Open Can not believe

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
It was a rather cold day and also gloomy, but in spite of that Thomas decided to go outside the castle walls to vent his thoughts around the teachings. He could not believe that this was the last year he would return to Hogwarts. Time seemed to be over. There was a lot going on here. Thomas would never have hoped to find the love of his life. He did not want to believe that he would soon have to part with this place, where most of his music had originated. Thomas had written quite a bit lately. It will be hard to get out of here. Seven years ran here too fast.

He left the castle, then went only to the shore of the lake. There Thomas stood there for a while and watched the dark water, but went on to Avie's Rock for where he had heard, but there was no opportunity to go, but now during this walk Thomas could do it. Came to the rock and stood at its end looking around. There was a beautiful view that he was literally breathing. He put his hand in his jacket pocket and looked at the lake from above the rock.
Allison had decided she wanted to go sit outside somewhere with a box of strawberries. She was hungry, and it just felt like a good idea. She'd been walking for a bit, really just wondering aimlessly. She wasn't sure where she wanted to wait. Soon enough, though, she spotted a familiar form and she just knew automatically what she wanted to do. Smiling, she walked up beside him. "Well, hello handsome," She teased, reaching for his hand. "Fancy finding you out here." She looked up to him, the wind blowing some of the hair from her braid around her face.
Thomas looked far to wonder how difficult it would be to part with this place, for he had spent most of his life here. This place had almost become a second home that did not want to leave, but would have to, because it was time. Thom was awakened by the very familiar voice of his girlfriend @Allison Beckett. "Hello, sunshine." he said and received her hand in the palm of his hand. "Your wishes have come true. Today is such a windy day." he said, leaning closer and kissing her.
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Allison giggled, lacing her fingers with his and kissing him back easily. "And what wish was that, good sir?" She asked him playfully, smiling coyly. "What are you doing out here?" She asked, turning to look out over the view. It was certainly a site to behold. She stood a little closer to Thomas, enjoying his presence. It was hard to believe he wouldn't be here next year.

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