Open Kids Are Loud

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
The professor was feeling rough this morning, it was an early Monday morning, and he hadn’t slept well at all, though that could easily be explained by the fact he was no longer in his 20s and had gotten way too drunk on the Saturday, but it had been a friend of a friend’s brithday and he was always looking for an excuse to drink. The professor was however feeling it during breakfast that day. Why weren’t students always so loud? It didn’t make sense, how they could all make this amount of noise first thing in the day. The charm professor knew he could quite easily cast a spell but he was on day two of this headache and hungover-ness and he just wanted his morning coffee, some bland, tasteless toast so that he could force his body to be ready for the classes he had that day. He poured himself some coffee and just let it sit in the cup with his hands tightly wrapped around it for a moment. Just breathing in the fumes of the drink and feeling it fill his core. He took small sips and slowly began to feel more human, but the children were just so loud, ”How can they be so noisy so early in the day?” he said, speaking to no one in particular.
Part of Kahurangi's effort to get out of her shell more and make friends at work was forcing herself to eat every meal in the Great Hall, instead of snacking in her office while she worked. It was difficult to build the habit, but getting out of her office was doing Kahurangi good. She hoped. Physically being around her colleagues and actually socialising with them were two different things, though, and Kahurangi was still warming up to the idea of the second. Being so reclusive in her first couple of years on the job had eroded her small talk skills, and she hadn't quite figured out how to start a conversation yet. So, she had taken to bringing a book with her to meals. Not exactly the most social thing to do, but it created a bit of safety while she was trying to figure out how to approach new friends. Today for once she wasn't digging into a work related book, skimming a book of rugby tactics that her captain had recommended. It was interesting, but she was quickly drawn out of her thoughts by a voice. Glancing over she realised it was Misha who had spoken, hesitating before responding. "Reckon they're all born with bullhorns in their throats." She joked, giving him a small smile. "Rough weekend?" She added, taking in Misha's general state.
Misha glanced at the professor who had responded, to his blank statement about the kids, ”They definitely seem to don’t they?”. The man looked at the professor, he knew she was one of the ancient runes professors, her name escaped him a little but that might also just be explained by his tiredness this morning. He chuckled at her statement, ”Not even, I’m definitely just too old to be drinking like I’m twenty,” he joked lightly, ”One night really sets me back far more than it did before,” Misha raised the coffee to his lips and took a long sip of the drink. The charms professor tended to drink quite heavily but progressively the results of it were worse and worse. Now, he needed to sit in a room with screaming - well taking children - and he would need to teach later. ”Good weekend?” he returned the question, though she didn’t seem to be in the same state as he clearly was from a good night of too much drink. But he hadn’t spent a lot of time getting to know his colleagues well, apart from Jon and his best friend Styx. He hadn’t taken a whole lot of time to get to know them, but that wasn’t all that bad, he could always start now.
Kahurangi chuckled at Misha's response, nodding in agreement. It was one of the things she was still adjusting to about eating in the Great Hall, the sheer volume so many students all together could produce. She had spent plenty of time in noisy classrooms doing her degree, but the years teaching teenagers since finishing university had dulled her tolerance for the amount of sound children could make somewhat. She laughed softly at his comment about drinking, nodding as she sipped her tea. "Oh, I've been there." She grinned, remembering a few rough nights her second time at uni. "Caffeine helps, but noisy kids definitely won't." She nodded in response to his question, smiling. "I play on a casual rugby league in the weekends, nice to get out in the fresh air for a bit." The season was well underway now, and Kahurangi's team was doing better than she had expected. It had been quite a while since she had had a weekend like the one her colleague had apparently enjoyed though.
Misha nodded at the comment, caffeine certainly did help, though he didn’t think it was helping nearly as much as it could or should be. The professor ran a hand through his hair, listening as she spoke of her own weekend, something that was certainly more involved and active than his weekend or any weekend he might have. Misha hadn’t ever been particularly sporty in his life, he ate relatively well and spent a bit of his time working out, but he didn’t play any sports. ”Wow, that must be nice,” he didn’t think it would be something he would do, but it was pretty cool regardless, ”You any good?” he asked with a little grin on his face as he asked it. He was sure that she was probably pretty good, if she played at the weekends then she was probably miles better than he could even dream to be. ”Is it a muggle team or a magical team?” Misha was additionally curious about that, since it wouldn’t even occur to him that there would be a magical rugby team, but there probably was, not everyone enjoyed being limited by only doing magical things.

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