Y42 Duelling Match #19

Professor Yvonne Dubois

fortune teller | free spirit | Div 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2022 (39)
@Harper Alston vs. @Flynn North

Yvonne stepped up to the dueling platform and smiled at the students waiting to start the last round of duels. The students had done so well this far and she was excited to see how the topped themselves. Thankfully no one had gotten too hurt yet and she hoped things would stay that way. "Congratulations on making it to the final round." she said brightly. "The winner of this round will be the winner of this year group, but make sure to keep things fair and above board. Any funny business and you will be disqualified." Yvonne added trying to seem stern with most likely mixed results. "Now you may face your opponent and bow before beginning. Good luck to you both!"

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god moding. You can find the site rules. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 150
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150
Though Harper had been a little disappointed to get a bye last round, she had to admit the break wasn't entirely unwelcome. She'd spent a lot of it picking wooden splinters out of her hair and trying to heal her bruises. Of course, her healing skills were no match for the hospital wing, so she was still a little sore. But it was nothing she couldn't deal with. Plus, with all the adrenaline running through her veins, she could barely feel anything but excitement.

Flynn was a formidable duelist, and Harper was looking forward to testing her skills against his. She knew he wouldn't hold back here, not in an official dueling setting with a proctor, and while that would be challenging, it would also be fun. Harper jumped onto the platform and shot him a smile as she bowed. And then, making sure to keep her wand arm down, she concentrated on Flynn's wand. Accio wand. Her attempt at a wandless, nonverbal Summoning Charm during the first round hadn't been successful, but she figured she'd give it one more go.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Flynn once again found himself in the final and honestly, he was feeling pretty confident. Harper might be a competent duelist and had won the previous year, but she had yet to actually beat him. And she had sat out a round while he had two matches to get properly warmed up. So really, Flynn thought the odds were rather in his favor. Giving the other Gryffindor a slight bow, Flynn raised his wand at the ready, though he did have to note that she didn't. Wandless magic. Bold of her. While he didn't know what she was trying to attempt he was still ready to block anything she happened to send his wand. That's when he felt his own wand start to wiggle in his hand and instantly he raised a brow, making sure to tighten his grip around the length of wood to make sure it didn't go flying out of his hand. That would just be embarrassing. "Really, that's what you're going for? Bold, but you'll have to do better than that." Already this wand was fun and he hadn't even started yet, grinning as he flicked his wrist and sent a rather quick Stupefy her way. He'd love to see how her wandless shield charm held up.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 145
Getting the timing right for her trick was the main challenge. If she waited too long, it became obvious she was going to attempt some wandless magic. If she did the spell to soon, she risked getting disqualified. Unfortunately, Flynn seemed to have caught on, though judging by his comment, her spell had had some effect, which Harper decided to count as a win. After all, wandless, nonverbal magic was notoriously difficult. As soon as Flynn began speaking, she raised her wand, and she was ready with a silent Shield Charm when he sent a jet of red light her way. "I don't know what you're talking about," Harper said although her grin said otherwise. Then she tipped her wand down towards the platform beneath his feet. "Expulso!" It was a shame she hadn't learned how to do that one nonverbally yet. But maybe there would be an intimidation factor in letting Flynn know she intended to blow up his side of the platform.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 145

Already this duel was starting to get interesting and nothing had really happened yet. But he certainly didn't expect Harper to try and attempt any wandless magic. They had only just learned how to do that and Flynn still struggled with the most basic of basic spells. He still sometimes struggled with non-verbal with the more experienced stuff. "Oh, I'm sure you don't," he teased back, somehow managing to refrain from sticking his tongue out. It was a little disappointing however that she managed to raise her wand fast enough to block his first spell. And he was quite quick to see how this duel was going to go as she promptly then tried to explode the platform in front of his feet. He was quick to throw up a shield, protecting himself and the platform from most of the damage, not to mention the debris flying everywhere from the places his shield failed to protect. Then, he narrowed his eyes. Two could play at that, aiming right back at Harper's own feet, "Expulso!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 135
At first, Harper thought her spell had hit. There was a small cloud of dust as debris flew everywhere. But it quickly became clear that Flynn had managed to shield most of the area around him. She frowned. Even though there was some rubble, none of it was close enough to him to be useful for her plans. Harper was taken out of her scheming when Flynn threw the same spell back at her. "Protego Totalum!" The shield provided more than enough protection, but she could still feel the shock of the spell against the barrier and she staggered back a few steps. Now there was an identical ring of debris around her. Harper hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether to try another Exploding Curse. Aware that she'd probably given Flynn a little too much time to prepare, she changed tactics. "Apis." During her animagus training, she'd read a lot of transfiguration theory and had come across many new spells, some of which could be useful in a duel. Like this one. A swarm of bees erupted from Harper's wand and shot towards the other side of the platform, their angry buzzing filling the chamber.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 135

That had been a little too close for comfort for his own liking and he didn't know how much more of the platform they could probably get away with destroying before it got a bit much. Would the duel still go on if there was no platform left for them to stand on? But he didn't have time to think about the 'maybe's', he had to just focus on the here and now if he wanted to win this duel. Though Harper's next spell did give him some pause, eyes widening just a fraction as a rather angry-sounding swarm of bees exploded from the end of her wand. But Flynn didn't panic, trying to stay calm as he cast a rather sharpish Repello to try and keep them away from him. Sure, the bees were still there and the noise some somewhat distracting, not to mention they were rather in the way swarming around, but they couldn't get to him anymore to sting him. It was rather hard to aim through the swarm, however, narrowing his eyes as he thought quick on his feet, aiming at Harper the second the bees got out of the way enough to give him a clear shot, "Incarcerous!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 125
It was truly a bizarre sight. The bees had massed around Flynn, clearly trying to get to him, but they seemed to have been stopped by some invisible barrier. It was a little hard to see him through the wall of bees, and Harper could tell he was having trouble aiming. That was both good and bad. Good, because it bought her a little time. Bad, because it meant she'd also inadvertently given him a physical shield of sorts. She couldn't just send over a stunning spell since it might hit one of the bees instead. It was pretty clear what she had to do. Harper silently conjured an enormous wooden chair to use as her own shield and watched as the ropes from Flynn's spell wrap around it. Then she placed a hover charm on the rope-covered chair and sent it hurtling towards the other end of the platform. Even if Flynn managed to dodge the chair, maybe it would hit some of the bees and further annoy them.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 125

Maybe the bees would get bored of trying to sting him and would turn around and go right back to Harper to try and sting her instead. Now that would be quite amusing. To have your own attack backfire so horribly. But that could happen when you decided to include live animals in a duel. But the bees were still there and he couldn't really think of a good way to get rid of them for the time being. Then again, having them swarm around did make it rather harder for any spells to properly reach him. After all, it might just hit one of the bees. Though it appeared Harper had realized this and Flynn almost grinned as she conjured the chair. Of course, he had heard how she had used a conjured chair as a weapon and a shield in her first duel. Word got around quickly. And he was ever so glad it did as that gave him enough time to come up with a counter-strategy. You know. Just in case.

He didn't even have to think, ducking for a moment to get some space away from the angry swarm of bees, quickly aiming his wand right for the chair now hurtling towards him. "Reducto!" Thankfully his spell made it through, blasting the chair right out of his path as it crashed against the wall. Also blasting some of the bees that were lower to the ground out of the way as well. But he didn't pay them any mind, taking the opportunity to send a silent Confundo down the path between all the bees he had just created for himself.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 115
Perhaps she should have conjured something more random to try and catch Flynn off guard. A television, for example. Or a large marble bust of Ivy or even Flynn himself. But for some reason, they'd practiced conjuring chairs in Transfiguration class, so Harper had gone with that out of sheer convenience. Unfortunately, that also meant giving up the element of surprise as it was obvious Flynn had prepared for this. The chair sailed off the platform and splintered against the wall, which was a shame since she could have transfigured it into any number of useful creatures. Harper readied herself for another attack, and she silently summoned a Shield Charm just in time to watch a spell bounce off it. She followed it up with a quick "Expulso!" at Flynn's feet. There were fewer bees now thanks to her chair and his Reductor Curse, but Harper wasn't going to take any chances. It was best to stick with spells that had a wider impact.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 115

There were fewer bees now, but still enough that the sound of the relentless buzzing was starting to irritate him. But at least his charm was holding up and none of them were actually making it close enough to sting him, bouncing harmlessly off the invisible shield. Though they were still blocking a lot of his view making it hard to see what Harper was doing, even over all the buzzing he could still thankfully hear. Thankfully so when she shot another Expulso his way. He was equally fast to put up another shield to protect himself, bracing for the impact as even more of the poor platform was destroyed by the explosion. And most of the remaining bees with it. "What in gods name do you have against the platform?" He did have to shout as he dropped his shield, somewhat shaking his head. But if she wanted to make a mess of things, then he was more than willing to comply, grinning as he aimed his wand just below where she was standing. "Deprimo!" Maybe it would work this time and she would just fall into the hole.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 105
Harper took a few quick steps back and watched as the curse sent up a spray of dust and debris in a blinding explosion. Unfortunately, it seemed Flynn had once again managed to avoid getting hit. At his question, Harper couldn't help but laugh. That turned out to be a mistake. Unable to get a shield up in time, she had to leap backwards to avoid getting hit directly. The blast was deafening, and large pieces of rubble rained down on Harper as she crouched and tried to shield her head with her arms.

When Harper was finally able to look up, her jaw dropped. She was essentially standing on an island. Flynn's spell had created a massive crater spanning nearly the entire width of the platform. "I could ask you the same thing!" she called back. Harper glanced backwards, grimacing when she realised the edge was less than half a metre away. One wrong move, and she'd fall off. It was obvious she needed to rejoin Flynn on the main platform, but the chasm was too large to leap across. The solution came to her in an instant. Harper placed her wand horizontally between her teeth and transfigured herself into a falcon. Then, holding her wand in her beak, she flew to the other side of the hole before transforming back. Harper shot Flynn a grin as she grabbed her wand, readying herself for the next attack. She was much closer to him now, which meant she would have less time to react. But so would he.

Action(s) Taken: Dodged, cast spell x2
Point Changes: -20
Points Remaining: 85
Last edited:
Current Points: 105

It was ever so disappointing that she failed to fall into the massive hole he had just gone and created. He did have to wonder at this point if there was even going to be much of the platform left by the end of this duel as they were both being rather... destructive. He also had to wonder who was going to be the one to clean up all this mess at the end of it. Flynn almost felt bad for them. Almost. And he also quite wished they didn't make the two of them go and clear up their own mess.

But maybe the hole, despite her not falling into it, could be used as an advantage. He seemed to have managed to push her right near the edge, one spell and she could go falling off. However, it seemed as had thought of that. He couldn't help but scowl as one second she was standing there and next there was a falcon in her place. That had to be considered cheating. This was a duel, you couldn't just get out of things by using your ability as an animagus. Not to mention it wasn't exactly fair. But he huffed, raising his wand as the bird took flight, following it the whole way. He didn't act when she had transformed and he didn't act while she was in flight, but before she had even landed and properly transfigured back the Everte Statum had left his wand, aiming for right where she would be standing. He'd timed it perfectly, and now that they were closer together there would be absolutely no time for her to react. If she wanted to go ahead and cheat, then he was not going to let her cheat easily.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 100
Last edited:
Current Points: 85
One of the most frustrating things about duels was how regimented they could be. You could only cast one offensive spell at a time, and you had to fight on a completely bare platform. Fights in real life, Harper knew, had no such restrictions. There were objects to transfigure and charm, a terrain to contend with, and nothing stopping a person from casting as many spells as they wanted. Over the years, Harper had pushed against the rules, trying to find ways to work the environment to her favour. Right now, however, she was grateful for those restrictions because she knew they prohibited Flynn from making his move until she transfigured back.

With this in mind, Harper had changed directions at the last possible moment, transfiguring back just to the right of where Flynn was aiming. She had also maintained her crouch as an extra precaution, and the spell he'd sent towards her flew harmlessly over her shoulder. Harper immediately sent back a non-verbal Incarcerous Spell before standing. Flynn's scowl hadn't escaped her notice, and she hoped she could work his anger to her favour, just as she had with Ares during her first duel.

Action(s) Taken: Dodged, cast spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 70
Current Points: 100

Flynn didn't think he had ever had to work so hard for a victory before. But he certainly wasn't going to give up and certainly wasn't going to let Harper beat him. Just because she had a couple of tricks up her sleeve and could conveniently turn into a bird, didn't mean that she was going to have it easy. Oh no, Flynn was perfectly capable of having some tricks of his own.

He gritted his teeth when she managed to avoid his next spell, feeling ever so slightly frustrated that she hadn't been hit by any of his attacks yet. But he raised his wand, ready for the counter. As soon as he saw the ropes lunging toward him he was already prepared, flicking his wrist as he cast a silent Diffindo to slice right through them before they had any chance of reaching him. Then his wand turned right back to where Harper was standing, almost baring his teeth, "Levicorpus!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 70
The duel had reached an almost frenetic pace, thanks in part to the fact that they were fighting over an abbreviated distance. Flynn seemed to cut down her ropes as quickly as she summoned them, and Harper watched as they fell halfway between them. He was visibly frustrated now, and she gave him a serene smile, hoping to stoke the coals of his anger. The more emotional he got, the more likely he was to make a mistake. She deflected his spell with a quick flick of her wrist (though she couldn't help but think dueling upside-down might be a fun challenge for another day). Then, with a wide sweep of her arm, Harper sent forth a stream of Gubraithian fire. She was aiming for Flynn, yes, but she was also hoping to set fire to the rope and broken bits of platform and other debris. It was another attempt to bend the environment to her will and make this duel just a little more difficult for Flynn.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 60
Current Points: 90

He was trying very hard not to get too annoyed by how things were going. He could still win this and getting all wound up just meant he was going to be more likely to make mistakes. All he needed to do was stay calm, keep his head in the game and think. Once more he was ready for her as he raised his wand, but was quick to realise this was probably not something he could block. So he jumped out of the wand of the fire, having to almost do a dramatic twirl on his left foot to avoid getting caught in any of the flames. How he would manage being set alight by fire which, by definition, could never be put out, he had no idea. Thankfully, he managed to avoid being burnt to a crisp, the fire still somehow managing to singe the bottom of his robes all the same as he came back around from his spin, quickly correcting his aim before settling with a nice and simple silent Stupefy.

Action(s) Taken: dodged, cast spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 75
OOCOut of Character:
This match will close in approximately 24 hours. If no winner is decided by then, then the winner will be picked by RNG.
Current Points: 60
From Harper's point of view, the platform was awash with fire. If there had been any stray bees still flying around, they were almost definitely gone now. She couldn't help feeling a little bad for them even though she knew as conjured creatures, they weren't actually real. Her plan wasn't as successful as she'd hoped since none of the debris other than the rope caught fire. That wouldn't matter, of course, if she managed to catch Flynn on fire, and for a second, she thought the flames had reached him. The edges of his robes glowed as he did a little spin. Annoyingly, the flames emanating from the rope interfered with her view, and Harper almost missed the jet of red light that shot towards her. As she leapt out of the way, her foot caught on a broken piece of platform, and she fell. She'd kept hold of her wand, but she knew she was in a vulnerable position and running out of time. She sent a silent canary transfiguration hex Flynn's way, hoping to finally make him drop his wand.
Action(s) Taken: Dodged, cast spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 45
Current Points: 75

Harper was most certainly a worthy opponent, but she still wasn't going to win this duel. Flynn was pretty damn determined to do that himself and cement himself as the best in the year. No one could deny that with four tournament wins under his belt. But it looked like he was finally getting an edge, grinning slightly as Harper tripped over. This was his moment. Even through all the fire he kept his eyes on the girl, deflecting the next spell sent his way before flinging yet another Expulso her way. The platform was more or less cometely destroyed at this point, so no reason not to destroy it even further.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 65
Current Points: 45
This was by far the longest and most destructive duel Harper had ever participated in. Half the platform had been reduced to rubble, and there was now a curtain of fire separating them. The air shimmered in the heat. Harper couldn't see what had happened to her hex, but it was pretty obvious Flynn had not been turned into a giant canary. She scrambled to her feet just as another spell flew her way. Time seemed to slow, and Harper could tell immediately that she wouldn't be able to get a shield up fast enough. And dodging without the protection of a shield would likely still result in injury. Unless...

Mind made up, Harper threw herself off the side of the platform, trying to put as much distance between her and the explosion as possible. Though she'd timed her jump perfectly, she could still feel the heat from the blast on the back of her neck, the shockwaves in the air practically pushing her forward. Harper did a shoulder roll to try and disperse her momentum, and when she finally stood and looked back, she could see that her half of the platform — along with her hopes of keeping the title — was nothing more than a smoldering pile of wreckage.

Action(s) Taken: Dodged, lost duel
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 35
OOCOut of Character:
@Flynn North is the winner of this duel!

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