Open Curious Waters

Thomas Fitzgerald

introverted 🪴 plant & animal enthusiast 🐈‍⬛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Veela Hair Core
11 (02/2050)
It had been a couple of days since Thomas had started at Hogwarts, and so far he was finding it okay. The boy hadn't really made any friends yet and the school was much bigger than he thought it would be, which scared him a little. No, scratched that, it scared him a lot. He knew it was going to be a maze to find where his classes would be, and he knew he was going to get lost. However, Thomas liked the idea of the lake. The outdoors was his favourite part. He hadn't explored much of the Hogwarts grounds, but he had a feeling he was going to like the outdoors a lot more. Thomas sat at the edge of the lake, his feet dipping into the lake and kicking the water around a little. It was mid-afternoon, the skies had clouds scattered around, the calm breeze filtering through. Thomas looked at the atmosphere around him, enjoying the quietness instead of the hustle and bustle in the castle.

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