Rāwhiti Te Rangi


Name: Rāwhiti Ihaia Te Rangi

Meaning: Rāwhiti – Sunshine, Ihaia – Māori version of the name Isaiah, means “God is Salvation”
Birthdate: 7/8/2045
Zodiac: Leo
Strengths: Confident – Ambitious – Generous – Loyal - Encouraging
Weaknesses: Pretentious – Domineering – Melodramatic – Stubborn - Vain
As a Leo born on August 7th, you are well known for being both humorous and optimistic. You love to have everyone's attention, because it gives you the coveted opportunity to make others laugh. Your whit is one of your greatest tools for winning over others and it is greatly appreciated by those close to you. Your optimism always finds a way to shine, even in situations that appear to be overwhelmingly negative. You take this same optimism into exploring new places and environments.

Hometown: Ngāmotu, Aotearoa
Birthplace: Taumarunui, Aotearoa
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: A Cypress wand finds valour in the witches and wizards it chooses - so much so that the owners of Cypress wands have historically been expected to die an honourable death. This wand is for the brave and self-sacrificing.
Core: Erumpent hide cores help to create unstable and unreliable wands. It tends to add quite the punch to spells, making them more powerful than they should be at the most inopportune of moments.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor


Hair: Rāwhiti has curly black hair, which he usually keeps cropped short & out of the way.
Eyes: Rāwhiti's eyes are a light amber-brown.
Build: Rāwhiti is on the shorter side for his age, well built with natural muscle.
Complexion: Rāwhiti has warm brown skin, often slightly darker tanned than the rest of his family due to time spent in the sun.
Style: Rāwhiti will wear anything he can move easily in, and doesn't care much about fashion.
Distinguishing Features: Rāwhiti's bright smile and enthusiastic gesturing are usually the first things that stand out about him.
Playby: Jayden Daniels


Personality: Rāwhiti is a cheerful, laid-back person at pretty much all times. He can be extremely passionate when engaging in activities that are important to him, but he tries not to be overwhelming when others aren't feeling the same way, and when he's spending time with others who prefer quiet he's perfectly happy to just catch their wavelength and go along with them. He's passionate about protecting the people around him and standing up for others when he can, and often takes meeker friends under his wing for their protection. Rāwhiti is difficult to upset and difficult to offend, and makes an excellent companion for almost all purposes.

-Rāwhiti is very personable and good at making others feel comfortable around him. He makes friends easily with people who are very different to him by connecting to their energies rather than trying to make them follow his.
-Rāwhiti is extremely athletic and as a result he's very fit and isn't afraid to use his physical strength to help others if they need it.
-Rāwhiti is extremely passionate about his interests, and finds it easy to learn just about everything about a subject that interests him
-Rāwhiti can sometimes take too much of a relaxed attitude, and fail to give weight to things that really need it.
-Rāwhiti tends to pick one focus and neglect the rest of his life, too fixated on the one goal he's chosen to set.
-Rāwhiti is bad at picking sides when people he likes are disagreeing, and will often try to encourage people to let go of things they oughtn't.
Rugby - Rāwhiti has played rugby his whole life and is a huge fan of the game.
Music - Rāwhiti grew up in a very musical family, and is decent at the guitar and singing, though he doesn't share the same musical ambitions as his older brother.
Quidditch - Rāwhiti has always loved backyard Quidditch, and has followed the professional leagues his whole life, attending as many games as he possibly can and collecting Quidditch magazines and figurines.
Fishing - Rāwhiti grew up with his father taking him on fishing trips from time to time, and as a result he's a confident fisherman and decent swimmer.

Personality Type: ESFP (The Entertainer)
If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the Entertainer personality type. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.

Strengths: Bold, Original, Aesthetics and Showmanship, Practical, Observant, Excellent People Skills
Weaknesses: Sensitive, Conflict-Averse, Easily Bored, Poor Long-Term Planners, Unfocused

History: Rāwhiti comes from a happy home, the second of three. His parents made a point to encourage their children's interests and passions at every turn, and Rāwhiti grew up confident in his abilities and with strong trust in himself. He has had a passion for sports and athletics from an early age, and began playing rippa rugby when he was only five. His childhood was largely happy, filled with a lot of friends and close relationships with his whānau, though things changed dramatically when Rāwhiti was nine and his father announced that he had been having an affair, and was leaving the family to be with his new partner. Devastated, Rāwhiti threw himself even more into his hobbies and relentless cheerfulness to hide that anything was wrong. He was especially crushed by not being able to rely on his usually supportive older brother, who was struggling with the experience by retreating into himself. This only made Rāwhiti more determined to be cheerful, to take on that role of keeping people happy.
Health: Rāwhiti is very fit and generally in good health, though he has several scars from accidents playing rugby over the years.


Goals: Play as Seeker for the Kaikoura Kea
Fears: Becoming injured in a way that would prevent him from following his dreams
Secrets: Rāwhiti resents his brother for being so badly upset by their parents' divorce when he wasn't around to deal with it in the moment
Regrets: Not realising what was happening between his parents sooner
Red, orange
Food: Burgers
Smell: Salt air, grass and mud, wood polish
Music Genre: Rock
Animal: Dragon



Name: Anahera Te Rangi (née Josephs)
Date of Birth: 2/2009
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Seamstress
Name: Mike Te Rangi
Date of Birth: 4/2012
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Fisherman
Manaia Te Rangi
Date of Birth: 6/2042
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand Student
Marama Te Rangi
Date of Birth: 7/2048
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand Student
Kahurangi Josephs
Date of Birth: 3/2007
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Professor/HoH
Name: Tui Martin
Date of Birth: 11/2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Radio Presenter
Name: Tane Josephs
Date of Birth: 9/2014
Blood Status: Mixed Blood (Squib)
Occupation: Carpenter
Name: Tangaroa Josephs
Date of Birth: 9/2017
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Artist
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Bonfire PartyPhoenix Scouts Event
Getting ReadyWith Emery Mettlestone
Getting The Lay Of The LandWith Alexander Fortis



Rāwhiti had been looking forward to Hogwarts for a long time, and he was ecstatic to finally arrive. He had dreams and goals from day 1, and almost from the beginning his hopes began to be dashed. Rāwhiti had known that making the Quidditch team as a first year was a lofty goal, but it was his destiny. And yet, he was rejected. He still made Quidditch a big part of his life though, practicing whenever he could and doing what he could to make time with the Hogwarts players and families of professionals he could track down.​
Rāwhiti almost couldn't believe he was finally actually here. He had been hearing about Hogwarts from Auntie Kahu and Manaia for years now, and it was finally his turn to walk the halls. He'd barely been able to contain his excitement the whole train trip over, and now here he was, and here he'd be for the next seven years of his life. He took in everything as the group made their way to the Great Hall - the moving staircases, the portraits, every little detail that was going to become a regular part of his Hogwarts life.

As they entered the Great Hall he stuck close to Emery, but looked around quickly for his whānau - he spotted Manaia at the Hufflepuff table first and waved enthusiastically to his brother, then spotted Ngawaiata at the Slytherin table and greeted her too before looking for Auntie Kahu. There she was at the teachers table, looking far more serious than he had ever seen her before. Rāwhiti waved to her and beamed when the serious look cracked at once, his auntie smiling and waving back to him. He turned his attention back to the Headmistress when she spoke, only half-listening to her speech and the hat's song. It was all exciting, but he couldn't quite suppress the eagerness for his own turn. His attention drifted again as the sorting began, and he cursed how late in the alphabet the letter T fell. Emery was called first and he clapped his friend on the shoulder before he headed up to the hat, watching in excitement. And then before long it was finally, finally his turn.

"Te Rangi, Rāwhiti."

Rāwhiti practically scrambled out of the group, legging it across the room and onto the stool. His turn had finally come, and the sooner he could find out who his new housemates were, the better. He did feel a little guilty about his goals - while he knew he should probably be hoping to be with Manaia or Ngawaiata, or in Auntie Kahu's house, Rāwhiti had his own goals. Gryffindor was the house of heroes, of Quidditch legends, of so many amazing people. The thought of joining them, of making his own legacy away from his family was an appealing one, and the thought circled in his mind as the hat settled on his head and slid almost all the way in front of his eyes.

"So, you desire to make your own history, you desire to be a hero? Which with your desire for adventure makes this choice very easy indeed.....Gryffindor,"
SECOND Most Important PurchaseBuying Wand with Emmett Lancaster
FINALLYBuying Broom
Full Speed AheadWith Ethan Alexander
Roars Of The New CubsWith Joshua Lynch and Kyon Lockwood
Biggest FanWith Liusaidh Fergusson
Moment AloneWith Manaia Te Rangi and Louis Alcott
The Very BasicsWith Emery Mettlestone
Brotherhood of MAGIC


Although he was glad to be back at school, Rāwhiti's second year was another disappointment. He was once again turned away from the Quidditch team, the bright career he had seen in his future sliding away from him at every turn. He tried to look on the bright side and focus on time with friends and whānau, one highlight being the three-legged race.​
Getting ReadyWith Joshua Lynch
Three-Legged RaceWith various participants
Brotherhood of MAGIC


After years of waiting, Rāwhiti's year began with a triumph - he was finally accepted into the Gryffindor Quidditch team. It was only an alternate position, but he was thrilled nonetheless to finally be where he knew he was supposed to be, and set his sights on learning everything he could from Elara, so he could succeed her when she graduated. Other than the focus on Quidditch, Rāwhiti spent most of the year with Emery as usual, doing his best to pry his no-nonsense friend out of his shell. Valentines was a particular excitement as he enjoyed delivering roses to his classmates, spreading love around the castle.​
Ice Cream Eating ContestPhoenix Scouts Event
Back For AnotherWith Emery Mettlestone
Gryffindor Victory Party!With various Gryffindors
BustedWith Emery Mettlestone
Self CareBrotherhood of MAGIC Event
Flying On The Quidditch PitchWith Fraser Fergusson and Ruby Maeve Louw
I'm With YouWith Emery Mettlestone
Carve Thy NameDelivering Valentines Rose with Anisha Khatri
Will I Ever See TheeDelivering Valentines Rose with Kaia Stark
At Thy WillDelivering Valentines Rose with Silas Broomhead
Rose, Rose, Rose RedDelivering Valentines Rose with Gregory Friend
Moss Covered StoneDelivering Valentines Rose with Caleb Thorne
On A Hundred WorldsDelivering Valentines Rose with Jordan Harris
Can Still Burn HigherDelivering Valentines Rose with Monday Weeks
Odd Yellow NotesReceiving Valentines Rose with Molly Burke
Brotherhood of MAGIC
Alt. Seeker

VariationsWith Emery Mettlestone
Miserable Class Prep TimeWith Gregory Friend
Seeker SolidarityWith Dahlia Doherty
Crushed Bones, Crushed DreamsWith Emery Mettlestone
Spin The Bottle!With various fourth and fifth years
Dodge ThisBrotherhood of MAGIC event
One Way or AnotherWith Dahlia Doherty
Talk To The Wind, Talk To The SkyWith Emery Mettlestone

Beyond The DepthsWith Avery Lancaster
Y45 Wheelbarrow RaceWith various competitors
Curse of the GabWith Marnie Frogg (Related)
GroundedWith Emery Mettlestone (Related)
An Indoor Rugby GameBrotherhood of MAGIC Event
Seeker & Captain


Adrenaline RushWith Emery Mettlestone(Related)
Seeking RomanceReceiving Valentines Rose with Milo Frogg
Seeker & Captain
Yule Ball
Emery Mettlestone
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