Good to see you lose.

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
The winner of the Staff Dueling competition came as a surprise to him, but Professor Kalif Styx actually did not care much for it, as long as someone he did not like ended up losing. However, the one that he actually, silently, hoped would win did not. Kalif made his way from the dungeons, all the way up to the third floor. He knew where he was going for this evening, before he would head to his manor. He approached the door of the Charms professor. The two of them were the only ones that taught one entire subject. There was one common ground. He approached the door, and noticed that it was unlocked as his hand turned the knob. He pushed the door open, before the Slytherin Head of House completely blocked the doorway, as his onyx eyes loomed on the one that irritated him so much. "Haden. Poor performance demonstrated in the tournament."
Misha glanced up from his work as the door opened, he expected to give a little scolding to a student who hadn't thought to knock before coming in but was met with the sight of the defence against the dark arts professor, a Professor Styx, the Styx he liked a little less, though thoroughly enjoyed annoying. It was easy, it took no great effort from him to get the other man to be just done with him. Misha gave a little shrug, "Well, you know me Styx, I'm more of a lover than a fighter," the man retorted getting to his feet so that at the very least Professor Styx loomed over him a little less. He knew the older man was likely just trying to annoy him, get him to rise to an argument or perhaps just looking to taunt him, "I was mostly disappointed you didn't take part, little scared of being beat old man?" Misha knew he was likely pushing it, he knew that one of these days Kalif was probably going to murder him, but until then, he'd happily just annoy or attempt to annoy the man, it was more fun than just ignoring him or letting him get away with whatever he wanted.
Kalif scoffed quietly at the words of the Charms professor, before walking into the office and stopping short of the desk. "I felt that I was at too much of an advantage. And I'll show you why." Kalif reached into his pockets where his wands were kept. The one he used the most around the school, the one with yew wood and manticore venom, he set on the desk. "You know first hand that I duel with two wands. This one is my defensive one." He then took out his main one, one that he used most when he was at home. It was elder wood with basilisk core. He set it down next to the yew wand. "Having a wand with elder wood and a basilisk core would be a little too much against others, even using just one wand." Kalif picked up his wands once more, and placed them back into his robes. Kalif folded his arms across his chest, before shrugging, "Also, being a legilimens is also a huge advantage as well, wouldn't you agree."
Misha kept his gaze on the older man, before tilting his head in a curious fashion as the other man showed him his two wands, describing both how powerful they were. He knew his own wand was no match, Misha had never been much of a fighter, he had been good at magic, charms but defensive or offensive magic, that wasn't his strong suit, and his wand wasn't anything notable either. But, he left his smirk on face and kept his gaze upon Kalif's "I didn't realise this was a wand measuring contest, I thought we were talking about duels," Misha spoke calmly, "If you wanted to see my wand, Professor Styx, all you have to do is ask," Misha held his gaze as he said it. There was an innocent expression on Misha's face as he spoke, he couldn't help himself with messing around with Kalif. Misha made no comment about the man's ability to read minds, he knew the man was looking to make fun of him, mock him and rub it in his face that Misha had lost, but Misha wasn't going to just take it.
Kalif was caught a little off guard when Haden spoke about wands that were clearly not wands. However, two could play at that game. “Don’t need to. I can already tell there’s not much there to begin with.” Kalif even made the motion down with his eyes before smirking ever so subtly. He sighed and shrugged, “My point is that dueling is an art and if you want to actually win, you need to understand your opponents and the weapons that they use.” Kalif pulled up a chair and sat down, wondering if he would have anything smart to say to that.
Misha smiled innocently at the other man, especially as Kalif rose to Misha's own implications with his words, "Admittedly not, but despite it's little size, it has more than enough stamina to keep up with you, in a duel that is," the man grinned in return, but he listened as the other man continued, he didn't quite know why Styx was there, why he was bothered him, and why they were exchanging vague insults and taunts. He watched the man take a seat and so did the same, he couldn't understand this man's game, was he looking to insult Misha, show off how much he knew about it. Regardless he just shrugged, "That almost sounds like you're offering to teach me how to duel and defend myself," Misha looked at him, "Why Kalif, one might almost think you cared about your dear old pal, the charms professor,"
Kalif scoffed at the very thought of how he could possibly have enough stamina to keep up with him. He did not reply to that, seeing as it did not have much regard to him since he knew the truth. He could wipe the floor with Misha. He had once before. "Well, someone needs to after that performance, but I do not have the time." Kalif folded his arms across his chest, before casting his stare downward for a moment. There was an alternative motive to coming here besides insulting him. There was something else. "Actually, there was something else that has been troubling for a bit." Kalif turned his gaze back to Misha Haden, before trying to find words. "There's been a bit on my mind for over two years now since some things happened at home. Since I know you wouldn't be stupid enough to let this go outside of this room..." Kalif pointed at the office door and it slammed shut. "Would a private dinner for two be considered a date or not. Not with you, obviously." Kalif felt that he had to add that in there in case Haden thought it was about the two of them.
It was truly puzzling to him why Kalif was there and he looked at the man, as the real reason for coming to his classroom was revealed, he wanted advice....This had to be the single most odd conversation that he had ever had with the other man. Their relationship had always been distant and difficult, it had always been a one sided friendship on Misha's half. He wouldn't share it outside of the room, probably not, well, definitely not when the door slammed shut at Kalif's own magic. So this was clearly something important. However, what followed wasn't nearly as important as Misha had thought it might be. Instead it was rather tame, Professor Styx was looking for love advice. Dating advice. "Very much so, unless you've had a conversation with this person where both of you have expressed an interest in remaining friends, then it is most likely a date," Misha replied, but on his tongue were a hundred other questions, and ultimately the desire to run to the professor's common room and tell every other professor that Kalif Styx had asked him, Misha Haden for dating advice.
"The conversation has not happened yet," Kalif commented offhandedly. Which means that what he was setting up, could be looked at as a date. He was not sure what he was feeling, but it was definitely something. "I've not done this since I was in my twenties, so it has been a long time." Kalif sat back a bit in the chair. "I assume you have much more experience in this than I." Kalif hated having to be here for something like this. After all, he felt as though he should know more. Since this was imminent, and didn't have much contact with his brothers, the only other one he could think of would be Misha, or Kingsley.
Misha could feel near giddy with excitement over what Kalif was telling him, the man was going on a date and it was the first time in years. ”And you were in your twenties, in the 1920s right?” the charms professor couldn’t help but joke with him. The man shrugged a little at the comment, he likely did have a little more experience since he was in his late thirties and he was not yet married, dating was more what he did than anything, though he didn’t often try to keep people around too long. His dialence with Kalif’s daughter or half daughter or whatever relation she was to him had been one of his longest running relationships ever. ”Dating is easy Kalif, if this person likes you and you like them, you can use all that usual charm you have and the evening will be amazing,” Misha said, half to almost assure the man that everything would be fine, if the person, male or female had agreed to a date with Kalif then they knew exactly what he was like and didn’t mind that, and wasn’t that half the battle.
"Almost, off by a few decades," Kalif spoke, his eyes narrowed as his sarcasm was even more evident within his eyes. Haden had a way to getting under his skin, but even he had to admit that the man was decent enough at being a professor, so there was that. "The only time an evening would be amazing is if there were no kids or family involved..." Kalif didn't need a date for that, but he was Patriarch. He could have that arranged. The Slytherin Head of House stood up, having learned a little bit anyway. He did not bid goodbye or even end the train of thought. He opened the door with a wave of his hand. He paused as he stood in the entryway. "Remember what I told you. It doesn't leave this room," Kalif warned, as he disappeared into the corridors.
Misha grinned at him when he replied. He could figure that Kalif was likely being a little sarcastic with him, but he didn’t mind too much at all. He was sure that just meant they were becoming even better friends. Some light joking, some playful banter and some advice, all the hallmarks of a friendship between two people. He watched as the defence against the dark arts professor got to his feet and left the room, though not before pausing in the doorway. Misha wasn’t sure he could keep that promise, he was sitting on the best sort of gossip, but for the sake of his friendship with Kalif and the fact he was his best friend, he wouldn’t tell anyone unless he was really pushed for it. He’d keep it quiet, maybe, hopefully, he’d try to keep it quite, ”Bye Kalif! Come back when you need more help!” the man called after him.

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