Closed Cheap Thrills

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
While Aine was determined to have a nice break from Hogwarts, spending as little time thinking about it as possible after the stress of OWLs, she hadn't completely failed to notice Valerius' mood. Of course, she didn't really have a good opportunity to pull him aside and talk to him about it, not with how busy the semester had been. Nor did she even know how to start that conversation. And if it had anything to do with his love life, well, she was the least useful person to talk to in that regard. But contrary to how it seemed at times, Aine did care about her friend and wanted to do something to cheer him up. Or take his mind off it. Or do such a misguided attempt at both of those things that he'd snap and let it all out and she could awkwardly pat him on the back and hear him out.

So Aine had shown up on Valerius's doorstep around midday, making the most of the two hour time difference between Australia and New Zealand, in the hope that he hadn't gone to the other side of the world in her jeans and puffer jacket, unceremoniously announcing "alright, let's go, we're going to have a late celebration for surviving the OWLs," in a tone that brokered minimal argument. She didn't quite have the force of personality to shut all arguments down, but hopefully he didn't have any better plans today.
Valerius had been sulking for a good bit now- things with Margo hadn't gone well. He was stretched out in his room, staring out of the window at the city line. He groaned when the butler came to tell him that he had a visitor. He didn't bother getting dressed, walking to the front door in his silk pajamas with his robe open. He opened the door, blinking as Aine immediately declared they were leaving. He ran a hand through his messy hair, raising a brow. "Right now?" He gave her half a smile. "Shall I put on my slippers or do you want to come in and let me get dressed?" He teased her, stepping back and motioning for her to come in.
Aine had not been expecting Valerius to be so...relaxed, but she supposed it was holidays. It wasn't like she generally made an effort to get out of her pyjamas before 10am most days, usually only because she felt a need to shower and get refreshed. She was a little surprised, reddening a little at the realisation she had intruded and ought to give him some privacy. "I would have called, but you know, the magic thing and international calls aren't cheap." Aine's phone only really saw use on the holidays, if she needed to call a family member in an emergency. She was rarely going anywhere beyond home anyway, for all the questions it would inevitably invite (namely 'why aren't you at school'). She entered the room, feeling a little small in how large it was, and pointedly turned around, covering her eyes. She was sure he'd be well and truly out of vision, but she still felt like she was being rude. "Sorry. You can go get dressed. Just wear something you can walk in."
-godmods approved-

Valerius chuckled, grabbing Aine's hand and pulling her with him up to his room. He left her standing by his couch and walked into the walk in closet. "When you say 'walk in' do you want casual or something you can move in?" He asked, rifling through his outfits to try and find something appropriate. "Where are we even going?"
Aine was a little surprised, but followed along, trying not to gape at the interiors. She couldn't look too much like a country bumpkin, even if she kind of was somewhat. Her family's house wasn't small, but that was more out of practicality than anything. "...either?" she offered, still turned away and giving an awkward shrug. "We're going to the city. I'm crashing on my sister's couch for a few days but she's working and Sabine's at daycare so I figured if you were around, I'd drag you to Melbourne and we could go see some trashy action movie, eat overpriced street food and do something like bowling or laser tag or even mini golf." Aine grinned, even as she kept looking away. "Put your Muggle Studies knowledge to the test," she teased, though that really wasn't part of it, and she knew Valerius wasn't unfamiliar with the muggle world.
Akihiro nodded as she spoke, and got dressed in something he thought would look nice. He walked back out, using a comb to try and tame his hair. "Sure, we could walk around main and see if anything grabs our interest." He moved to the dresser and picked up his wallet. He checked it- he had his ID, some cash, and the credit card his dad gave him. He turned to Aine. "Do you want to walk or shall I call the driver?" He asked, willing to follow her lead for the day.
"I could drive us, but then we probably wouldn't get there," Aine joked. She wasn't a bad driver, but she was also only on her learner's permit, and therefore needed an adult supervising. Mostly, her driving practice was taking Conor out to footy training and Saturday morning games. Even though he couldn't play at the moment with his leg the way it was, he was still coaching the under-15s. "We just need to get to Obsidian, then I've got it from there. Hope you don't mind the floo network!" It wasn't the most graceful or cleanest of transportation methods, but she did appreciate how quick it was to get from point A to point B.

And from point A to point B they got with minimal effort, thankfully, winding up at Moi-Yo's. Aine dusted herself off and gave the bartender, Jim, a small wave, before looking back to Valerius with a raised eyebrow. "They have a sign up behind the counter saying not to serve me, specifically, any alcohol." It wasn't like she was actually wanting to drink, Noah was just especially insistent she didn't. "So, you hungry? Thirsty? Desperate to shoot lasers at people?" She wondered if she should actually ask about how he was feeling, but this was a slightly easier way of doing it, rather than putting him on the spot. She figured he'd talk if he wanted to talk.

((godmodding the transport approved))
Valerius chuckled, hands in his pockets, and he followed easily after Aine. "Oh, I'm sure we'd make it. Eventually," He teased her. As they arrived at the bar, he stepped out, brushing soot off of his jacket. "Get a bit too wild there, hm?" He teased her again, falling in against her side.

He considered her words, focusing specifically on what they were doing and trying to ignore the subtle aching of his heart. "I'm not really feeling peckish right now. But we could probably find something to do to work up an appetite," He shrugged. "You suggested laser tag? You play much?" He questioned, hands in his pockets.
"I'm more used to highways," Aine brushed it off. Some of the few benefits of living out in the country. She grinned impishly at the comment, having resolved to do a bit better at laughing at herself. Part of her attempts to be a bit braver, to stop hitting such a wall with Occlumency. "Oh, you know me, I'm the life of the party," she drawled, giving a snort of laughter at the blatant lie.

Aine nodded, planning to just offer a few suggestions of directions and let Valerius pick what he felt like doing. "Eating beforehand is probably a bad idea, anyway." It was long enough since she'd had breakfast that she wasn't hungry. "Never played before in my life," she admitted, a little sheepishly. She'd at least done a bit of research on places to go, and started guiding them both towards a tram heading down and over the river. At least the inner city trams were free. "I mean, I've wanted to, and I've seen it being played, but you know, it's something that's kind of, uh, better with friends. And we don't have anything like this back out at home. Just a skate park."
Valerius kept close to Aine, walking a little slower so she could stay ahead of him. "Well, lets go try it then," He offered to her with an easy smile. "Do you skate much?" He asked, curious since she'd mentioned that was what she'd had where she lived. "Anthing else you want to do today? As long as we're into group activities." He added. He didn't really have any plans anyways, so they had most of a day to kill.
Aine turned around, fixing Valerius with a dull yet amused stare. "Could you imagine me on a skateboard?" She paused long enough to let the no doubt ridiculous mental image take form. "Nope! So it's basically meant I'm out of luck for anything to do back home." For all her complaints about the magical world, and how it was taking her away from home, she couldn't exactly say she was actually missing much socially. In fact, going to Hogwarts had been a huge step up. Besides the whole most people not liking her part. 'Most' was still better than 'all'. "I don't really mind. I just, uh, thought it might be nice to, y'know, do something different. Since the last few months were kind*t." She winced. "For lack of a better term."
Valerius gave an appropriate shudder at Aine's question. He could imagine the carnage. He considered her words. "Hm... it sounds like I may need to get you something extravagant for Christmas to keep you busy," He offered easily, mind already wondering of things he could get for her. He paused at her words, and gave her a more genuine smile. "Thanks, Aine," He offered gently. "I really appreciate it." He offered out his hand for her.
Aine raised an eyebrow, giving an amused shake of her head. "You don't need to do anything like that." She appreciated the sentiment, even if it was mostly to stop her from doing other things. She had enough to keep occupied, if not especially engaged. Though she looked away, a little embarrassed before joining hands. "Yeah, well, you know," she said, a little off-handedly. She'd never been good at this kind of thing. "'S what friends are for, or something." They'd gone far enough that they'd made it to the entertainment precinct, and she dragged him towards the entrance. "Let's go shoot stuff."
Valerius chuckled. "Sure, I don't need to, but I would like to. Go on, think up something super extravagent that you want. Call it the 'putting up with Valerius' nonsense' tax or something. Make up for me being an idiot so often." He gave her an easy smile, laughing as she dragged him into the building.
Aine shrugged, not really sure how to answer something like that. When she was younger, she found it a little easier to think of things she wanted. But now she was about to turn seventeen, if asked what she wanted for her birthday it was almost as though she'd never actually had any desire for anything in her life. Not to mention, she was going to avoid mentioning anything magic related while out in public. "Please, you've put up with me for this long. I think we're even. If anything, I probably owe you." Every year, Aine felt extremely embarrassed about how she'd behaved in the previous year, though it didn't stop her from continuing to humiliate herself. "Some ridiculous cat toy for Ollie I can put in the dorm, I dunno." Though this made her wonder how Margo would cope with that, and pointedly decided not to mention that part for fear of upsetting Valerius. She hadn't pried, but knew it had been...awkward. "We gotta do something good for our birthdays, at least."

She'd made sure to time it and pick a day so there was a cheaper rate. She had a bit of muggle money on hand on a card, enough to have a decent day out from belated birthday and Christmas presents from relatives, but she'd still try and save here and there to stretch it further. It was something Siobhan had been teaching her to do - though Aine didn't have the additions of childcare and divorce proceedings to worry about with finance. Just the fact that with school being what and when it was, it wasn't as though she could really get a part time job. But, she was stubbornly determined to prove her independence. "I'm hoping this is going to be a constructive way of letting off steam. Less dangerous than the...y'know, tournament." She was careful not to mention what it actually was, on the chance someone overheard. At least, even though she'd been terrible in every single duelling tournament showing, she did have decent reflexes. Just not as good as Monday's, or Aurora's, or Ngawaiata's.
Valerius chuckled. He'd just have to figure out something to really surprise her. "I'll find you something," He offered easily. He hummed as they moved in the building. "Birthdays... those should be fun. Which reminds me, have you thought on what to get Monday for his birthday?" He asked. "I'm just lost for ideas," He admitted, chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck.

He actually laughed as she mentioned the tournament. "Laser tag does seem more constructive. Helps with aim and things. After this, do you want to go play paintball?" He offered, thinking that sounded like fun, too. "Or we could go bowling, or see whats on at the movies," He mused, trying to be more helpful in the planning end now.
Aine shrugged. She hadn't really had to think much about buying people things before, though the thinking, in her mind, was the most important part. It didn't have to be anything extravagant, just something that showed thought and care. She almost wished she had any artistic ability to make things but she was more academic than artistic. "Stashes of energy drinks and flash cards? Nah, I'll think of something actually decent," she joked.

"Probably movies. I want to get out some aggression but not get a whole heap of bruises, you know?" She hadn't done paintball either, but Conor had and he'd come home bruised from head to toe. They entered the arena with a few other people - it was winter school holidays so there were a few teens and uni students about - and Aine turned to Valerius with a smile. "How should we play this? Flank 'em, or bunker down and try and pick 'em off?"
Valerius laughed. "I don't know, that sounds like a pretty good idea," He countered. "Maybe like, a magical planner or something, but charmed to make him take breaks or drink waters or something," He offered. He looked around, considering what they should be doing. He turned to her and gave her a wicked smile. "Bunker down," He told her, looking around until he'd found a good spot. He motioned to it, looking for her approval of it before he took up space there.
Aine flinched a little at the mention of magic. It was a reaction honed from an abundance of caution - although she knew nobody was actually listening, she was also quite conscious of the whole magical/non-magical divide. She always had to hold her tongue at home, only giving Siobhan and Conor the barest information and mostly responding to her parents with one word answers. Which was to be expected for a teenager, but even so. "If only such a thing existed," she said, pointedly, giving an awkward half-laugh.

Aine was happy to let Valerius take the lead on strategy. It was something she wasn't the best at, mostly just pushing through things until she succeeded. She ducked behind a wall, glad she didn't have to move too much - she wasn't out of shape, but she wasn't a fast runner. She peered over the wall, laser pistol at the ready. "Now I guess we test our eyesight and reflexes."
Valerius blinked, confused by her words a moment before realization hit him. He chuckled. "Right, well, we both know it would take either magic or a miracle to get him to slow down," he teased. He settled in next to her, his own laser pistol resting on the wall. "Game on," He breathed, ready for some action.
Aine knew she was probably being a bit over cautious, but it was better to be too careful rather than not careful enough. "Let's just pretend every opponent is something from the last twelve months we've gotta put behind us," she muttered, peeking up to quickly shoot at one of the others before ducking back down, unsure if she'd actually managed to get a hit.
Valerius wished it were that easy- that he could just shoot his problems and make them go away. "I appreciate the thought, Aine, but somehow I don't think that shooting things will make me stop being an idiot," He teased lightly- and despite his words he was still popping up and shooting at passerbys before ducking back down again. "What are you shooting at?" He wondered idly. "Can't be me, this time," He winked playfully.
Aine popped up and looked around, getting hit in response and ducking back down. She gave a small groan of frustration, before shaking her head. "That's why we learn from our mistakes, right?" she said, remembering where the shot had come from and finding a small opening to peer out, jumping up to get a hit in revenge when the opportunity came and avoiding taking any damage in return. "Eventually, the lessons have to stick." She shrugged at the question, not wanting to say 'herself' as that was part of it. "Exam stress, mostly. I know it's over but it's way too much pressure to put on. Like, we're only sixteen, right? Why are we supposed to have our whole lives planned out and have everything decided by exams now? Life doesn't actually work like that, or so I've been told." She popped up, trading blows once more, before slumping back down with a grin. "We should be doing more stuff like this. Messing around and all."
Valerius took out a few startled passerby as Aine exacted her revenge, listening to her go on. "Unfortunately, I don't quite understand where you're coming from," He offered with a sheepish grin, ducking back into his hiding spot. "My life has always been laid out for me. My stress is less about having to decide my entire future and more about the stress that I have to do it well," He countered, jumping up to make another shot and just barely ducking to avoid being hit himself. He gave her a more genuine smile. "We should, this is nice," He offered, running a hand over his hair.
Aine shrugged. A lot of people seemed to know exactly what they were doing, but Aine was not one of them. She had vague ideas, a few things that were like 'that might work', but no set plan for her life. It was a bit of a double edged sword - nobody's footsteps to follow so she was free to set her own path, but no real guide either. "Have you ever wanted to just like...toss it all aside and do something completely different?" she asked, genuinely wondering. She knew Valerius was dutiful, and that he was earnest in his determination to prove himself worthy to his father. She also knew that he almost certainly was already worthy, just had to have a bit of life experience and education under his belt first. But she wondered if sometimes he had those thoughts, even if they never actually made his determination waver. "Or maybe just take a gap year after graduation, go backpacking around India, put a dent in your savings and come back worldly and wise," she teased, spotting someone approaching around the corner and sending them off with a few shots. "My sister did that, except it was Sweden and she didn't come back, married some tech guy over there." Aine paused. "Not sure where I was going with that. Something something there's time for us to live our lives and all. And I'll be hitting you up for a loan when I go get a degree in philosophy, as it's clearly going to be a bust."

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