Open Learn From The Best

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Once back at Hogwarts, June had already spend some time in the library. The break had been intense, with all that happend. But June was more focused than ever on her studies. She was well prepared to take on every class Hogwarts had to offer her. And was more looking forward to some than others. But she had an clear goal in her mind. June firstly wanted to be named top point earner for her house. This was the first chance it was possible, so it felt like it was around the corner to grab. An trophy with her name on it, and hopefully for more years. But mostly doing what her dad expected her to do. June could never actually see him, but she could write him letters. And she would want to write him with all the positives.

So today was no other day that the blonde made her way to the library. She was gonna study, and would see what the day would bring. There was not stress, she was relax and confident to start the year. So far she didn't knew others who would take on every class, but perhaps people would want to challenge her and try to do the same. That would only be hilarious to June. It was known to her that people were always jealous of what she achieved. But she actually would like to beat Tempest at duelling this year. So hopefully she would. As she made her way to her usual spot, she noticed someone familliar an Gryffindor. And June had seen him here before, but mostly she figured he would spend time outside since he was so quidditch obsessed. If June would want to make the team, she would practice every day every moment. But she had no intention of playing quidditch, it was dumb. The blonde put down her books on the table across Fraser and put on an friendly smile. '' Hi Fraser!'' The blonde said. The boy had not been very special and not leave an big impression to June, but he wasn't the worst too. So she thought it was good to have someone as him around her. And to invest an bit in relationships more than Tempest. '' Do you mind if I sit here?'' She asked. '' It's kind of my usual spot.'' She added to it with an smile. June didn't actually cared about his answer, she would sit wherever she would. But it was good to be friendly, and usefull.
As a third year, trying out for the team a third time, he knew he might just have to accept he'd never be good enough for quidditch. He needed to be playing on a team if he hoped to be good enough to one day play professionally. But the chances got slimmer and he didn't want to rely upon his dad or his family for it. He did want to earn it. The gryffindor was therefore trying to b a bit better at his school work. It just was so boring. He didn't care really about what the best spell was to deal with certain plants. He was distracted often, glancing out of the window until he was interrupted, which he was very glad for. It helped that the interruption was by June. He gave a little smile. "Oh of course, please sit," he said. "I'm sorry I took your spot," he said. "Do you want me to move?" he asked, since he was sure June would study well and he'd just be a distraction.
It first seemed like Fraser was lost very deep in his thoughts. But than he seemed to notice her. June sat down across him and smiled shortly, as she put down her bag next to her. June liked Fraser because of how he now approached her. June liked it when stuff went how she liked it. And he would move over for her. That's why he was so good to have around and she was liking him even more for it now. If she would want him to jump, she would like someone to ask back how high. Those kind of people June prefered. '' No it's fine, but thank you.'' The blonde figured it would be funny to let him get away and take the place herself. But she was on a friendly act today. So she smiled at him. And took her book for Defence Against The Dark arts on the table. And glimpsed over to Fraser. '' Was outside more interesting than what lies ahead of you?'' June than asked him with an small smile, and ment the book in front of him. Fraser didn't seemed like the most studious person. But the fact that he was trying now kind of got her attention.
Fraser had been more than ready to just move if June had really wanted the spot. He knew she'd have used it better and more than he was and was going to. He glanced back at the book and then out a nearby window. Fraser really didn't want to study, so he was glad when June spoke, drawing his attention to her. "Huh?" he said before, nodding slightly. "Oh, yeah, I'm trying to read and learn, but I get bored and the outside is just nice," he explained probably far more than June had really been thinking that he would. "You?"
In a way June could appreciate the attempt to study. But what she didn't understand was how less someones concentration was. It was clear to her, that she was far ahead than most of her fellow classmates. Less childish and more capable of focussing on what lied in front of her. He really did seem lost in thoughts, which made her curious. She opened her book in front of her and made some space to study on later. She gave Fraser an quick smile as he seemed honest about his failure attempt. June would never freely help someone out of goodwill. But perhaps she could make use of this and continue her nice act. '' Well I could say, combine the both. But I don't think that will do you any good.'' June said with an smile. Figuring the moment he was outside he would not open the book anymore. '' Oh - I was just gonna study some too.'' June figured that was an dumb question from the Gryffindor, because what else was she gonna do here? But she kept an friendly face. '' But.. I could help you? We can do it together? Which class were you on?'' June than suggested. It didn't matter which class she was gonna prepare today, since she would take them all. And tried to see which book lied in front of him.
Fraser shook his head, combining them seemed like a good idea, and for literally anyone else it might've been, but Fraser wasn't very good at studying to begin with, and being outside, he'd just..enjoy the outside. Fraser knew June did much better than he did in classes, so he wasn't surprised she was going to study. The offer of help was kind. "I was looking at herbology," he replied. "But look, I'd appreciate the help, but you don't have to," he said, knowing she'd probably study a lot easier and better without him.
June knew she was right about Fraser, she figured his concentration was like an two year old, so he seemed to agree about staying inside was the best option. Herbology was far from June's favorite class, so she could sympathise an bit more that it wasn't the most interesting. June than shook her head. '' No, it's no problem really. You helped me before, let me help you now.'' June than said with an sugar sweet smile. '' Herbology isn't my favorite class, so I can use the studying for it.'' June than put away her own book, and she brought one from Herbology as well along. She always had a lot of books with her.
'' Perhaps sitting with your back to the window helps to start with?'' June than suggested, which seemed an easy solution to her. And like that she could sit at his place either way. It was like she was talking to an small child, you didn't have to be so smart to know this. June figured looking at her was even more interesting. But she didn't said that.
Fraser appreciate immensly that June was offering to actually help him. He didn't think she needed to, even if he had once helped her. "Okay," he agreed, knowing that he needed to try, that he needed to spread his focus a little beyond just quidditch. At her suggestion of switching seats, he hesitated, just looking out the window, and he knew she was right. Fraser nodded, but didn't move, just lingered before eventually shifting his seat so that his back was to the window. Now he couldn't get lost in staring out the window at where he wanted to be. Fraser looked at June and then smiled. "Okay, so what next," he asked. Clearly had no idea how one would actually study.

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