Slytherin Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where you RP your character at the game. Professors, Staff and students are welcome! :D)
It was time for another Quidditch game and Daisie was excited to see the SlytherClaw play. She couldn't help but hope for a win. Taking a seat front and center Daisie sat back and watched as the students made there way to the stands as well. Waving to a few students Daisie watched as the Quidditch teams started to come onto the field. Pulling her jacket around her tighter Daisie hoped that the game would start soon.
Professor Styx made his way outside, looking up at the cloudy sky seeing that it was going to start raining, perhaps storming. 'It would be such a tragic event if someone perished by a lightning bolt,' thought Professor Styx with a subtle smirk as he climbed through the stands to join with the students of his own house. The Death Eater had cast a spell over his cloak that he would not get wet since it started to rain once more. His eyes loomed over the Quidditch players, figuring that there would be no issues with the Slytherins getting along with the Ravenclaws. The Slytherin Head of House climbed to the top of the stands, and took a seat away from the other students and staff. He preferred to remain alone and in solitude. He would observe the game, and ensure the Slytherins were up to par when it came to the standards of Salazar Slytherin. He was sure that he understood the game, but he was never interested at all. Even when he was a teenager and in Hogwarts, he hated Quidditch, and could not stand the game. Now he would just observe some of his students play it. He hoped not to be disappointed like he was last year - only with the Ravenclaws and the lack of certain players. Folding his arms across his chest, he waited for the game to start, with his gloved hands tapping his arm from the impatience that he was feeling right now. He could only imagine what comments and insults his wife would throw out. Sometimes it was a sweet relief to be away, especially when she was very loud. However for years he had put up with her, and seemingly with more years to come. 'Wonder if any of those students have any experience with playing in the rain, or storm no less,' mused the Death Eater.
Jaden had debated for a long time if she should go to the game or not. Really there was no point for the snake to attend, when one she disliked some aspect of her house but in ways she fell into the title of what most Slytherin acted like, two it was raining, and three Briar would be there. Seems like the B*tch embrace her little curse rather then denied the rumors to be true. Once a freak will always be a freak, she had nothing else to say about that. And the fact she was getting bored with pestering the same person all the time made her realized she should go to this stupid game watch how it went. Briar is yesterday news, she has yet to get in trouble but what the hell can they do about it? She'd be gone in a few months, all of this will be left behind and seriously forgotten.

Jaden in a dark rain coat made her way out into the stands, it was drizzling outside and it look like it was getting worst. She sat in the lower stands, away from everyone else. Before she sat down she charmed the bench to be waterproof so she avoid getting wet. She crossed her leg up her left knee, watching the last game she will ever witness be played at Hogwarts.
Sometimes Romaine got really jealous watching Quidditch games. He couldn't play to save his life. He had quite a few relatives who were talented enough to play Quidditch but for some reason he had no talent for it whatsoever. Hell, he had problems even staying on a broom without difficulty. But he still liked to watch sometimes. It made it easy for him to imagine himself being like that one day. Even if he knew it would never really happen. But imagining was nice. Romaine also liked to come out and support his team. He knew they were going to do awesome today! The other team had brutally annoying Chasers in his opinion. Romaine could feel his teams frustration. But he had hope. He knew they were going to do well today. The game proceeded and until the Snitch was caught, SlytherClaw was down by some points. But then the snitch was caught, and his team won! "Woo go SlytherClaw!" He was happy for even the Ravenclaws, even if they weren't really in the same house as he was. He was ecstatic! Romaine begun to climb down the stands and head back to the Castle! He hoped there was going to be another game next year! He was definitely going to watch that one seeing as he wasn't going to be playing. But he didn't mind.​
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