Open Confused Collisions

Joshua Lynch

kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
16 (02/2045)
Joshua had recently learnt all about the magical world. It wasn't too long ago that he had heard about it all and that he was gonna have the chance of entering the new world. He had wondered if there were any magical sports in the magical world. The boy loved sports and would try to take any sort of opportunity to play sports. He had so many questions about the wizarding world. His mother had told him to do some research through books, but Joshua wasn't much of a reader. He thought books were boring.

However, Josh had decided to make his way to the magical park. He rarely went, only going once before. But the boy had thought that maybe the magical park may help him about the magical world, though he had doubts that the park would help. His mother was in the Village herself, learning about the magical world as well. Joshua sprinted towards the swing set, not paying attention to his surroundings when he collided with someone else and fell onto his bottom. "I'm sorry, are you all goods?" Joshua said to the person, as he rubbed his arm with embarrassment from the collision.
While Senna would never say that her life had been boring before it had certainly become more and more interesting with each passing day. Everything magical was interesting and exciting to her and she felt like she had been lucky her first sign of magic had happened in front of someone who wasn't magical himself but was familiar with the magical world. Even more so when his daughter just so happened to run a magical sweets shop. It had sounded insane at first but she had instantly grasped the opportunity to spend a day in the village with her and see the shop.

With her bag stuffed with sweets she had never heard of before Senna headed to the park to see if there were any kids to hang out with untill she would be taken home again. Surely, there had to be. She noticed a girl nearby and, deciding she looked nice enough, was starting to make her way over when someone suddenly bumped into her. She stumbled for a second but managed to stay up on her feet, snorting when the boy that had apparently bumped into her asked if she was alright. "Me? I'm good, no worries. You're the one on the ground." She snickered, extending her hand to help him up.
Joshua chuckles at the girl's statement. Glad that she wasn't injured or anything. "Okay, that's good," Josh says with a chuckle, as he grabbed her extended arm and pulled himself up as he then dusted himself off a bit, not sure if there was actual dirt on him or not. The boy was often hyper at times and he didn't really pay attention to his surroundings most of the time. He looked around, the swing set that he was going for, not really interesting to him now. "What were you planning to do anyways before I bumped into ya? I'm Joshua by the way, but Josh is much better" Josh says with a chuckle. He guessed he was a bit nosy now, but he wanted to make a new friend, hoping that maybe someone could help him with this unfamiliar world.
Senna happily helped the boy back up to his feet, glad she herself hadn't fallen because the prospect of some of the sweets in her bag possibly breaking was a sad one. "I'm Senna, Sen, whatever you want to call me." She introduced herself in return. Luckily for her, Josh wasn't a hard name to remember. Emmanuel had taken a little more effort, but she still remembered so she figured she was good. "Looking for new friends." Senna grinned, flat out telling the truth when Josh asked her what she had been doing. "Are you going to that castle-school-thing next year too?" She asked, already keen on telling him that he was now stuck with her if his answer was anything remotely close to yes.
Josh smiles as the girl introduces herself. He thought it was always cool to meet new people. The boy chuckled as Senna mentioned looking for new friends. Making friends was always fun. And Josh always liked to have new friends. "That sounds cool! The more the merrier" Josh says with a chuckle. The boy nodded enthusiastically at the mention of the new school. "Yes! Totally! I forgot what it was called. Is it Hog of Warts? Warts of Hogs? Wogharts? I can't remember. It's all new to me. I'm guessing you're going too then?" Josh says with a smile, trying to remember the name. He still couldn't believe that the magical world. He really couldn't believe that it was all real. If the girl was going at the same time as him, he'd be happy to know at least someone there.
Senna laughed when Josh mentioned he would be going to school next year as well, feeling a strong sense of recognition in not remembering the school's name. "We better make sure to get the name right before actually getting on that train." She snorted. The fact that they would be heading off to school on a train was one she had remembered correctly, she was sure of it. "Yeah, I'm going too!" Senna nodded excitedly. "Guess that means you're stuck with me from now on." She grinned, often deciding someone was going to be her friend before they had even gotten a chance to think about the matter themselves. If they didn't think she was fun they'd find out soon enough and she'd happily let them walk off. "I'm new to all of this too, but I've got some help from the daughter of one of my dad's old friends." She said before taking a packet of sugar quills out of her bag. "Who somehow happens to be a witch and own a magical sweets shop.. I definitely lucked out." Senna added, offering one of the sugar quills to Josh.
Joshua chuckles a little and nods in agreement. Senna was right. They had to at least get the name of their school right, or it may be a little embarrassing. The boy smiled in relief when Senna had mentioned that she too was going to the castle school. He was glad to know that there was at least someone that he could go to the school with. "That sounds like a plan. That means you'll be stuck with me too. You can't get rid of me that easily" Josh says with a chuckle. It had seemed like he already made a new friend and the boy was glad.

Josh listened as she explained that she had some help. "Oh! Awesome! I don't really know anything about this magic. It's practically like I'm going in blind. No idea" Josh says with a small chuckle. He may have learned a few things like the wand and all, but quite honestly, the boy had no idea what was in this new world he had just learnt about. "A magical sweet shop?! That's awesome! What sort of lollies do they have there?" Josh asked curiously. He didn't even know that there was any such thing as magical lollies until now. He happily took the weirdly shaped candy, looking at it confusingly. "What's this?"
Senna laughed when Josh mentioned she'd be just as stuck with him as she had just told him he would be with her. It was good to know he wouldn't mind being her friend though. "So you know there's like these houses, right?" She asked, a thought popping up into her head. "How wicked would it be if we end up in the same one!" She added with a grin. Sure, she planned on somehow making some more friends both before and at school but it would be nice to end up in the same house as Josh. She could already tell he was great fun to be around.

She nodded when Josh said he knew nothing about magic. She didn't know too much herself either, but she was sure she could get a lot more information out of Freya if she wanted to. Especially since her parents couldn't exactly help her either. "Right? There were like all kinds of things I had never heard of before!" Senna grinned just thinking about how gobsmacked she had been walking into the shop. "I believe this one isn't super special, just sugar. But it's shaped like a quill which apparently most people write with?" She explained, still curious as to why it had sounded like wizards felt above just using pens. Or maybe they didn't understand those like they didn't understand a bunch of things to do with magic yet either.
It looked like Senna didn't mind that Josh wasn't really going anywhere and that he was keen to be her friend. He listened as Senna explained a little bit about the school that they were going to. "Right! I heard theirs four. But I forgot the names of those too... Do you know? I know they represent something..." Josh said as he laughed with a little embarrassment. He wasn't really good at remembering things. And he for sure thought that he would need to study a bit about his school. But he thought books were completely boring and a waste of time. Josh nodded enthusiastically when Senna had mentioned them being in the same house together. "That would be epic! I hope that happens!" Josh says with a nod. Even though he didn't really know Senna all that long, he liked the girl's company.

Joshua listened as Senna explained about the magical lolly shop. He knew he had to explore in the lolly shop sometime soon. It sounded like a fun place to go and visit. Josh knew he would be keen to try these sort of lollies. Whatever they were. "They write with quills? Isn't that like... really really old? They do know pens exist right?" Josh says with a chuckle as he continued to look at the sugary treat. He guessed that the magical world liked to go old school or something. He then decides to give the sugar quill a try. "Ooo! I guess this one taste nice! My one kinda tastes like... strawberries"
Senna put her finger to her chin for a second as she wrecked her brain in search of the answer to Josh's questions. She would've liked to say she knew, that she had remembered. But there was so much to remember she ended up forgetting most of it. "Not a clue. I should really ask someone to write all of it down. Like important names and terms or something." She answered with a giggle, although secretely she didn't think it was such a bad idea. It'd be like a cheat sheet for magical life. Surely, that would come in handy. "For sure!" She nodded when Josh agreed ending up in the same house would be fun, even if she was ready to annoy him on the daily when he ended up somewhere different from her as well.

"Right?" Senna agreed when Josh questioned wizards writing with quills. She had yet to see the use of it, but it was also a good reminder that a lot of things would likely be different than what she was used to. She happily took a bite of her own sugar quill, quite satisfied with the crunch of it breaking. It tasted a lot like other sugary lollies she had tried before and was maybe a little less magical than some of the other treats she had in her bag. "I guess these are pretty.. normal." She responded with a chuckle, rummaging through her bag to see what else she has. "There's also ones that actually move and stuff but I guess it would be best to save those for school." She said with a small shrug. In all honesty, she was keen to try out each and every one of the goodies she had gotten from Freya but she was sure her wouldn't appreciate her getting home in the middle of a sugar rush.
Josh nodded in agreement. "It feels like we have to remember a lot of things... I don't think my brain can handle all of that information" Josh says with a chuckle and a shake of his head. With entering into this new world, it had seemed that Josh had to remember so many things and he felt like his brain wouldn't be able to handle all of it. Like the names of the houses that were at this school, the name of the school, even future spells they were going to do... it was all too much and it felt like Josh only had a little time left to remember it all.

Josh's eyes widened when Senna had explained that there was moving lollies... "What the heck? Moving lollies? How does that even work?" Josh says confused as he continued to eat his lolly. How the heck does a lolly... move? Sure there might be a spell of something, but arent most spells temporary? The young boy wasn't even sure at this point. "Do you know if the magical world has sports of their own? I would love to do sports" Josh questioned, he vaguely heard somewhere that there was a magical sport, but he wasn't really paying attention at the time, which was weird because the boy was so into sports that you could talk to him about sports for hours on end.
Senna snorted when Josh seemed completely thrown off by the idea of moving lollies. She wasn't sure if it had been lollies or chocolates or anything else, but she did specifically remember Freya telling her about ones that moved. "I think they are?" She responded when he mentioned spells being temporary. "Maybe it's like limited spells or something. I think there was something about frog shaped chocolates that only get to jump like once or twice.." She added, trying her best to remember what the woman had told her back in the shop.

When Josh mentioned sports Senna's face lit up. "Yeah!" She nodded excitedly. "I know there's one sport which involves flying and like.. different balls? It's got the weirdest name but I can't seem to get it right. Or remember it." She laughed. The idea of the sport was exciting though, even if she knew she would miss being able to surf once she got to the school. "You do a lot of sports? Which one do you like most?" She asked curiously.
Josh listened as Senna spoke about the spells being temporary. "Wait, jumping chocolate frogs? That's so cool! I think I'll get my hands on that" Josh says with a chuckle and a nod. The boy definitely couldn't say no to the idea of chocolate. He was also excited to see all the magical moving lollies that were there. "Is there any other lollies in the shop I should watch out for?" Josh says with a smile. He didn't mind if he walked into more surprises of the lollies.

Josh had a big smile on his face when Senna had told him that there were in fact magical sports. "Really! Yes! That's rad!" Josh says excitedly. He had hoped that if there was a sporting team at school that he could join it in his first year. "Flying!? There is a sport where you can fly?! That's so cool!" Josh says, as his face lit up more and more as Senna spoke more about this sport. He definitely had to find out more about this sport. "I'm honestly not surprised if it's got a weird name. It seems like a lot of the magical world names things weirdly. Like the school even has a weird name. I still don't remember the name of it" Josh joked with a small laugh. Hearing that there was actually a magical sport made him more hyped for school. "Oh, dude! I love sports! It's what I do most of the time. I think the sport I like most would be football to something" Josh says with a smile. "What about you? You into sports?"
Senna shrugged when Josh reacted to her mentioning the chocolate frogs. She wasn't entirely sure if they were as fun as they sounded but she was at least glad she had remembered some of the sweets and chocolates she had seen. She was also sure that she had at least one of two of those in her bag but she hadn't ever dealt with them before and it would be a shame to open them now and have them get away somehow. "Honestly, there were so many I can't even remember." She responded honestly. "You should totally go check it out though! Maybe you'll even get, like, a discount if you mention me." She finished with a joke.

When Josh seemed as excited about the wizarding sport as she had been when she had first heard about it Senna couldn't help but to grin. "I'm sure it'll be super cool." She nodded, matching his enthusiasm. "It would be a bummer if it turns out we suck at flying." She added with a laugh. Surely, it couldn't be that hard. It probably just took a lot of balance. Kind of like surfing. Yeah, she would be completely fine. "Right? It's like they're just trying to make stuff even more difficult for us." Senna responded when Josh mentioned all things magical somehow having difficult names. Perhaps for kids born into magic those names just came natural but for her, and probably Josh too, it was proving to be quite a struggle. At least so far. "That's cool! I love sports. My mom always says it's because I have way too much energy." She laughed, almost hearing her mother's words ringing in her ears. She meant well though. "Surfing would be my favourite though." She added. Having to fight the waves on her way out was certainly a good way to spend her energy.
Josh listened as Senna spoke. He knew he had to get his hands on these magical lollies. They seemed super cool, and he knew he had to try as many as he could before he went to his new magical school. "What's the name of the place? And where is it?" Josh asked, realising that he didn't know the name of the place or where it even was. He sure had to know, otherwise, how would he know where to go.

The boy liked that his new friend was as interested in sports as he was. He didn't have many friends that were interested in sports or many friends in this new magical school. So he was glad that his new friend had something in common with him. Joshua nodded and chuckled when Senna had mentioned them flying. It would defiantly suck if they weren't that great at flying. "Do you think there would be lessons for flying? Or would we have to learn all that ourselves?" Josh asked. He obviously had no experience with flying at all, so it would suck if him having no flying experience would affect him playing the magical sport. "The names are really confusing. I wonder how people can just remember it all. I obviously can't" Josh says with a chuckle. He knew that he had to try and remember the names of things in the magical world before he started school. "My sister says that too. She thinks I have so much energy that it drives her crazy" Josh says with a chuckle. He knew that he annoyed his sister a lot. Josh gasped at the mention of surfing. "Oh, dude!!! I love surfing too! I mean im not that great at it, but its one of my favourite things"
Senna looked around for a second when Josh asked where the shop was, trying to figure out which direction it would be. "That way, I think." She replied, motioning in the general direction of the shopping street it was located on. "It's called Honeyduke's. It's really cool! And bright. You'll know it when you see it." She grinned. With all of the bright pink and green and the shop being filled with lollies she was confident it would be difficult for anyone to just walk by it when looking for it. "Nah, I've been told there's flying class in first year." Senna responded to Josh's question with a confident nod. Having grown up with muggle stories about witches, wizards and them respectfully flying on brooms it had been one of the first things she had wanted to know. She laughed when her friend mentioned not being able to remember all of the silly names these magical folks had for things. Although perhaps she shouldn't call them that. She now was one of them, after all. "Samesies!" Senna snorted when he mentioned his sister often said the same thing her mom did, holding up her hand for a high five. "Yeeeees!" She exclaimed excitedly when Josh said he loved surfing too. "You should come surf sometime! I live like this close to the beach," She indicated by barely keeping her index finger from touching her thumb, "And I have this neighbour who's like a really good surf instructor!"
Joshua nodded, keeping a mental note of where she was showing him where it was and what it was called. He for sure was going to make his way to this magical lolly shop called Honeyduke's. He wasn't gonna pass up that opportunity, especially at the thought of moving lollies. Josh smiled, grateful that there was in fact some flying lessons. "Oh sweet. I don't think I could learn how to fly on a broom by myself just yet" Josh said with a chuckle. He felt that it might be difficult to fly on a broom, especially with him having no experience with it. Josh smiled brightly with excitement at Senna. "Yo! For sure! That sounds like fun! You're lucky to live close to the beach. Do you surf all the time since you live so close to the beach?" Josh asked curiously. "Oh sweet! They can teach me some sweet as tricks then!"

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