Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S1

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
If Rāwhiti hadn't already been feeling crap enough about his performance last year, tryouts would have cemented it for him. He knew there were some people on the team who had lost a lot of faith in him as a seeker and leader, but the fact that Soren and Senna hadn't come back at all was a huge blow to the confidence he had slowly been rebuilding. If he couldn't keep his teammates around, what business did he have leading anyone at all? But it was too late to step aside now, all he could do was plough ahead. There were some pretty substantial peculiarities too - Teddy and Milo swapping positions for some reason. While he didn't exactly mind not being compared to Teddy in practices anymore, it was a shame to lose such a talented seeker. Hopefully he'd prove just as talented in front of the hoops. And as far as Milo went... well, if Rāwhiti did worse than him, it might be time to give up the sport all together.

Right now though, he had to keep a cheery face. If he showed distress, the team would see it. He couldn't let his own insecurities poison the team, not before they had even gotten started. So he smiled brightly as the team members old and new joined him on the pitch, leaning on his broom slightly as he greeted them. Once the team was assembled he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Alright, kia ora koutou, thanks everyone for being here. We've had quite a bit of a shakeup in the line up this year, so we've got a lot of work to do to build up our cohesion. We're gonna have one keeper on each side of the pitch, chasers alternate which set of hoops you're going for. I wanna see communication, supportive play, passing, don't just fly back and forth holding the ball. You'll need to get used to working as a unit, so prioritise that. Beaters, give us hell and remember that seekers are the ones the other team are gonna be targeting, so spread the hits around but make sure you're giving us a hard time, we'll need the practice. Milo, mouth closed eyes open. Everyone clear?" He asked, looking around the team for a moment before giving a decisive nod. "Right, let's go!" Rāwhiti blew his whistle and took to the sky, ready to begin his search for the snitch and praying to any god who would listen that Milo wouldn't do better than him.
Milo couldn't believe his eyes when he'd seen the lineup in the common room. Of course he'd made the team again, Raawhiti had some issues maybe as their captain but he wasn't totally unreasonable, but apparently Milo shouldn't have been so confident in the rest of the team. Not only had both Teddy and Fraser beaten him out to getting starting positions this year, but they'd somehow lost multiple experienced chasers. Yeesh, it was going to be hard work this year, Milo thought rolling his eyes as Raawhiti made a point to single him out as he greeted the team.

He'd just have to make sure he really showed Raawhiti he was worth listening to, Milo thought vehemently, kicking into the air to start tracking down the snitch.
Josh was pumped for this years Quidditch games, though he was surprised with the amount of changes that had happened with the team. He was it bit bummed that Senna wasn't part of the team this time around but he knew she had her reasons. Josh stood on the pitch with the rest of the team, nodding along and making sure he understood what was being said. It wasn't long before they were up in the air when practice began. Josh caught the quaffle as it was thrown up and made his way towards one of the hoops.
With everything said and done, Rāwhiti did his best to just shake off the worries. He was in the air, in his home, and he could tune the rest out. Just focus on catching the snitch and pull out of this year-long slump. Rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck, he flew on as he searched the skies for the snitch.
When Josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, and 'whooped' really loudly when he managed to get it in the hoop.
Rāwhiti flew higher, letting the rush of wind clear his mind and soothe his nerves.
Teddy was excited to get started as Keeper this year, and was so happy to get first line up too. He flew up to the hoops but one of the chasers scored before he could do anything, "What- seriously?" He was so annoyed, grabbing the quaffle and throwing it out to play again.
Veronica was glad to have made it onto the team, even if she was an alternate to someone in the same year as her. It was annoying but she would try to make the best of it. She climbed onto her broom and positioned herself in front of the hoops at the other side of the pitch.
Rāwhiti was pleased to see Josh getting right to it, glad he was still around to bring together the new chaser trio. With one eye on the rest of his team, he continued the search for the snitch.
Santiago was ready to hit things. He only half listened to the captain but at least his instructions were clear. And now he had good reason to try and hit Milo as much as he could. He took to the air once practice begun and started to look for bludgers.
Pressing close to his broom, Rāwhiti flew down lower as he carried on trying to track down the snitch.
Santiago flew after bludgers and swung. He made contact with the ball but it didn't land where he aimed.
Teddy flew between the hoops, watching the practice. He could take the time to watch the game now he didn't have to think about the snitch.
Santiago swung and missed again. What was wrong with him? His already questionable mood got worse as he kept flying.
Milo had gotten distracted waiting to see how Teddy and Veronica actually did as Keepers, unsurprised to see the Joshua had scored already. But he needed to focus, especially with Santiago lurking in his peripherals ready to make this seeker debut practice that much harder.
Aurora got up into the air for the practice and did not hit anything.
It almost felt wrong that he had finally made the team. Like it was a fluke or a dream that would be shattered. He got on the broom and into the air, following behind the older chaser nervously. He caught the quaffle as Teddy threw it back out and tried his best to just focus and get to the hoops on the other side.
Josh quickly followed the younger chaser behind, as they had a hold of the quaffle.
Milo tried to keep his elevation varied, aware it made it harder for bludgers to hit him, but it also made it a lot harder to spot the snitch, much to his annoyance.
Fraser managed to get close enough to the hoops and tossed the quaffle, very disappointed in himself when he failed to score.
Teddy watched as Fraser tried to score at the other end of the pitch. Since he wasn't busy, he took the opportunity to get Milo's attention, still annoyed about the spiders prank "Oi Milo, snitch, over there!" He said, pointing to the distance.
Milo turned his broom when he heard Teddy calling his name, scrunching his face up at his roommate. "Hey, Teddy, a quaffle!" He said with mock enthusiasm before flinching when something shot right past his head, whether that was a bludger or the snitch, Milo was too busy trying to keep his balance on his broom.
Santiago kept flying and looking for bludgers.
Aurora missed the bludger she went for.

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