Y44 Electives Fair

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (47)
Angel had made himself quite comfortable with a lounge chair and a book as he left the Elective professors to get settled and set up their stalls. The weather was going to start cooling soon with the onset of Autumn and he was intent on enjoying some of the sunshine as best he could before the rainy Winter officially set in. And getting to sit back and relax as the other professors did the actual work one just one of the few perks of teaching a core subject after all.

With all the elective subject tables conjured and set for their respective professor's to add their finishing touches, Angel had little else to do but sit back and make sure none of the students tried to steal a niffler or spell out rude words with any of the runes and the like that were set up around the courtyard to help promote the classes today.
Lena was always trying to think of new ways to advertise Arithmancy to upcoming students. The first two years, it was mainly a lot of basic arithmatic and pondering interpretations, which was rather hard to sell to a 12 year old. But she figured trying something new wouldn't hurt, and maybe it could get her and Quinn's numbers up.

Professor Williams got to the courtyard a little early, giving a wave at Angel before placing some items on her table. She had decided to add more interactive componenets this year, so there was a sign next to some books laid out that said "Free Life Path Interpretations," which seemed a little silly, but putting free might make some students interested. She had also manufactured a rather large spinning wheel that students could spin to get a random number that they could look at the interpretation for in the books. She hoped it would just give them an idea of what Arithmancy would be about with a bit more fun. Lena took a seat and waited for the second years to start filing in.

OOCOut of Character:
Lena will do life path interpretations for any students interested. All they will need to do is give her their birthday and she'll respond with the rest! Students can also spin the big wheel to get a random number and look at any interpretation in the book. You can find those interpretations here. Please tag Lena in your posts.
The electives fair had rolled around again, and Kahurangi was looking forward to it as ever. Though she wouldn't be seeing these new students for some time, it was always exciting opening new eyes to the possibilities of Ancient Runes. She gave Angel and Lena cheerful smiles as she arrived, making a beeline for the Runes table to start setting up.

As ever, Kahurangi laid out a few pamphlets and books about Ancient Runes, a selection of Bind Runes designed by her previous group of sixth years, and a few bags with different kinds of runes the students could experiment with. She also had her own set of Pounamu runes by her side, ready to provide readings for any curious students with a question on their mind.
Yvonne had come to enjoy the electives fair each year even if it did feel like she was trying to sell something at times. But she did enjoy the chance to show of her skills that she had spent years practicing, even though the last few years she hadn't had as much of a reason to use them. She took a seat at the divination table and set up a crystal ball, some tarot cards, and a tea set. She wondered if Elvera was going to bring snacks but was hopeful some of the perspective students might want a reading.
Fraser did not know what he wanted to pick. In fairness because in his mind this was pointless. He would be a quidditch player. He would be a professional player. That was his path. These lessons wouldn't really help him in being able to..do that. It didn't matter that he wouldn't be able to achieve that if he never got on a team in school, and that he might need a back up. Fraser glanced at the professors already at the room, and wished that Zerrin was in his year so he could ask him what he'd taken.
Professor Kingsley finished settling herself at the Ancient Runes table, some rune lollipops, a copy of the books they used for the course for students to peruse, and her own set of runes with her to offer readings alongside her colleague. The professor was eager to see the new crop of students and engage them in the subject.
Oz was kind of interested in all the subjects. As much as he would allow himself to be. He didn't really work that hard on his classes, in all fairness, but he did want to learn different things. He knew he wanted to do Ancient Runes, and was kind of interested in Care of Magical Creatures (even if he was worried they'd say weird stuff about goblins), but the others didn't sound that bad. Well, not Muggle Studies, he wasn't really keen on that one - especially since they went on muggle field trips and he didn't feel like being stared at. But Divination and Arithmancy didn't seem too bad. The latter drew his attention with the sign, and he shuffled over to the teacher, looking up with curiosity. "Uh...what's a life path interpretation, Professor?"

@Professor Lena Williams
Joseph had grown to really enjoy the electives fair, although he never doubted he would have at least a couple of students in his class. He knew that he wouldn't see the students that roamed the courtyard for the fair in his class for a while, but it was fun to show them what care of magical creatures was all about. As per usual, he decorated his table with a few pamphlets and pictures of some of the smaller creatures they would encounter in the lower years as well as those of the larger creatures students may encounter in the upper years. He also added a few items for the students to touch, including a Hippogriff feather and a Dragon scale. When everything was ready and students started slowly making their way into the hall Joseph removed the veils from the cages he had with him. One revealed a colourful, obviously silenced, Fwooper bird, another an already grumpy Knarl. The third cage temporarily housed a Niffler, the lock being magically enhanced to keep the little troublemaker from getting out. Content everything was set up Joseph took a seat, watching his creatures to make sure they were doing alright as he waited for Eleonora and any students interested in their subject to arrive.
After the duelling story and all June was even more determined to work harder for her studies. If she knew something certain was that she wanted to follow as many classes as possible next year. And she had to prepare really well. So she was glad with the Electives Fair. Also a way to get to know professors, and mostly they with her. So as she made her way outside to the courtyard she was well prepared with an notebook in her hand with questions. June figured some classes were really useless, but if she could she wanted to follow them all. Try it out and if it was a waste of time she could drop them either way. She quickly spotted her head of house and walked by. June waved at Professor Castillo and smiled bright. And continued her walk. The classes she was most interested in were ancient runes and arithmancy she believed, so would start with that. Care of magical creatures, was not something she figured would like. But if she wanted to become the best student she needed to follow it all. And fake it until you make it.

The blonde noticed she was early so she had all time she figured. And saw the head of house from Gryffindor at the ancient runes table. So as she stood still at the table, she watched the professor with a smile. '' Hello Professor Kingsley.'' June than greeted her. They didn't knew eachother she believed, but June was well informed about most of the professors around here. '' My name is June Davenport, and I believe I'm interested in this class.'' She said friendly. And than hold up her notebook.

'' Could you give me an short explanation of Ancient Runes please?'' June than asked the woman. She knew some of it, since she was always prepared. But who could better tell her than the professor herself.

@Professor Angel Castillo @Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Professor Spencer absolutely loved the Electives Fair. He loved it every year. Being able to create a booth and encourage students to learn more about a world that they may never have been apart of, the muggle world. He knew he might seem a little bit too excited, but he simply could not help it. He did love educating young minds and even better when he could carry around awesome props.

Warren found his stand. He began to put up the banner that said Muggle Studies. He was trying not to go too overboard this year. He set out some muggle books and magazines. He also had a collection of random muggle items such as one of his son's old skateboards and some gaming consoles that sadly did not work. He wanted to draw as much attention to the items as possible as he arranged them in clear view.

His clapped his hands when he was finished. He took a step back. Now that should get people interested in Muggle Studies. Now he just had to wait to see if anyone had any questions. He picked up one of the muggle books and began to read through its pages. It was a good use of his time until he was needed. But Warren couldn't help but look up now and then as people passed by the booth.
Lena smiled as a boy approached her table and asked a question, something that rarely happened for her subject during these things. Maybe the spinning table was working. "Great question! So, our life path is about who we are deep down. So we take that number, look at what there is to know about the number, and then figure out how that translates to who we are. Would you like me to give you your number?" she asked with a smile, hoping that the vague answer didn't totally scare him away.
@Oswald Brambleheart
The professor smiled as the second year introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, June. Of course" she nodded as she reached for a brochure and handed it over. "Ancient Runes is the study of Runes in its various mediums. During the years I teach we do a survey of its various uses and some history. And then in the later courses taught by Professor Josephs, you learn about interpretations and amulets through application." She hoped that was a thorough enough application. "And if you look on the table, there are some examples of various areas taught" she gestured towards the alphabet sheet and the amulet example. "Would you like a rune lollipop?" she asked.

@June Davenport
Tempest wasn't interested in anything specific as she made her way to the electives fair. She knew that she had to choose a few, but the only thing Enzo had told her was worth taking as Muggle Studies. He said it was "eye-opening" and that it would serve her well. Tempest thought that sounded dreadfully boring, but, to appease her brother, she made her way over the table. She stared at a weird looking box for a moment. It had a button on it and what looked like holes to put something inside. "What's that?" she asked the professor. @Professor Warren Spencer

ooc: she's looking at the gameing consoles.
When the professor smiled back at her and hoped the woman would remember her. She was not to be forgotten right? So believed the blonde herself. And listened as the woman explained, and made a quick few notes. And nodded along. And taking the brochure to her. It did seemed interesting but also mysterious. June put on a big smile. '' That sounds very interesting. Do you happen to have an copy of the information on the table?'' June wanted to prepare well for the next year. And if not she was gonna make some quick notes. '' I like to prepare, you see..'' She added to let the professor know she was an perfect student, and added an small smile. June nodded at the question of an rune lollipop. That was nice.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
"Uh," Oz started, blinking a couple of times as he took that in. Numbers were powerful - and being able to do maths was a magic unto itself. His grandfather was excellent at it, as goblins tended to be, though he'd been extremely happy to ditch working at Gringotts and pursue more artistic freedom. "Yeah, okay," he replied, nodding. It seemed pretty neat to know more about numbers beyond just the money and business side, and the professor seemed nice. "It's, uh, April 2. 2047."

@Professor Lena Williams

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