Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Here we go again! This one should be relatively short since we just had a very large BWU posted last week. :)

We've got a new Headmaster!

We'd like to thank everyone who applied for the position. We know that it is a serious undertaking, and the applications that we received were all great. Please join us in welcoming and congratulating Professor Matt Alcott-Ward (roleplayed by Daphne) as the new Headmaster for Hogwarts New Zealand!

Professor Alcott -Ward has held down one of the History of Magic positions for some years, and we look forward to seeing what he does as the next Headmaster. He will officially step into the position for Y42 beginning with sorting. CONGRATULATIONS! :party: :party:

Almost the end of another semester!

Can you believe it?! As of Monday (tomorrow for me), we are in the break week, that time of the year where we encourage students to get those last minute house points and for professors to catch up on grading. We also want to offer a reminder to OWL and NEWT professors to consider posting those exams a few days early to allow the students in those years just a little more time to get them completed. ^_^

And this also means we're another step closer to SORTING! :frantics:


Slytherin took the final victory of the season with a win over Beauxbatons. Congratulations to the Slytherin team for such a great series of wins this season. Check out the final game here!


This is just a quick reminder that all Accio! pages are now closed and there are just a few more days left to vote.

Pre-sorting cleaning

With sorting coming very soon, we encourage shopkeepers to take the time to ready their shops. Cleaning up and archiving old topics, checking in with your staff and updating those lists, hiring, etc. are great steps you can take to help! Also, if you don't feel you have the time to dedicate to a shop, now is the time to let an admin know so we can make plans to hire in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation!

New friends!

We are also heading into the time of year where new people begin to pop up on site. We ask that everyone keep in mind that new members might need a bit more of a helping hand to find areas and ask that you direct them to the site staff when you can. Also don't be afraid to welcome the new people to our fold! ^_^

Applications will close soon

As a reminder, most applications will be closing soon, certainly before the next BWU! We do this every year so that our focus can be on sorting. So, if you have any pressing applications, don't forget to submit them soon.

Please also don't forget that pre-sorting age child characters should not apply for special conditions/abilities/statuses until after they have been sorted.

  • Graduation! Check those PMs 7th years! ;)
  • Sorting! :frantics:

That was fun! I hope you all have a great next few weeks.

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Congratulations Daph! I look forward to seeing Matt as Headmaster! :party:

how are we at break week wh- HOW IS IT ALMOST Y42 EXCUSE ME
CONGRATULATIONS DAPHNE!!!!!! I'm so stoked, Matt is perfect for Headmaster & I can't wait to see how things go with him in charge!!

Please also don't forget that pre-sorting age child characters should not apply for special conditions/abilities/statuses until after they have been sorted.
Small question; I keep forgetting this is a rule (though I think I've only ever actually broken it once back in like 2016 :V ) can I ask where it's listed in the site docs? IDK how I've consistently overlooked it for years lmao
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The year moves so quick aaa almost sorting already.....

Thanks for the update, Cyndi, and congrats Daph!!! It'll be fun having Matt in as the new headmaster I'm excited for the dynamic 👀
Congratulations Daphne! :party:
So many exciting things!!! Congrats Daphne!! Well deserved and I cannot wait to see how the school is gonna take shape while he’s in charge hehe!

Thanks for the update Cyndi! My My time has gone by fast :o
Thanks for the update Cyndi!

Also thanks everyone for the congratulations, I'm very excited to RP this role with Matt ^_^
Thanks for the update Cyndi & congrats Daph!!
Also soooo excited for sorting and graduation :party:
Thanks for the update Cyndi, and congratulations Daphne! I don't know much about Matt but hopefully no more basilisk incidents will occur xD
Congrats Daph! Matt’s been a professor for what, like five IRL years? Looking forward to seeing him as headmaster (and all the drama that comes with it :p )
YAY Daph!!! Congrats, can't wait to see Matt as Headmaster. Thanks for the update Cyndi! Can't believe how close sorting is!!
Small question; I keep forgetting this is a rule (though I think I've only ever actually broken it once back in like 2016 :V ) can I ask where it's listed in the site docs? IDK how I've consistently overlooked it for years lmao
You won't get an increased warning or any other form of punishment if you do it so I'd hesitate to call it a rule, but is guidance we give and one of the reasons why we close apps during sorting season. For more on why we ask that you wait, you can take a look at this FAQ post. We've offered the guidance (on the few occasions it has happened) via PM for many years.
You won't get an increased warning or any other form of punishment if you do it so I'd hesitate to call it a rule, but is guidance we give and one of the reasons why we close apps during sorting season. For more on why we ask that you wait, you can take a look at this FAQ post. We've offered the guidance (on the few occasions it has happened) via PM for many years.
No I totally understand why it's how you do things haha, I was just wondering where to find it in the site docs themselves?
No I totally understand why it's how you do things haha, I was just wondering where to find it in the site docs themselves?
We've always opted to not include it in the site docs, as to include it would make it a rule, and that would then make it more strict. Right now, we're content that we just remind people of it in FAQs or the BWUs and let folks know via when it happens (it doesn't happen often). It can also be a space for folk to do a first version of an app and we have still sometimes given feedback to the app submitted. So we've not included it in the site docs for these reasons.

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