🌹 Rose Giving Say it with a rose

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Delivering roses involved a lot of climbing up and down staircases and searching for people, which Teddy found rather inconvenient. However, he loved the moment when he finally found the person he was looking for and saw the look on their face, good or bad, as he handed over their rose. His next delivery was for a Slytherin, so it was a no-brainer to head down to the Slytherin common room, or at least as close as he could get to it, and wait until the person showed up. Fortunately, as Teddy was smart and chosen the end of the day when most people were returning to their common room, it did not take long to track down who he was looking for. "Cameron Rosewell, right?" he called out, waving to get their attention, "Bet you can't guess what I have for you."

@Cameron Roswell
Cameron's anxiety had been ratcheting up further and further as the day wore on. Somehow he'd already amassed three roses and none of them were the one he was dreading from Isadora. Maybe she hadn't sent him one either and he'd spent all day worrying for nothing. Maybe he wasn't the one making things weird after all by not sending her one.

Feeling more hopeful, Cameron headed back for the common room, pondering if maybe he could head to the dance later without being too awkward when someone called out his name. "No. Please no," he said with a groan to the kid calling his name, pinching the bridge of his nose. Maybe he could make a break for it and head for the common room? But what if the rose was from Isadora... Reluctantly, Cameron stuck out his hand. "Make it quick."
Long and drawn out. Got it. Teddy nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, no worries, I've got it right here." He said, handing him a rose clearly labelled for Professor Landon Carter. "Oh, wait, that's not your rose. It was just here a moment ago," He put the professor's rose back and pretended to fumble around in his bag, his expression one of exaggerated concentration. Teddy furrowed his brow in concern. He glanced around his feet, patting his pockets, and even peered under a nearby chair. "Hmm, very odd, I'm sure a Cameron was on my list," he mused aloud, pulling out a crumpled piece of parchment and looking over the rose deliveries he'd been assigned. "Yep, there's your name. I definitely have a rose to deliver to you." He looked up with an innocent expression, trying to suppress a grin, fully enjoying making this delivery as quick as he could.
Cameron could feel his patience wearing thin as the boy fumbled around with different roses, fingers twitching in irritation. "Having a prefect's badge won't stop me from hexing you if you don't hurry this up," he hissed, hoping the threat would cover up the nervous glances he kept sending the boy's remaining roses, trying to parse what colours he had left in there. Maybe it wasn't still too late to make a break for the common room.
Teddy gave a casual smile and moved the bag out of Cameron's eyeline. "No need to resort to violence, we can sort this out maturely," He pulled out a pink rose. "I think it's this one... Actually, nope, different name." Teddy tossed it back into the bag, deciding he'd tortured the prefect enough. He found the correct yellow rose and handed it to Cameron with a smile. "Thanks for your patience, Cameron. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Don't make this weird


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