🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Rose

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Yellow Rose for @Theodore Hoshino

For her second last delivery of the day Chloë had decided to opt for the approach she had used before; to stand in a busy spot and write the recipients name in the air using flagrate. Coming from the grounds she had taken a spot in the entrance hall and had stood on her toes to neatly write the name as high up in the air as she could. Theodore Hoshino.
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Teddy didn't know what to expect when he saw the head girl writing his full name in the air in the middle of the hall, but the concept of rose deliveries hadn't quite leaked into his consciousness just then and he was prepared for the worst. He didn't think he'd done anything too far in the realm of rule-breaking recently, but he could not be sure of the same when it came to his roommates. "Am I in trouble?" he asked, hesitantly approaching Chloë.
Chloë hadn't even considered the thought that even if it was valentines day and rose deliveries were ongoing there were students who might get a little nervous seeing her waiting for them. "Oh!" Her eyes grew wide when a boy approached her asking if he was in trouble, indicating that he probably was the Theodore she was looking for. "No, nothing like that." She smiled, shaking her head before holding out the rose. "Got this for you."

[instead of a note, there is a postcard bearing a small messy oil painting of an abstract teddybear in soft pastel colours]
Teddy felt a little bad he'd mentally thrown his roommates under the bus in the face of hypothetical danger. "R-right. Sorry for assuming." he said, nervously. "Um, thank you." He took the rose and smiled as he saw the postcard. Such a beautiful painting could only have come from Finn, and Teddy cherished all the art his friend had given him.

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