🌹 Rose Giving Love, Unlike School, Is A Many Splendored Thing

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
red for @Brevity Boone

Fresh air was always nice. As romantic as it seemed being in a castle, Dahlia always appreciated being able to stretch her legs, and from the little she could gather about her next delivery, it seemed that she didn't enjoy being in the castle at all. The elastic on the wings was digging into her armpits, but Dahlia was committed to the bit. "Hey, are you Brevity?" It was an odd name, but Dahlia supposed she couldn't comment on the alliteration. "If so, I've got a rose for you, guess which colour? And if not, boy, is this awkward."
Brevity had sent a rose, but really hadn't expected one back. So it was a surprise when someone approached looking for her, with a rose. She nodded. "I am brevity, and unfortunately I'm not expecting a rose, so this is going to be super awkward," she replied.
"Well, it's about to get more awkward still," Dahlia joked, offering out the red rose with note attached to her. She offered out her box of heart shaped chocolates. "Take a chocolate, too! They're muggle chocolates, so they won't do anything weird."

Brevity!! You're the most awesome best friend ever. Love you! ~Maisie 💕
Brevity stared at the red rose with a bit of a perplexed look. A red rose. She took a chocolate before opening the note. The note explained it a little bit, well, it helped make things less awkward. "The note explains it, so it's no longer awkward," she assured the delivery girl. "The chocolates are a nice idea," she added, opening the one she'd taken.
Dahlia was a little nosy, but she didn't know the older girl so being nosy probably wasn't going to actually achieve anything useful. She grinned. "Yeah, I thought it might add a little something extra." She gave a mock bow and a wave once she got back up. "Enjoy your Valentine's Day!"
Brevity smiled as the girl began walking away. "You too," she would a couple of minutes and maybe go find Maisie, knowing that her yellow rose was not the same as a red one.

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