Closed Guitar Strings

Ezra Ito

✌️ Friendly | People Pleaser | Conflict Avoider ✌️
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
2/2046 (15)
Ezra was pretty excited to show Zerrin the basics of playing guitar. He had talked to his roommate about music before and had been delighted by the other boy's interest. He hadn't been able to resist playing a bit of guitar to show off, and then Zerrin asked him to show him some things. Ezra was decent at playing, but he had never taught anyone, so he had asked the boy to meet him in the arts room a few days later, when they didn't have many classes. He figured it would give him some time to prepare for the lesson, though he ended up not really doing that anyway. Still, he was sure he could help Zerrin out a bit, the way his aunt had helped him out. He had taken his own guitar, but had also grabbed one from the wall of the Arts room for Zerrin. Ezra found a seat and started strumming on the guitar as he waited for his friend to join him.
Zerrin had always had a passing interest in music, but he hadn't actually considered playing music until he'd caught Ezra with a guitar. He'd been intensely intrigued, and he couldn't say he wasn't beyond grateful that his friend was willing to give him a few lessons. He grabbed his things before hurrying down to the Arts room, smiling as he walked in and saw his friend. "Hey! That sounds good," He complimented, grabbing a seat near Ezra.
Ezra grinned. "Thanks, but I wasn't really playing yet." He admitted. "How have you been?" He asked, putting the guitar aside for a moment. He knew Zerrin was probably eager to learn, but Ezra also just wanted to catch up with his friend and roommate after the break. "Did you have a nice break?"
Zerrin chuckled. "I can't wait to hear you actually play, then," He teased a bit, running a hand over his hair. "My break was great, I got to hang out with my baby sisters. They're getting so big," He threw his arms out, as if to show how big his sisters were getting, before laughing. "How about you, how was yours?" He returned with a friendly smile.
Ezra grinned at Zerrin's compliment. Moments like this made playing guitar worth it, though Ezra still didn't really enjoy practicing (or playing) that much. He did like showing off with it, so that was something. He nodded as the other boy talked about his break. "How old are your sisters?" He asked, curious. "Mine's coming to Hogwarts next year." He added with a smile. He couldn't wait for Elise to be sorted and really hoped she would be in Hufflepuff with him. "Mine was alright, basically the same as any other break." He added with a small shrug.
Zerrin chuckled. "Holly is two and Floraidh is three," He offered easily. His eyes lit up though as Ezra said his sister was joining the next year. "Oooh, you have a sister? Please tell me more," He asked, leaning in. He was just big on family, and he liked the thought of his friends having siblings. It was a bit of a distraction, sure, but he wasn't in a rush.
Ezra probably should have realized it when Zerrin mentioned his baby sisters, but he still hadn’t expected them to be that young. He was glad he was close in age to his own sister. “Oh, they’re really small.” He said. “I guess you won’t be at Hogwarts with them, then.” He added, as the age difference was definitely too big for that. He smiled as Zerrin asked about his sister. “Her name’s Elise and she’s great, I hope she’ll be in Hufflepuff too.”
Zerrin shook his head. "Well, they're my half siblings, technically. My mom met Frasers dad a while ago, and Fraser and me are best friends, and then mom and dad really hit it off. They've been together a while now, mom and me moved in, and then along came the girls." He explained. "I might not have them in school with me, but I do have Fraser, and we can totally do it together." He smiled brightly. He nodded eagerly as Ezra spoke about his own sister. "That would be great! Even if she isn't, she can totally hang out with us all the time," He offered.
Ezra listened as Zerrin explained his family situation, he tilted his head a bit as he tried to make sense of it. "Oh, sounds complicated." He said. "But at least it was your best friend you're now sort of related to?" He didn't think he would like it very much if he suddenly had step-siblings, but maybe if it was someone like Dorian it wouldn't be that bad. The idea of his dad remarrying was too painful, though, so Ezra pushed it from his mind. Ezra nodded at Zerrin's suggestion. "Yeah! She's really cool." He told the other boy.
Zerrin laughed lightly. "Yeah! I'm glad we're all a family now." He nodded easily. His smile brightened as Ezra spoke about his little sister. "She sounds cool," He agreed happily. "Do you have any other family?" He asked, genuinely curious about his friend now that they were on the topic.
Ezra still felt uneasy. He couldn't help but mentally compare Zerrin's situation to his own. Was it common? Was it likely his dad would remarry and bring a bunch of new siblings into Ezra's life? He really hoped not. He was glad the conversation moved on. "It's just us and my dad at home, but I have a bunch of aunts and uncles." He said. "My aunt Vera is the best, she's in a bad. Do you know the band Ashes?"
Zerrin's eyes lit up. "Of course I do!" He countered immediately, smiling brightly. "Vera Ito is your aunt?" He asked, almost astonished. "She's like- like the best drummer ever! Though I think Leo is really my favorite, he plays the guitar so well!" He laughed, shyly now, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I got a little excited there, huh?"

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