Closed Post-Boggart

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Professor Kalif Styx just ended his third year class, but something had him a little concerned. Seeing fears from students were often rational or irrational. Therefore, after some considerable thought, after the other students had their turn, he told Lauren Davenport to come with him to his office. It was not a question or a favor, just an order. It was normal of his tone. Kalif walked into his office, and sat down behind his desk, while his mind recollected what he had seen. After all of the fears he had seen since he changed his lesson, he never encountered something like this. He gestured for the Hufflepuff to have a seat in front of him.
Lauren already regretted going to that lesson. But how should she know what they would be doing. Next time she would refuse or not even go. Because she hated it here now too. Why wasn't she afraid of something else. Something normal like a spider or other boggart's that her classmates seemed to be having. But if people asked her she would have her lies ready, she would not say who actually stood in front of her. And they could not know. Tyler and that stupid Slytherin girl had been calling her names and especially said she was crazy and Lauren felt alone here. Now she had nothing to call a home anymore. Not that felt like that for her. The blonde was mad for Styx ordering her to his office. She thought of not going, but it seemed like she had no choice. But she would let him know that she didn't liked to be ordered around. He was not her dad or anyone that had something to say of her. If there was something the blonde hated it was authority figures and adults. Especially man adults. She didn't trust them, and figured she had to decide for her own to protect herself from getting hurt.

Lauren was sure it was because of the lesson, but perhaps it was something else she hoped. Perhaps about her not going to lessons often or not doing her best. But why had Styx something to say in that? He was not her head of house, that was that other man. She was sure she had to come to hear something negative, because that was always the case. And she was used to it. The blonde stood in front of the door what seemed to be the office. And she wished she wasn't scared, but she actually was a bit of nervous. Styx was not her favorite person ever. She hated him so far, from what she had seen. Especially when she and Jasper were just having fun in their first year with walking backwards and Jasper walking to a statue and she to Styx. And than he told them they couldn't do that. But now here she was... Lauren sighted and frowned she was so not in the mood for this. Lauren knocked on the door hard and waited.
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The door opened, which he gestured for the Hufflepuff to have a seat. Kalif waited until she was in the office before the door shut. He decided to keep this short, since something about that boggart had him rather aggravated. Likely because he was a strong family oriented person. "Your boggart. I've seen a lot of boggarts and student fears in my lifetime of teaching, but yours... I'll keep this simple." Kalif clasped his hands together, staring at the young Hufflepuff. "I will assume that man was someone close to you, and with that violence, that is a huge concern. Miss Davenport, the only time I heard of someone fearing their family's wrath is if they experienced it, mainly with yelling. When you go home, are you, at any point, physically hurt by your parents?"
Lauren waited and than saw the door getting opened and she looked at Styx. That man kind of scared her, but she was not that scared of him. She had to be brave for herself. Let nobody hurt her or bring her down anymore. She was done with it. Lauren hesitated and walked further and went sitting on a chair without saying anything or greet him. No intention for that. She waited for what he had ordered her to come. Because Lauren had a lot to say about that, but first wanted to know why. And than she heard the first words. Boggart.. And she already knew where this was going. She already felt angry. A boggart was such a personal thing and nobody had to see that. She hated it. She hated herself for going to that lesson and actually thinking she had another boggart than her dad coming at her. And now Styx said he had seen a lot of boggarts but that hers was something? Worse or something? He did not finish his sentence. Lauren looked grumpy at Styx and putting her arms over eachother in a defensive way. And now he asked her if she was physically hurted by her parents. And this was the first time someone asked her. The first time she heard this question and immidiatly she frowned. She was not gonna tell this to him. Not to anyone. She was too ashamed and she still had her parents, who she deep down still loved. Although that seemed strange, how that was even possible. But they stayed her parents. But yeah ofcourse she was physiccaly hurt! Her father did! Her mother hurted her in other ways. She didn't even noticed her she ignored her. That was painfull too.

Lauren actually didn't want to let him finish because she wanted to know what about her boggart, what it was. But she listened further and sighted and than shook her head. '' I don't get why I am here. And why this is any of your business.'' Lauren started off with answering shortly. She should make clear how she thought of this and him. Lauren than figured she had to put in her lies and she had already been thinking of an explanation for her classmates after that class. She was way ahead of them. But Styx was right, why was he right? But he could not know. Lauren put on a smile and grinned for a moment fakely. This was just stupid. '' No. Can I go now?'' She than said short. She was not gonna explain herself and looked irritated again. That eyes staring at her made her a bit nervous, but she would not show. Not with her body language at least.
The young Hufflepuff answered, to which he did not react. He kept his expression calm and collected, which in all honesty, was simply stern and serious. Kalif clasped his hands together and stated, “Now, one thing people don’t seem to remember is that I can tell when someone lies to me. Regardless, I tend to know the truth, which is deeply disturbing.” Kalif had never dealt with this before, and quite honestly, felt that it should be handled by the headmistress and/or her head of house. He recalled that there was another Davenport, Gabriella, in his house. “Miss Davenport, I highly recommend you go to your Head of House, or the Headmistress about this. What you are going through...” Kalif faded off as he turned to look at the pictures of his own kids. While he had a dark, dark history, he never lay a finger on them at all, not in that manner. “If you don’t bring this up with them, I’ll bring it to their attention based on what I have seen in class. As I am not your Head of House, I cannot truly tell you what you should or should not do, nor will I expect you to heed my words. I would suggest staying here for the holidays.”
Lauren still sat with her arms across eachother. She didn't felt nice here at all and wanted to leave. Styx just seemed to be having one face or something. He just looked at her and Lauren looked back. If she would look away that would be strange. And than Styx told her that he could tell when someone lied and he knew the truth. Lauren frowned again and didn't understood what the man told her. She didn't knew this man. And the way he told her he knew, was really something frustrated for the blonde. And the way he now looked at her seemed like he could see through her. That was scary. Lauren just wanted to go. What did he have to say about her, nothing! '' You don't know anything about me!'' Lauren said raising her voice a bit more. She felt at her arm for a moment under her sweater she felt a small bruise. And covered her hand around it, not that he could see because she always made sure she wore something to cover it up. Lauren shook her head. Styx was Gabriella her head of house not hers. And she was glad that he wasn't. What she was going through?! He said to her. This was so scary. Did he had even more magical powers to read her mind or something? '' What I deal with? How can you tell! Can you read minds or something? I'm very curious what you think I deal with? I deal with those stupid Slytherins from you for sure. '' Lauren could not talk slowly anymore. She felt her anger. Also Lauren never paid a lot of interest in the professors in this school. She knew nothing of Styx. '' Well tell me what I think right now than?!'' Lauren said angry and was really mad at Styx. Why did adults always have to show that they were better or something and knew more. She hated it.

She didn't cared she talked to a professor right now, she could say what she wanted. She saw Styx looking away for a moment and sighted deeply. Why could people just not leave her alone. The blonde put her fist on the desk after Styx said that he would bring ''it'' to the attention of the headmisteress or her head of house. What he was doing right now made her so mad. He gave her no choice again. Saying her what she had to do because otherwise he would do it. He was true about one thing she would not heed his words. '' Well! What did you see in class than? '' If he knew he could say it than directly. She would refuse no matter what. That man was not her father someone else she would say for sure. Lauren just stared angry. She felt her fist and her nails into her hand. '' I am staying here. Because I want to. And my parents are away so. Ask my sister. If you don't believe me! '' Lauren than added towards it a bit more calmed down. Because she knew she had to get herself together. Gabriella stayed too, she didn't want to go home too she knew. She had to show she was mad at the way he spoke to her not about that he was right.
Kalif did not react as she raised her voice. It wasn't like he had anything to be afraid of. From what he had observed, she had a lot of anger in her. Not that he could blame her. Kalif clasped his hands together and leaned back in his chair. She mentioned how she dealt with Slytherins, which caused him to narrow his eyes a bit. That was something he was unaware of. "What are you thinking right now? Let's see," Kalif sighed, and he stated, "You are hating the fact that I know something you haven't told a soul to. You are mad at adults that apparently, you feel that they are better or know more. Although, we will come back around to the topic of those Slytherins. Without anyone bringing this matter up to me, I cannot deal with it appropriately." Kalif could not be everywhere at the same time, watching each and every student. That was why he relied on other professors and prefects to let him know about those that are misbehaving. "I have the gift of Legilimency. That is the skill to read minds and interpret memories of others. That's how I can tell when people are lying to me, since I assume that you were wondering that as well, and you and I both know what I saw." The Slytherin Head of House did not want to have to go to those professors if he didn't have to, though he felt that this was not something to be ignored so easily. At least she was not going back to her home, but since she was telling the truth this time, he did not push that issue further. She appeared to have calmed down a little bit, therefore he inquired, "Feel a little better now that you've yelled and such?"
The office from Styx didn't looked that special but Lauren tried to focus on something else. Because what Styx told her really freaked her out and she had to think of something else. He didn't seemed to be getting mad at her for being angry and not act nicely and Lauren was kind of suprised by that. She thought Styx would be such a person to tell her all she did wrong, like her dad. But he just did nothing just kept looking the same. It seemed like he was now guessing what she thought and everyone could guess but what he said was actually true. And it made Lauren mad. He than talked about the slytherins and Lauren put her shoulders up. It had no point because she had been the bad person in the story. There were two things she could do, act like he was wrong but he could read her mind so there was np point. But it was just not normal to look in someones mind it was private and Lauren hated herself for letting do it. But how could she know?! She never even heard of Legilimency. '' STOP READING MY MIND!'' Lauren than screamed. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else like some delicious cake with chocolate. And focused on that. He could not know more. Did he read her mind the whole time? In lessons too? '' That is just... Stop! You can't do that!'' She said irritated. The fact that he could do that just was terrible. Not only because of her own situation.

The blonde tried hard not to think of something else than cake with chocolate. She put than her shoulders up like she didn't cared. Lauren had learned to shown so many emotions quick after eachother. She acted like she didn't knew what he had saw. Because if he wasn't specific perhaps he hadn't seen ''it''. The blonde than sighted again, but still irritated about he actually reading her mind she just joked about that. 'She frowned at his question. '' No. You can't read my mind or someone else! That is a crime. I'm gonna go to the Headmistress otherwise. I didn't even knew you could do that or that people could do that! It was a joke!'' Lauren than said like she was tough. But she had a feeling that ofcourse Styx wasn't scared of this or her. But he just could not just read peoples mind right? She could complain. She had to prevent him reading her mind again, he didn't knew everything gladly. She quickly focused on the chocolate cake, because she could not tell when he stopped or how it even worked.. '' Did you stop?! If you want to know so badly who my boggart is you could ask before reading my mind! I'm still not sure why I'm here, since others boggarts were way more scary than mine. It's just an old employee at our house who scared me when I was younger. '' Lauren than said like it was nothing. And her face was straight when she looked at Styx.
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Kalif did not react as she screamed. She had a lot of anger tucked away, which was to be expected. The Slytherin Head of House restrained once more from his gift, since he could read people easily. There was a reason why he didn’t peek into minds, unless he was challenged, or suspected something. Kalif did not respond to it, since he would not want to be immature and remind her that she was the one that told him to do so. Kalif brushed that aside, since it was immature to even think that. “I teach Legilimency and Occlumency, therefore the headmistress is aware of my gifts. I don’t use my gifts often at all. If you wanted to learn to block anyone from reading your mind, I would suggest learning Occlumency, which can block Legilimency.” Of course, it depended on skill, though he was going way off topic at hand here. Kalif narrowed his eyes when she claimed it was an old employee, though he could tell, it was a lie. “The other boggarts were irrational fears.Yours came from past and, or, current abuse. Some students might have put two and two together already,” informed Kalif. “Since you are in denial over the ordeal, you are free to leave. Rest assured, your Head of House will be notified, and I do not know what Professor Carter will decide to do from there.” Kalif had a few ideas on what to do, since he knew some people that could easily make her an orphan, but apparently, that is the wrong path to take.

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