Alternate RP NEWT Level Problem Solving

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
set in the Y44 mid-year break (posted in here to avoid time pressure), admin approved

With all of the extra free time she now had (i.e. the exam cram could be put off until a mad panic in May), Aine had taken it upon herself to do a little of her own additional study. Apparently, rather than just taking a normal workload with dropping a course, she thought it best to fill the time with more work, as one does. It was, in fact, something that had been rolling around in her mind all year, ever since fourth year Defence Against the Dark Arts. (She was still uncertain why the school was determined to stick to a northern hemisphere schedule because it sure did make explaining things to relatives really weird and meant that the long break was over winter, but it wasn't like she could fix that...yet. The advantage was hibernation over the winter months, she supposed.)

But ever since the Imperius curse class, Aine had been determined to find a way to protect her mind from breach. Sure, the unforgiveable was an extreme case and she probably wasn't likely to face it - though with the importance placed on fighting dark forces, apparently, maybe it was more likely than she thought - but that didn't mean magic couldn't breach her mind in other ways. And there was nothing Aine dreaded more than anyone having access to her inner thoughts and feelings. That was her space, and her battle alone. She was already on the back foot in so many ways; muggle family, difficulty communicating, overthinking everything. Much less pretty and talented than every other girl (and even a lot of the boys) in the year (in her opinion). The perils of being sixteen turned up to eleven. Any way she could claw back self-control and gain an upper hand on anyone trying to bring her down, she would take it. Anything to protect herself and learn to deal with her emotions better. Preferably by smothering them down so far they couldn't make a sound. (As a moody teenager would think it best, naturally.)

And now, as a new decade dawned, Aine was convinced she had found the answer. Although there was only so much the school library had to offer, so the true first step was to take the Occlumency book up to the extremely terrifying looking man at the counter and buy it without a hint of fear. She didn't know what it was about him, and she knew she shouldn't be judgmental, but perhaps because of the school's insistence on teaching defence as a priority she felt alert and on her guard. Aine supposed she should have just been glad it wasn't anyone she knew working at the counter. It wasn't like it was shameful, but if she did try and study this seriously and didn't succeed, having people she knew ask her about it would've been totally humiliating. She wouldn't have been able to look Monday in the eye if she failed - she had already dropped classes before he did, which said his determination, or perhaps foolishness, trumped hers. "Just this, please," Aine said, politely, avoiding meeting the shopkeeper's eyes as she scrounged in her bag for the galleons.
Styx did not mind his new job. It was rewarding in some way to organize a store to his expectations. He could not say the same for those that were unfortunate enough to work under him, which included a handful of students that he even taught a while back. There were some that he had yet to truly meet, and he was not sure if he was thankful or regretful of quitting his job at the school. As he thumbed through a few of the new items, he heard someone enter. He was the only one in the store that day so it was up to him to see who it was.

Therefore, Styx made his way to the counter to see a teenager. He knew the age. He had many relatives her age. His onyx eyes look over the book she was holding. Occlumency. And she was avoiding his eyes. Was she aware? No, he left before she was in school. He started the process of ringing her up. "That book won't teach you that subject. You need a proper mentor in order to master Occlumency. With my wife no longer teaching, I doubt you'll find someone there to guide you." Styx folded his arms across his chest to see if she was interested, or if she just wanted a good read.
The words made Aine hesitate, briefly pausing as she rummaged for coins. Wizards were really missing out not having direct debit, coins were so inconvenient. He mentioned a wife - and it surely didn't seem that it would be someone like Professor Miller, so he was probably referencing Professor Styx, meaning...

"Oh, you must be the Professor Styx, then," she said out loud, slowly looking up. He had ceased teaching shortly before Aine went to Hogwarts, but she had heard of him, naturally. The stories still went around, and she had gathered some information from the paper and prior yearbooks. He was certainly intimidating, and Aine feared if she did meet his eyes he would somehow petrify her with them, as much as seeing right through her. "Sorry, that was rude of me, sir," she quickly added. "I hoped I might at out some basics on my own." It was obvious she was losing confidence in that idea with each word that left her mouth. She wanted to learn, but to teach herself from a book? Pure foolishness.
So, his reputation remained even after he left. That was amusing to say the least. Styx nodded slowly to allow her to confirm that she was talking to the correct person. She even mentioned how rude it was, which he made a small gesture with his gloved hand. "At least you learned your mistake. However, if it makes it easier, you can still refer me as that, or just Styx." Styx was not the type to allow those to ever call him by his first name, except for perhaps his wife. Even those in the family had to refer to him by his title. Styx glanced down at the book, and shook his head, "Teaching yourself from a book will only end up in failure. You will never succeed on your own. Occlumency is a powerful art. It cannot be taken lightly, nor can it be learned without a teacher. At least, not without someone who knows Legilimency or Occlumency." Styx put his hand on the counter, and started to tap the wood. "And you are standing in front of someone who knows both, and used to teach it at the school." The only issue was that he did not take on people who asked. He would have to see if someone was worth his time. However, it would be a good distraction otherwise.
Aine could see the reputation was well earned. He was intimidating to say the absolute least, and his words were harsh, Aine was almost deterred. But luckily, as flighty and cowardly as she may have been, she was also incredibly stubborn. Perhaps not as stubborn as others - she had accepted that taking on every class was self-destructive, unnecessary and setting herself up to fail, after all - but stubborn nonetheless. "I suppose that makes sense, how are you supposed to practice mental shielding based on book work? Short of asking the Defence professor to use me as a test case for the Imperius Curse demonstration every year, although I suspect he'd say no." She bit her tongue to stop herself from rambling further, carefully looking up and regarding Styx as impartially as possible. Though she had no doubt he could see the fear behind her eyes - even a blind muggle probably could. But could he see the arrogance, the part of her determined to prove that surely she could do it anyway, that she could do things her own way, expectations and traditions be damned.

"I take it you are no longer teaching, though, sir." She couldn't quite bring herself to just use his surname, feeling that was impolite, and yet he was not a professor so calling him as such also felt rude. "Would you, ah, happen to know anywhere I might be able to find further guidance?" Maybe she was pushing her luck, though even Aine, terrible at reading people as she was, felt like he was taunting her somehow. Or perhaps that was just her negative outlook?
Styx wondered if that would have worked. Placing the imperius curse over and over. Then again, that might not stop a legilimens. They were two different magics. After a moment of thought, he pointed out, "As someone who taught that subject for well over two decades, I can say with certainty that even that method would not work. The fundamentals of Legilimency and the Unforgivable Curse are vastly different. Imperius can only tell people what to do. Legilimency can dig into your very mind, extract emotions, memories, thoughts." That alone should help assist her in knowing that method would fail, even the sheer thought of entertaining that would be futile indeed.

The poor girl seemed scared of him, which he was rather intimidating. She would be stupid not to be. However, looking at her, he could see more than just fear, which was why he was continuing this conversation versus sending her on her way. "I cannot name anyone else that I'm not related to off the top of my head that live in this area to teach you. However," Styx paused for a moment, making sure he actually wanted to do this. "I only offer this to people I find are worthy and have the potential to succeed. For a Hufflepuff prefect that used to take all courses offered but dropped Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy this year, I believe that I can spare some time. If you are truly interested in learning Occlumency the right way."
Aine almost laughed, despite herself. More so at her own folly than anything else, maybe that would be blatantly obvious and she wouldn't have to frantically try and explain that she wasn't laughing at him, but at her own absurdity. "I thought repeatedly hitting yourself over the head, proverbially, was a great way to learn. How stupid of me," she joked, mostly as a nervous reflex to suppress rising panic. She hadn't expected to get this far. Hadn't expected this at all, really, otherwise she would have probably been more nervous than she was. The nerves were all hitting her at once rather than being built up over time, which was giving her something akin to whiplash.

"So the houses aren't a barrier to further study," she muttered, focusing on absolutely the wrong thing from what he'd said. But it was a little strange to her that the Professor Kalif Styx would express any sort of interest in teaching her or all people. Still, she knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. "...that is to say yes, if you really mean it, I want to learn. Please."
It was a good thing that Styx knew that she was joking, otherwise he likely would have just walked away from such a statement. Then again, it was hard to joke around with him at all these days. He had such little patience for people. Even teenagers. He didn't need legilimency to see that she was nervous. He knew most people were around him. He raised an eyebrow at her saying that houses weren't a barrier. "I've had many children and grandchildren in all houses. I favored none of them, even as a Head of House. One could say I was tougher on them rather than showing favoritism." Styx was even worse on his own family members, especially those in his house. And the punishments that he came up with were cruel beyond expectation - often humiliating. "I'll warn you. I won't hold your hand through it. It will be exceptionally difficult. However, in time, you will be an accomplished Occlumens." That is, if he doesn't break her first. Rather than finishing the sale process, he slid the book over to her. "No charge for this. I'd even consider it a gift."

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