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Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; dejected
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (14)
Fraser had really enjoyed taking pictures at the yuleball, it had been to him a really valuable way of spending his time. It was just nice to have captured the memories of others and know they'd smile fondly upon them when they were older. He knew his dad looked somewhat fondly on the old pictures he had, even if some were twinged with sadness over his biological mother. Fraser had jumped at the chance to spend the whole valentines dance doing the same. He had arrived the moment the dance had 'open' and was just taking picture after pictures.
Zerrin was once again without a date, but that was alright with him- it gave him time to check in on his little brother. He went down to the dance after a little bit, having given Fraser time to work, dressed up in his family kilt. He hummed as he looked around, lighting up as he spotted who he was after, and took a bit of extra time to sneak up behind his brother. "Boo!" He declared, jumping up beside the boy.
Fraser had been working away, and hadn't noticed his brother sneaking upon him, he almost dropped his camera in fright, and whipped around to the person before he broke into a laugh, moving to shove his brother in a friendly way. "Zerrin!" he exclaimed, "You scared the life out of me,"
Zerrin saw his brother fumble his camera and his own hands shot out, a backup in case it really fell. He laughed and bounced back a bit. "Sorry, am I interrupting your hot date?" He teased lightly, keeping in close to his brother so Fraser could hear him over the commotion. "Didn't mean to be a third wheel," He teased playfully.
Fraser shook his head. "Oh no," he shook his head lightly. "I'm just working," he hadn't realised the joke that Zerrin was making about it. Instead just happy to see his brother. Happy to spend this time with him. "Do you have a date?"
Zerrin chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Not unless my plan to perpetually bother you counts as having a date," He teased, looking around. "Maybe we should ask someone to the next dance," He mused. He looked to Fraser. "Though no idea who I'd even ask. What about you, who would you ask?"
Fraser shrugged a little, sure that Zerrin would be able to get a date pretty easily if he tried. "I dunno, maybe June," he said with a shrug. "She's nice," though he wasn't very sure that she liked him at all like that, and he didn't really like her like that either.
Zerrin looked at Fraser with surprise. "Wait, June? Like... June Davenport?" He asked, surprised. "She's... nice?" He offered. He'd heard rumors that she wasn't as nice as she tried to present herself as, especially around the Hufflepuff common room, and it made him a little nervous.
Fraser nodded. "Yeah? Do you know her?" he asked, "She's nice, she's helped me a bit with revision, and she lets me sit with her. Sometimes I get her books or like carry her bag, do things, which is nice because I get bored otherwise,"
Zerrin blinked. "I, ah... I mean, if you like that sort of thing," He offered slowly, rubbing the back of his neck. Honestly it sounded a little like she was using him, but... he shook his head. "Anyway!" He countered, deciding to change the subject. "Hows your photographer thing going?" He asked, giving his brother a big smile. "You enjoying it?"
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