CAC and WPC Joint Event part three: The proof in the pudding

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
OOCOut of Character:
I am sorry about the awful timing of this event. the semester has gotten away from me. i was meant to post over a week ago, right after I posted part two but I was busy and had limited muse.

Sky had quickly gone to shower and change before stepping back into the art room. the day had been a hive of activity in here. cooking, decorating, rehearsing. but just now, for a second, it felt calm the main room had been transformed. The large table set with many place settings. and flowers decorating the walls, it felt like they were in a totally different place. The smell of food wafted in from the cooking area, and Sky moved through to make sure nothing was catching or burning or going cold. She hoped that the charmed heaters were doing their job of keeping everything perfect. A quick examination said that yes they were. she started to put things into serving bowls everything looked and smelled delicious. she ferried them over to the table and by then people were starting to arrive.
Once all the food was on the table and people were seated she stood up. "Good evening everyone. Welcome to the final part of the joint event. i hope that you have enjoyed it and get to continue to enjoy the literal fruits of the work tonight. thank you to Rose and Eugene for their work on the project. especially as they are about to sit their NEWTS and OWLS." she turned to them and raised her water glass "Skål" before she turned back to the table. "thank you to you all for putting in the time to help us grow and prepare the food and entertainment tonight, Takk for maten! enjoy" she said raising her glass as she finished before sitting down.

Skål: cheers
Takk for maten: literally, thank you for the food. Usually said after a meal but as sky was opening with the speech for the ease of timing we will start with it

OOCOut of Character:
any WPC or CAC member is welcome to attend. enjoy the night and unwind before exams. most of the food is from the things grown in part one and prepared in part two. and dishes will be whatever people felt like making. thank you to everyone who has already joined in a thread. and sorry again for the terrible timing.

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