Closed Bludger Hits and Permission Slips

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus had thought that game was brutal, it was never easy to watch his brother be taken out so resoundly by Celia. Celia was the best quidditch player in the whole school, but it was his brother. As soon as the game had ended Seamus had gone to the hospital wing. He hadn't even taken off his quidditch gear but he also hadn't exactly played so it wasn't like his gear had been roughed up or damaged. He glanced about the hospital wing. "Hamish?" he called out, looking for him, expecting that he was probably just sitting in one of the beds.
Hamish was frustrated and in pain. He didn't know why the beater had to be so ferocious. Well... supposedly, it was the name of the game. Celia just seemed especially aggressive about it. He sighed softly, trying not to fidget too much as he waited for the nurse to come by. He looked over when he heard a familiar voice, shifting a little where he laid. "Hey," He greeted. He couldn't see where his brother was through the curtain, but it was easy to figure he'd be there soon.
Seamus spotted his brother a moment after he heard him. He walked over and then smiled at him, a little tightly, "How are you feeling?" from what he could spot there were no immediately obvious breaks or anything too bad. Seamus also wasn't sure if he should apologize on behalf of his team, after all it was quidditch, this was what they were meant to do. it was just that Celia was very good. "Celia's the best beater in the whole school," Seamus said with a shrug, almost by way of explanation.
Hamish smiled at his brother, wincing as he sat up. "Yeah, you got that right," He agreed, running a hand through his hair. "When you take over, do me a favor and don't hit me so hard," He laughed breathlessly. "Damn," He groaned, falling back against the pillows. "Is she playing a game or trying to kill us?" He complained.
Seamus gave a tight smile but wasn't about to agree to that, he wanted to be as good as Celia. She was the best player. "She plays to win, Liusaidh always says by any means necessary," Seamus shrugged, he hadn't yet been able to play properly but he knew his time would come and he'd been good and ready for it. "I found the consent form for the Defence against the dark arts class, why would you want that?" Seamus knew now maybe wasn't the time to bring this up but it was so close to the class and seamus didn't know why Hamish would ever want to feel that.
Hamish chuckled. "Sure, sure, but you know that three hits will take me out no matter what, right? If your aim is good, you don't have to try to kill me," He teased his brother. When his brother unexpectedly brought up the permission slip, Hamish blinked. "Oh, that? I was curious, but honestly I forgot it was even in my bag," He told Seamus easily. "I wasn't thinking of volunteering- I was just curious what a slip like that would even say." He shrugged, wincing as he did so. "What were you doing in my bag?" He asked casually.
Seamus shrugged a little, he knew what Hamish was saying, but he also thought that Celia was right to hit hard too. So long as no one died, magic could fix it. "She wasn't trying to kill you," he assured though maybe she was. Seamus was only a little reassured by Hamish's statement. "It probably says please don't sue us if this goes wrong," he countered. "I wasn't in your bag, I just glanced down and saw it," which wasn't necessarily a lie, he had seen it in Hamish's bag when he'd just glanced down, but then he had taken it out to make sure it was what he thought it was. "Don't do it. Nothing good comes from these curses even in a classroom."
Hamish smiled softly, shaking his head. "Yeah, I don't understand why we need practical demonstrations. It's not like dark wizards are even all the common anymore," He countered. "It's seems like thats more of an intro to dark magic 101," He mused, shifting in place. "How about," He looped back around to an earlier subject. "We keep score of who wins when we play each other and the winner has to take the loser out for lunch over break?" He offered.
Seamus felt relieved that he didn't have to persuade Hamish any more that it just wasn't a good idea to sign up to be in that role. to be the one who had dark music cast upon him. It just wasn't that smart. He glanced towards where the nurses should be before he looked back at Hamish. "Maybe we wait until I'm actually on the team. There's no guarantee the next captain bothers to have me start," Seamus knew his time would come eventually but if the new captain passed him over he knew he would be more than a little disappointed.
Hamish laughed, but before he could reply the nurse had come over. After a bit of being patched up, the nurse left them alone. He turned his attention back to his brother, feeling a bit better. "Aw, come on, you're a great beater, you're obviously going to make it onto the starting line up next year," He offered, smiling. "I'm absolutely sure of it."
Seamus rolled his eyes at him. He let his brother be patched up glad that someone had finally come to check on him. He had been moments away from grabbing the nurse himself. "Sure, I'll just tell the next captain that my twin brother says I'm good enough to make the starting line up," he replied. There was perhaps a little in his tone where he was worried that he wouldn't, that he was making light of it because he was worried if he built it up in his head he'd be more disappointed if it didn't happen.
Hamish laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, who do you think will take over?" He asked. "Your captain is graduating this year, right?" He spoke, looking around. "Do you think they'd have anything to drink in here that's not nasty?"
Seamus shrugged, "Probably Ivelisse or maybe Celia," he was sure they were both some older players and some of the more skilled ones too. "Maybe Indira," he didn't know the team that well and felt given how many times he'd hit Celia with a bludger if she was captain he was never getting a spot on the team. "Probably only water," which was nice but it was boring. "Is your captain graduating?"
Hamish winced. "Sounds great," He replied dryly. When Hamish asked about his captain, Hamish sighed. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not sure who could take over, either," He shrugged. He looked over to his brother. "Hey, Seamus," He asked, looking serious. "Have you thought about what we're doing after graduation?"
Seamus shrugged lightly, it wouldn't really matter who did take over in their respective teams, there was nothing they could do about it. He just shrugged a little at the follow up. "Probably quidditch, for a little bit," he replied casually, having not thought too much into it, and just thinking based on what he could actually do. "You?" he was sure by contrast Hamish did have a plan.
Hamish chuckled a bit. "You know me," He smiled at his brother. "I'm thinking we get a flat somewhere, two bedroom, you join some team and I'll find a restaurant in town, then work my way through culinary school." He told his brother easily. "Where do you want to go? Have you thought about which team?" He questioned. Their parents weren't worth much, but they did have a trust fund for the twins at least that would get them their own place and into the world at least.
Seamus considered it. It would fine, he could do that pretty easily. He just needed to get on to the team properly and that would help him. Seamus shrugged a little at the question. ”No?” he said. ”I need to focus getting on the slytherin team and then…then I can think about next steps,” he told him. He didn't want to pin his hopes on a team to then not get it. ”we can worry about that later,” He didn't really want to think about it much longer.
Hamish chuckled. "Sure, sure. Later." He ran his hand through his hair. "Change of topic then. Are you seeing anyone right now?" He asked, blushing a little. "I think I kinda like this girl but I don't know... didn't you like that one girl?" He questioned, looking to his brother.
Seamus frowned a little. "Which girl?" he asked in surprise. He had no idea that Hamish was interested in a girl. He hadn't been sure if his brother was even straight. He hadn't really thought about it. "Oh no, we broke up?" he phrased as a question. "It fizzled out before it got started, but we still kinda broke up," he said.​
Hamish blushed, running a hand through his hair. "That girl I'm writing to from Beauxbatons," He admitted gently. "I know you guys broke up... I just wasn't sure if you still liked her or not," He sighed. "Okay, I knew you weren't into her, I just- didn't know how else to bring it up." He peeked at his brother. "You're a lot better at those sorts of things than I am."

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