anyone sent mean ones - surely not, though.

Ευτυχισμένη μέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου!
Thank you for helping me so much.

Valerius smiled and glanced at the note, his smile automatically getting wider. "Oh, Magne," He murmured. He looked back up to Lucy. "It is, thank you. How are you?" He asked, trying to be polite.
"Oh! I'm, um, good. Yes. It's a lovely day to hand out roses," Lucy said with a genuine smile. "I love seeing people's reactions. Is that a bit creepy?" Lucy laughed awkwardly. She wished she didn't feel so on edge around older students but she couldn't help it. They made her feel a little lowly, like she wasn't quite good enough yet to hang around them. Valerius seemed nice, or polite at least, so far.
Valerius chuckled. "Not at all, I think we're all a bit curious." He replied, hands in his pockets. "How have the rest of your deliveries been?" He asked, giving her the chance to talk it out if she'd like to.

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