James Cade

Professor James Cade

Father of 6 | Whole Again | Always
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Can you feel it?,
Now it's coming back we can steal it,



Say Hello to
James Cade


If we bridge this gap ,
I can see you,

James Artemis Cade


James: English form of the Late Latin name Iacomus which was derived from Ιακωβος (Iakobos), the New Testament Greek form of the Hebrew name Ya'aqov.
Artemis: Meaning unknown, possibly related either to Greek αρτεμης (artemes) "safe" or αρταμος (artamos) "a butcher". Artemis was the Greek goddess of the moon and hunting, the twin of Apollo and the daughter of Zeus and Leto. She was known as Diana to the Romans.
Cade: From a surname which was originally derived from a nickname meaning "round" in Old English.


The name James has no special meaning to the Cade family other than his mother liked the name. His middle name Artemis comes from his fathers childhood best friend who died six months after they graduated Hogwarts. Cade is the surname passed through his paternal line.


James is not a big fan of nicknames and as such doesnt really have one that is widely used. He is called Jamie by his little sister Jessica but it never caught on with the family. His brother Ezra may use an array of colourful names but non constitute a nickname.


James is currently eighteen years old and is a recent graduate of Hogwarts New Zealand.


James was born on 25th December 2027. As a result of the time of year his birthday fell his celebrations were usually merged with Christmas and as a result he always felt left out compared to Ezra and Jessica who had proper birthday celebrations.


James is currently a student.


Archer Cade: Archer was born in New York City to two magical parents and grew up as an avid fan of Quidditch. He attended Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into Hufflepuff and joined the house team in his second team as a beater. He met his future wife Veronica during the Gryffindor v Hufflepuff match during their second year when he fired a bludger as her while she was in possession. This began a bitter hatred between the two which would last until their seventh year when they began dating. After graduating Hogwarts Archer was offered the chance to try out for a Professional Quidditch team back home in the states, knowing it was an opportunity too good to pass on he attended and won a place on the team. This led to an emotional farewell with Veronica and the two broke up with her moving home to New Zealand to begin her ministry career. James adapted well to professional Quidditch and quickly found himself in contention for the national team. A couple of years after returning home Archer found himself in New Zealand with his national team mates for a match. It was during the planning for the match that he was reunited with Veronica. The spark between the two was reignited quickly and the two spent what little time they had together. After the match Archer returned home but the two exchanged owls. After months, Archer grew tired of a parchment relationship and offered to quit his position and move to New Zealand. Veronica refused, only to do the same. Veronica moved into his Washington DC home which worked well for her new position with the ministry. They went on to have three children. Ezra, James and Jessica.


Veronica Cade (nee Adams): Veronica was born and bred in Wellington, New Zealand. She attended Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into Gryffindor. She was a chaser on the house team and first met James father when he fired a bludger at her during their second year. The two despised each other for much of their time at Hogwarts, despite this they began dating in their final year. Upon graduation Veronica and Archer moved home to their respective countries which resulted in an emotional breakup. Veronica went on to work for the New Zealand ministry of magic first with the Department of International Magical Cooperation then the Department of Magical Sports and Games specializing in the organization of Quidditch. It was in this post she met Archer Cade again while he was on tour with US national Quidditch team, they met during the planning for a game against New Zealand and it was clear the spark between them hadnt left. They dated for the brief time he was in the country but soon it was time for Archer to return home. After months of exchanging Owls Archer offered to quit his team and move to New Zealand. The offer itself was enough for Veronica to refuse him and make the move herself. She took a post with the Magical Congress of the United States in their equivalent department. She went on to have three children with Archer; Ezra, James and Jessica.


Brother - Ezra William Cade: Ezra is Jamess older brother by one year. The two are polar opposites in some ways but are similar in others. Ezra, like James, is a big Quidditch fan, and like James is confident in his appearance and abilities. Ezra attends Durmstrang, he currently a fourth year and plays beater on the Quidditch team. The decision for Ezra to attend Durmstrang caused friction in the family. From a young age he always had more of an affinity with his paternal Grandfather William and the more prejudice side of the family, most of which did not approve of Archers marriage to the muggle born Veronica. With Williams encouragement young Ezra was able to convince his parents to allow him to attend Durmstrang over Ilvermorny and Hogwarts New Zealand and began staying with his Grandfather during the holidays. This along with his more extreme views caused a rift between him and his two siblings. In the summer before his fourth year William died of a heart attack and left his estate to Ezra however due to his age his new found wealth and home were not available to him until he was seventeen. Not legally allowed to occupy his Grandfathers house alone he moved home with his parents and siblings.

Sister - Jessica Nicole Cade: In stark contrast to his relationship with his brother, James is close to his sister. Jessica is Jamess younger sister by five years. The events leading up to Ezras departure from the family home were mostly missed by Jessica due to her age but the sudden disappearance of one brother made her grow closer to the other. Jessica shares her brothers bold and confident attitude but unlike either brother is an avid reader. Jessica is currently nine years old and waiting to start Hogwarts New Zealand.



The Cade family have only one pet. A German Sheppard dog named Godric after the founder of his and his mothers Hogwarts house. Godric is five years old.


James is mixed blood. Jamess paternal Grandfather William claims that their family is Pure blood spanning back generations, but can offer no proof for this claim. Regardless of his fathers heritage, his mother Veronica is muggle born.


James is proud of his mixed blood heritage in the fact he is proud to have both magical and muggle family. His acceptance of his muggle relatives put him at odds with his brother Ezra and some of his fathers family. James does not consider any blood status superior to the another.


James was born and raised in Washington DC.


James spends his term time at Hogwarts New Zealand where he attends school. During the holidays he returns home to Washington DC.


James is Caucasian. Born and raised in America he considers himself American though he is half kiwi on his mothers side.


The makeshift Quidditch pitch in the back garden of his family home. Where he first learned to fly and discovered his love of Quidditch.


James has only ever lived in one house.


James is heterosexual and has never considered himself anything else.


James is currently in a relationship with Madeline Walden.


Jamess first crush was in his first year at Hogwarts and it was fellow first year Amy Rosemary. James met Amy in the library and the two hit it off. James believed his feelings to be mutual but as of yet the crush never developed into anything more.

The same day he met Amy, James also met her best friend, Madeline Walden. The girl seemed to despise him at first sight a fact that amused James at first but came to annoy him. Despite a seemingly mutual dislike of each other the two appeared drawn to each other more and more during their second year and after landing themselves in detention together after the infamous mandrake incident, James shared his first kiss with Maddie. During third year they both began new relationships and after an emotional confrontation outside of Professor Pendletons office even their friendship is in question, but Jamess feelings for her remain strong.


Jamess first kiss was with Maddie Walden during detention in their second year.


The winter holidays before his third year James began dating Misha Corvey, a Ravenclaw from the same year. He met Misha while out of bed after hours and caught her reading in the student lounge. The two quickly bonded and James invited her to a family wedding over the winter holidays. They dated during the first semester and attended the Yule ball together. James was unaware of what was bubbling between his girlfriend and his brother Ezra until he caught them kissing during her visit during the Christmas holidays. They broke up as a result.

At the beginning of his fourth year James asked out Charlotte Owens after giving her a necklace he bought for her during the holidays. The paid dated for most of the year but their relationship was far from smooth. During the Yule ball James got into a fight with his brother Ezra over Maddie and after dueling in the courtyard James ended up in the hospital wing where James and Maddie shared an intimate moment that Charlotte walked in on. Despite spending Christmas (and his birthday) together, their relationship never fully recovered and they broke up midway through the second semester.

The summer before his fifth year James began to grow closer to Lyra Potter while the pair worked at Ollivanders and they began dating shortly before the school year began. James Lyra continued to date through their fifth year and the first semester of their sixth but it was not smooth. During the final few months of their relationship Lyra began seeing Felix Urie while James and Maddie continued to fight their feelings for each other leading to several episodes of confessed feelings and make out sessions. James and Lyra officially broke up after James walked in on Lyra and Felix in bed together.


Currently None


James's first time was with Madeline Walden during their sixth year in the Gryffindor common room during the small hours of the morning. It was a perfect night and a moment James had waited for for years.


James was born in a muggle hospital in Washington D.C on Christmas day, something he has a deep resentment for due to his birthday celebrations always being merged with Christmas. He is the younger brother of Ezra and the older brother of Jessica Cade. James like his siblings grew up loving the sport of Quidditch. Unlike Ezra, who was drawn to the power and control of being a beater, James came to obsess over the snitch and wanting to catch it this led to him wanting to be a seeker, a goal he would achieve once at Hogwarts.

The relationship between James and Ezra growing up was always tense. The two boys were similar in many ways but their opinions and values were almost polar opposites. Ezra was closest to their Grandfather as a result and the relationship caused a rift in the family. When it was time for Ezra to go to school he went to Durmstrang at the request of his Grandfather and moved in with him. James resented his brother for leaving and his Grandfather for taking him away. Ezra would come to move back home after the death of their Grandfather but the relationship between brothers was already broken and it would only get worse.

Unlike his brother James chose to attend Hogwarts New Zealand, a sister school to that his parents attended. No one was surprised, including James, when he was sorted into Gryffindor like his mother was. In his first year at Hogwarts James secured permission to try out for the Quidditch team and was named as an alternate seeker, he remained as such in his second year before being promoted to the starting Seeker in his third year. James won his first game as the Gryffindor seeker.

Throughout Jamess early years at Hogwarts he made friends with fellow Gryffindors Rudolf Lagowski and Hemi Te Rua as well as beginning what would be a complicated relationship with Madeline Walden. The pair would initially genuinely dislike each other but come to be reluctant friends, rivals and even fall in love with each other, but as of yet both refuse to admit it to each other, with James only being able to admit it to Professor Monty Pendleton.

Jamess second year saw one of the most dramatic moments in his young Hogwarts life when Maddie hung back after Herbology one day to sabotage his mandrake so that when James returned the following week his mandrake was dead leading him to be made an example of in the class. Despite this humiliation James kept quiet in the classroom opting instead to confront Maddie after class, their wands were drawn but the only damage done was to their mutual friend Charlotte Owens who ended up in the hospital wing after she flung herself in front of the stunning spell aimed at Maddie. James, Maddie and Hemi were brought before Professor Cyndi Kingsley the Gryffindor head of house. Hemi was let go having done nothing wrong. Despite the humiliation, Maddies constant denial of any wrong doing and only drawing his wand in defense after Maddie drew first, James kept mostly quiet and refused to drop Maddie in trouble even choosing not to bring up the Mandrake. James and Maddie would serve detention together cleaning the dueling chamber, a fitting detention. Mutual gratitude of not getting the other into further trouble led to playfulness and after buckets of water were thrown over each others heads James and Maddie shared their first kiss, but it would be their last for a while.

During the holidays before his third year James began dating Misha Corvey who he met one night before the end of their second year. The relationship occurred quickly and Misha was invited to a family wedding at the Cade estate. What was supposed to be a bonding experience for James and his girlfriend would turn out to be the beginning of the end for the relationship, as Jamess brother Ezra would prove too much temptation for the young Ravenclaw a few months down the road. Unaware of the sparks between his girlfriend and his brother James was happy heading back to school. All thoughts of his kiss with Maddie in the past. Despite an early emotional moment between James and Maddie at the beginning of the year, James managed to spend his time putting his feelings for Misha before whatever he felt for Maddie until they came bubbling over the surface after he sabotaged her potion and indivertibly put her in danger. After a steep points deduction James went to explain his side to his Professor but would eventually spill his guts on his feelings for the girl, only to have everything overheard by Maddie who was standing just outside the office. Horrified James did the only thing he knew how in that situation. Lie. James denied everything, even going as far to say the idea of being with her was ridiculous which led to Maddie becoming visibly upset and to rather confusing and intimate hug. The two parted ways, confused and hurt. James and Maddie wouldnt see each other until he approached her at the Yule ball, despite both being there with different people James pulled Maddie away for a dance and despite her better judgement, Maddie gave into her heart and danced with him. Compliments were exchanged between the two as they both displayed long overdue affection for each other. For once they parted on good terms, but for both it felt very much like an ending.

Before his fourth year began James has a run in with Maddie and an old Durmstrang classmate of Ezra's, who like his brother was transferring to Hogwarts. James instantly disliked Aion because of the instant attractions between him and Maddie. When James returned to school the first thing he did was ask out Charlotte Owens and the two began dating. The pair saw a lot of each other but James was weary of the presence of Daniel Rosemary, who e Charlotte seemed to grow close to. James attended the Yule ball with Charlotte but was distracted by the presence of Maddie and Ezra attending as a couple. James's intervention led to him and his brother dueling and James being admitted to the hospital wing. Maddie was the first to visit and the only one there when James woke up which led to the two of them sharing an intimate moment which was witnessed by Charlotte. Despite the events of the Yule ball, James and Charlotte still spent Christmas day together to celebrate his birthday in an attempt to salvage their relationship. When they returned to Hogwarts it soon became clear that their relationship wasn't working and they broke up. James in a fit of post breakup grief, bumped into Amy Rosemary and after briefly catching up and discussing their previous feelings for each other engaged in a heated makeout session in the nearest broom cupboard which would quickly be walked in on by Maddie and Amy's brother Daniel. James also volunteered to deliver roses and Rudolf confided in James his continued plans to win over Phoebe Caldwell.

James began his fifth year in a new relationship with Lyra Potter after growing close to her while working at Ollivanders. The holidays before the school year began also saw James accompanying Rudolf to the menagerie to pick out a pet for Phoebe. Fifth year was notable for James as he was made both a prefect and co-captain of the Quidditch team, both with Rudolf. It was also the year his little sister Jess began Hogwarts. While not the most eventful year of his time at school, James attended a Christmas party at the Rosemary house during the holidays, met new fifth year transfer Matthew Harper who he became weary of due to a perceived attraction to him by Maddie, and engaged in a food fight which included Maddie and her boyfriend Aion. James once again volunteered to deliver roses, and his relationship with Lyra remained strong throughout the year, they attended the Yule ball and Valentines dance together and successfully navigated Lyra walking in on a seemingly intimate moment between himself and Maddie.

Through the curtains of the waterfall,
When I lost it



James hair is cut short and he does little to nothing with it, despite this he is sensitive about people touching it. Jamess hair is an Ash blonde colour.


Jamess eyes are a deep hazel colour, he inherits his eye colour from his mother as he has many of his physical and personality traits.


James is still young so his body is developing, but after years of playing Quidditch at home followed by three years on the Quidditch team at Hogwarts he had quite an athletic body.


Jamess dominate hand is his left, which is one of the few traits he inherited from his father. Despite this, he catches the snitch with his right as he prefers to keep his dominant hand firmly on his broom.


James has no allergies that he is aware of.


Kendall Schmidt</SIZE>

Yeah you held my hand,
But I tossed it,



The thing James likes the most is Quidditch, its one of the few things he has in common with his brother. He likes hanging out with his friends and getting into trouble where possible. Despite growing up in a mostly magical family James loves muggle movies and TV shows, going to the movies is something he used to enjoy doing with his mother but since starting Hogwarts they havent done it.


The thing Jamess hates the most is having to study and tends to avoid the library like the black plague. He tends to dislike people who are either afraid to or refuse to break the rules as he finds them boring and would have very little in common with them.


James's ultimate goal is to become an auror when he graduates HNZ but first he plans to play professional Quidditch for a few years before devoting his life to climbing the ministry ranks.


Jamess boggart would take the figure of Maddie's lifeless body.


Jamess Patronus would take the form of a Lion. The Lion form comes from casting a patronus while thinking about Maddie. The creature embodies all the fierce aspects of her that he loves and also represents himself and their shared house.


James doesn't use a single memory to cast his patronus rather he thinks about Maddie. Everything they went through, their good moments and bad moments. Their first kiss, their first time. Her.


Jamess worst memory is the day Ezra left to Durmstrang and by extension to live with his Grandfather. It wasnt because of his own feelings about Ezra is was because of how his mother reacted. Having her eldest son abandon her at such a young age was devastating for her.


James would see himself on his wedding day in the finest suit, standing next to him would be Maddie looking as beautiful as she always did.


James looks up to his father above everyone else. Most of his personality comes from his mother and although both his parents played Quidditch at school, it was his father who opened his eyes to the sport and nurtured his talent. The first time he saw his father play for the US national team was one of the proudest moments of his young life.




While not the most common sign for Gryffindors to be born under, the combination of Gryffindor aims with Capricorn traits results in wizards who are exceptionally well balanced. For once, here are Gryffindors who will not go charging off on quests without first making thorough preparations and arranging for backup. They are resourceful, well grounded, and self confident, hard workers, and extremely reliable. You can always trust a Gryffindor Capricorn's word; they will not only mean it when they say they will do something, they will follow through successfully. House Prefects often come from this sign, because they are responsible, good students, and natural leaders. What many people forget about the Capricorn is that although they are part goat, they are also part mermaid. That mermaid half represents all the fanciful dreams and lofty ambitions that the quiet Capricorn often hides beneath an unassuming surface. Perhaps Capricorns are sorted into this House because the House needs balance, but those hidden dreams and whimsies probably have a lot to do with it, too.


James could be described as restless. He does not like to sit still for too long which makes him ill-suited for studying, he is very easily bored which has caused his academics to suffer somewhat. Generally, James is a kind and sensitive person but all that can be lost under his teenage boy bravado and his cocky attitude. As a result, he can often do things that seem hurtful and people can turn against him.

Didn't understand,
You were waiting,



James had never attended another school before Hogwarts. The idea was briefly brought up by his mother but, after some strong objections from his Grandfather, she and Jamess father decided against it.


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As I dove into the waterfall,
So say Geronimo!

<SIZE size="50">


Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core


Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.

Wood: A complex wand capable of the most advanced magic, Elm does not often make a mistake or fuddle a spell - it is highly dependable to a well matched master.

Core: As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.

Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.


Hogwarts New Zealand




James was nervous during his sorting ceremony. He would have been happy if he was sorted into either of his parents’ house but a big part of him really wanted to be in his mother’s house, Gryffindor.


Sixth Year












Can you feel my love?
Bombs away,
Say Geronimo!

Coding Done by Emzies, if you want to use it, just ask me and I'll pm it to you
Lyrics: Geronimo - by Say hey to the single life
First Year​
James had grown up receiving vivid descriptions of the Hogwarts New Zealand castle so as he was led through the entrance hall along with the other first years he felt like he had already been there before. He could barely believe that he was finally walking the halls of the school himself after hearing about it for so long. The sounds of excitement increased as the doors to the Great hall opened and they were led inside to just in front of the staff table. That was when the first years fell silent and one by one their names were read off to sit on a stool and get sorted. James had heard all about the sorting hat from his parents, it had led to him spending his whole life wondering which house he would be sorted into. His mother had been a Gryffindor and his father a Hufflepuff. He honestly didn't have a preference he just really wanted to know where he belonged. The curiosity had eaten at him for years and it wasn't long before it was his turn to find out, "Cade, James," The Professor with the list called out and James stepped up to the stool. He was a little nervous which was unusual for James but it was mostly out of anticipation. It was his moment of truth, he closed his eyes at the hat was placed on his head. James opened his eyes and awaited his judgement. <SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="firebrick">"Gryffindor!"

PotionsHistory of MagicDefence Against the Dark ArtsCharmsTransfigurationAstronomyHerbologyFlying
[th colspan="8"]First Year Grades[/th]

First Year RPs
A Friend in Need is a Friend IndeedMadeline Walden, Jezebel di Angelo, Amy Rosemary, Archibald Villiers and Sebastian Kross.
You're Bothering MeMadeline Walden.
Everytime I see youAmy Rosemary
You Can't Stop MeHemi Te Rua, Jezebel di Angelo and Madeline Walden.
New Friends. New FunMadeline Walden, Charlotte Owens
Howling At the Moon Like a LoonyStella Stilinski.
Where Do You think You're Going?Hemi Te Rua.
Operation: Raid the KitchensXiochtle Lief Morta, Perseas Stratis, Hemi Te Rua.
It's Been a WhileMadeline Walden, Amy Rosemary
What Makes it so Great?Tholomyes Fontaine
We Are Just Beginning NowArchibald Villiers
Not so Safe HavenXiochtle Lief Morta
T'was a Dark and Stormy nightRudolf Lagowski, Hemi Te Rua
Den MeetingAll Gryffindors.
Second Year​
PotionsHistory of MagicDefence Against the Dark ArtsCharmsTransfigurationAstronomyHerbology
[th colspan="7"]Second Year Grades[/th]

Second Year RPs
Gryffindor House Meeting (Y25 S1)All Gryffindors
Mandrake KillerMadeline Walden, Hemi Te Rua and <COLOR color="darkgreen">Charlotte Owens
Who's NoseCharlotte Owens
Duel Match Number 11: James Cade vs Rome SavageRome Savage and Professor Misha Haden
Wash till you dropProfessor Phaedra Kazuyuki
SurpriseMisha Corvey
Trouble MakersMadeline Walden, Professor James Woodlock, Professor Cyndi Kingsley and Hemi Te Rua
Spic and SpanProfessor Cyndi Kingsley and Madeline Walden
Looking for peace and quiet? You're not going to find it hereMadeline Walden and Amy Rosemary
Third Year

History of Magic​
Defence Against the Dark Arts​
Muggle Studies​
of Magical Creatures​
[th colspan="8"]Third Year Grades[/th]

Third Year RPs
I always feel like somebody's watching meMadeline Walden, Charlotte Owens, Misha Corvey
I don't know how to talk to youMadeline Walden
Brotherly LoveEzra Cade
OoopsProfessor Monty Pendleton, Madeline Walden
Wedding BellsMisha Corvey, Ezra Cade
May I?Madeline Walden
Passing the TorchMadeline Walden, Leila Walden, Jessica Cade
You UpRudolf Lagowski
Here's a rose for youAsaiah Murphy, Madeline Walden, Rudolf Lagowski
Monday Morning MelodramaRudolf Lagowski, Madeline Walden, Reuben Lagowski
Fourth Year

History of Magic​
Defence Against the Dark Arts​
Muggle Studies​
Care of Magical Creatures​
[th colspan="8"]Fourth Year Grades[/th]

Fourth Year RPs
Venturing WestAion Zephyr, Ezra Cade and Madeline Walden
Gryffindor House Meeting Y27All Gryffindors
Can't help falling in loveCharlotte Owens
Ground RulesEzra Cade
Up in the airLyra Potter
The most wonderful time of the yearCharlotte Owens
Checking InProfessor Monty Pendleton
Hiding in the DungeonsDaniel Rosemary, Amy Rosemary, Charlotte Owens
Dance the night awayCharlotte Owens
Unwelcome CompanyMadeline Walden, Ezra Cade
Sibling ShowdownEzra Cade
First Rose of the NightDarcy Pratt
You Get One TooThaddeus Miller
You've invented a new kind of stupidKylie Ortiz
Tribute to the KingOrwell Brocken
Rose for the ProfessorProfessor Eduardo Orbon
I think someone likes youMarisol Woods
You got a friendAurora Night
They keep comingProfessor Jonathon Phillips
Friendly Rose?Camelia Kyle
The Colour of FriendshipLeander Hayes
The Last RoseMargo Ellis
Careless WhisperMadeline Walden, Charlotte Owens
Bro It's 3amRudolf Lagowski
Like We're Oceans ApartDaniel Rosemary, Charlotte Owens
Years in the makingAmy Rosemary
Fifth Year​
History of Magic​
Defence Against the Dark Arts​
Muggle Studies​
Care of Magical Creatures​
[th colspan="9"]Fifth Year Grades[/th]

Lost CauseRudolf Lagowski
Need to find The perfect wandLeila Walden, Madeline Walden, Geovanna Volt
Happiness is a warm wandChristopher Elms
WanderlustElizaneth Chatwin
The Perfect PartnerJessica Cade, Lyra Potter
Gryffindor House Meeting (Y28)All Gryffindors
Capturing the WorldMadeline Walden, Matthew Harper
Cheers to a Wonderful BreakDaniel Rosemary, Kaia Rosemary Grimm, Aubrielle Grimm, Matt Rosemary, Gabriella Fox-Rosemary,
Leo Benivieni, Sara Benivieni, Vaska Vetrova, Firmiana Asterion-Jenkins, Alessio Benivieni,
Charlotte Owens, Amy Rosemary, Felix Urie, Bethany Zanders
Kindred DisputeKimmyeon Kendall-Wu, Soonkyu Kendall-Wu, Odette Harper, Raylee Lagowski, Diane Winters,
Hera Pourroulis, Ezra Cade, Daphne Dommino, Gabriella Davenport,
Rose Holland, Gabriel Rosenberg, Sophie Wilson, Aion Zephyr, Amber Chou Wilson,
Geovanna Volt, Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu, Therese Rosenberg, Daniel Rosemary,
Evelyn Manning, Madeline Walden
The way you look tonightLyra Potter
An Act of DefianceMadeline Walden
Love's looking good on youLyra Potter
The Last OneLennon Cohen-Knight
Almost DoneElliot Murphy
Friendly FinchStella Finch
Its Yellow so its not awkwardMadeline Walden
Roses die in the dungeonLourdes Brackenstall
We're practically familyLeila Walden
Sixth Year​
History of Magic​
Defence Against the Dark Arts​
Muggle Studies​
Care of Magical Creatures​
[th colspan="9"]Sixth Year Grades[/th]

Sixth Year Roleplays
Will Our Wands Be different?Grayson Wolfe, Jasmine Wolfe
The Long Wait is OverElla Bishop
Trouble BrewingHermione Walden
A Wand of My OwnMea Sith
Twins Do Everything TogetherElsie Ruthaford, Evee Ruthaford
A Powerfull WandLiam Waldgrave
Gryffindor House Meeting (Y29)All Gryffindors
Shh, Don't TellMatt Rosemary, Phoebe Holland, Elizabeth Chatwin, Podrey
Single PringleFelix Urie
Quiet MorningsProfessor Cyndi Kingsley, Diagoras
V is for VictoryAll Gryffindors
You Need To Know SomethingMadeline Walden
Is everyone having fun yet?Lyra Potter, Madeline Walden, Link Potter, Felix Urie Eleanor Hope, Danielle Corelli
You Need To Know SomethingMadeline Walden
Look what you made me do?Lyra Potter, Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Male BondingAion Zephyr
Outskirts of AdventureAion Zephyr, Danielle Corelli, Elt, Madeline Walden,
Sunny Side UpEleanor Hope
One hand on the cupAll Gryffindors
Dirty Little SecretsLyra Potter, Madeline Walden
Pain When You LeaveMadeline Walden
Den MeetingAll Gryffindors
A Big Mess UpDanielle Corelli, Aion Zephyr, Cyan Territe, Lanithro Styx, Madeline Walden, Lyra Potter, Amy Rosemary
Falling for youMadeline Walden
Brave RedsSigny Forstrom
Mushy GarbageFleur Worth
Flower PowerTherese Rosenberg
The Longest TimeMadeline Walden
Another one from the bunchAmber Chou Wilson
HereFlavio Morales
The last oneAthena Rey-Martinez
Brotherhood Soccer ThingBrotherhood Members
Brotherhood Soccer Tournament Match 2Brotherhood Members
Just TalkingAmy Rosemary, Madeline Walden

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