Busy time

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Hi gang,

I'm posting a quick absence because I'm noticing my work is getting really busy and its making it difficult to focus on HNZ. I will be back soon, November is just kind of a wild time over here. I'll still do my lessons and headmaster stuff, but I'll be less active in RP for a bit.

Apologies to everyone I owe threads to, I still have them on a list.
It's all good! I think everyone is a bit flat out/run down at the moment. Good luck getting through this busy and stressful time. Look after yourself!
Good luck getting through your busy period.
Hey everyone, small update. I was trying to return to HNZ but then I got sick x_x I got covid for the first time and it's been a lot. I've been sick for a week and a bit now and it has eaten into my HNZ time even more. I hope to return for real one I've recovered!
Oh no Daphne.
Take your time and I hope that you feel better soon so that you can enjoy birthday and Christmas celebrations.
Looking forward to seeing you back soon
(And wow you have done amazing not to have gotten covid until now)
A nicer update: after struggling for a while I'm officially better. I'm going to work on slowly getting back in the swing of things, but I'll be taking it slow so I don't get burned out!
Yay welcome back!

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